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The Supreme Court and its justices

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These conservatives recently installed after being appointed by Trump are going to set this country back to the 1940s - doing their part to make America great again (for conservative Caucasians who claim to also be Christians). And they'll have plenty of assistance from Alito, Roberts and (blech) Thomas.

I came across this article this morning and after reading it I couldn't find any faults with the author's retelling of the events which occurred and landed Clarence Thomas on the bench for life, in 1991. I even learned a few 'minor things' which occurred in the background (because President Joe Biden steered them into obscurity - as he was working in concert with Republicans to land this particular jerkwad onto the court).

This is faithful to history for anyone who wants a refresher or younglings who were born in the 80s/90s/00s and never learned about this sordid chapter of appointing a new justice. His wife, Ginny - attempted to overthrow the 2020 election as well and he won't recuse himself from hearing anything related to that incident which comes before the court.

This author has made it his mission to find justice for the victims of Jeffrey Epstein - some of you may know of him.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Over 300 years of an unelected lifetime god kings appointed by the richest and most powerful. The system never worked, it’s just slightly more apparent now that the internet has made them more visible.

Now it comes out that Alito, next to Thomas, one of the obvious degenerates wearing a robe on that court - was flying an American flag upside down - after the January 6th, 2021 insurrection.

And he isn't recusing himself from sitting in on any hearings involving Trump or those who tried to overthrow the government on that abysmal day.

SCOTUS has been rigged by the GQP for the last 20 years.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

I’m more interested in the movements of the ICC than our Supreme Court. Just put out an arrest warrant for Israel’s top brass for genocide.

America has countered with a resounding ‘ uh-uh’ and threatened the international courts with retaliation.

To your point the GOP got to pick the Supreme Court bench because the Democrats kept trying to leverage dying judges against voters to force their support.

Ginsburg was 87 and had been having close calls for years. She missed a number of important cases and no one called for her retirement. Instead it was used as an election issue in 2016 and low and behold they handed Trump the election and gave him full power to put in a new little god king of American law who cannot be removed for the next 50 years.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Now that the Supreme Court has made any president into a king who chooses to corruptly use the power granted them by six Republicans on the Supreme Court, the next step will be to end all prosecution of Donald Trump, now and for forever.

Clarence Thomas — writing on behalf of the billionaires who have been bribing him, Alito, Cavanaugh, and Gorsuch — initiated the process with Friday’s “the president is a monarch” decision, reversing the Revolutionary War. He wrote in his concurring opinion:

“I write separately to highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure. In this case, the Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States. But, I am not sure that any office for the Special Counsel has been ‘established by Law,’ as the Constitution requires.

“By requiring that Congress create federal offices ‘by Law,’ the Constitution imposes an important check against the President—he cannot create offices at his pleasure. If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution. A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President.”

In other words, Jack Smith should go back to the Hague and prosecute European war criminals, because American war criminals and fascists — as long as they hold the office of the presidency or are former Republican presidents — are now officially immune.

While Thomas’ opinion isn’t entirely reflected in the larger Court’s opinion, it’s reasonable to assume it’ll be the next step once a lawsuit against Smith’s appointment reaches the “fascist six.”

As many have speculated in the past 24 hours, President Biden could use his newfound powers to order the arrest and imprisonment of those corrupt Supreme Court justices for bribery, Donald Trump for any one of the hundreds of crimes he committed while in office and afterwards, and even rightwing talk show hosts for encouraging sedition.

But he won’t. He’s a good man who believes in the America we had before six corrupt Republican Supreme Court justices changed everything. So Biden will, no doubt, continue to hold to the old laws, consequences be damned.

Donald Trump, of course, will not be so restrained. The parallels between last week’s Supreme Court decision and Germany’s Enabling Acts — which were similarly ratified by the German Supreme Court right after Hitler took power in March, 1933 — are startling.

That collection of laws ruled that whatever Hitler said in the context of an “official act” instantly became the law of the land. For all practical purposes, as the nation’s leader he became immune from prosecution under the laws that applied to every other normal German or elected politician.

In a very real sense, therefore, one could argue that the six corrupt, bought-and-paid-for Republicans on the Supreme Court just initiated the process of the Nazification of America.

By any reasonable standard, including the code of ethics by which every federal judge must live and operate, at the very least Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito should have recused themselves from this decision. Thomas‘s wife, after all, was an actual participant in the attempted overthrow of our government for which Trump is being prosecuted, and Sam Alito and his wife proudly proclaimed their loyalty to that seditious overthrow attempt by flying flags to that effect.

And, had those two not been so vociferously arguing on behalf of Trump and his fascist proclamations and crimes, it’s remotely possible that, at the least, Barrett and Roberts may not have gone along with this morally and politically criminal decision.

But the “well-bribed two,” after ruling last week that their bribes were merely “gratuities,” prevailed, and we live now in a new America that would be unrecognizable to Washington, Jefferson, Paine, Hamilton, or Adams.

It’s been said so often that it’s now almost a cliché, but it is no longer possible to even feebly deny that, of our two political parties, one is still devoted to our Founders’ ideal of a secular democratic republic and the other, the Republican Party, is fully committed to a form of government last seen on this continent in the Confederate states when they ended democracy, instituted a brutal police state, and fought a war to try to destroy democracy in the north.

It’s been often noted that this November’s election will be the most important in our history. Tragically, alongside the election of 1860, that is now irrefutably true.

If ever there was a time to volunteer with one of the many fine organizations, or join your local Democratic Party, to help encourage people to vote this fall, that time is now. It will be our last chance.

--Thomas Hartmann (The Hartmann Report)

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Here's a conspiracy occurring right in front of our eyes. From the liars aboard SCOTUS.

Five of the six justices who ruled that Trump has absolute immunity for “core” presidential duties sung a different tune at their confirmation hearings.

Collective amnesia seems to have struck the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, especially around the question: Is the president above the law?

Five of the six conservative justices who ruled to give the president absolute immunity for “core” presidential duties seem to have made contradictory statements during their Senate confirmation hearings.

“No man is above the law,” Neil Gorsuch told Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) during his confirmation hearing in 2017.

Gorsuch even doubled down, calling the court’s landmark 1952 decision in Youngstown v. Sawyer, which reigned in presidential authority, a “brilliant opinion.”

Similarly, Brett Kavanaugh told the Senate that “no one is above the law” during his 2018 confirmation hearing, according to CNN. Amy Coney Barrett concurred during her hearing, but like Kavanaugh, obfuscated on presidential pardons, according to The New York Times.

“That question may or may not arise, but that is one that calls for legal analysis of what the scope of the pardon power is,” Barrett told the Senate on the extent of the presidential pardon.

Kavanaugh told the Senate, “The question of self pardons is something I have never analyzed.”

In Samuel Alito’s confirmation hearing he told the senate that “no president, Democratic or Republican, no president is above the law, as neither are you, nor I, nor anyone in this room.”

Alito also praised the Youngstown ruling, adding that during Watergate it was “the responsibility of the judiciary to hold fast,” in forcing President Nixon to abide by subpoenas.

Chief Justice John Roberts concurred, citing Youngstown as binding the president to the law.

“Senator, I believe that no one is above the law under our system, and that includes the president,” he said in his 2005 confirmation hearing. “The president is fully bound by the law, the Constitution and statutes. Now, there often arise issues where there’s a conflict between the Legislature and the Executive over an exercise of Executive authority, asserted Executive authority. The framework for analyzing that is in the Youngstown Sheet and Tube case, the famous case coming out of President Truman’s seizure of the steel mills.”

Presidential pardons, Youngstown and presidential immunity were not discussed in Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearing.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Quote by WellMadeMale

Why did Anthony Kennedy resign from the Supreme Court in 2018 at the age of 82, instead of holding on to that revered position for as long as he could - like Ginsburg succeeded in doing?

Unfortunately RBG's refusal to step down when she was in such poor health cost the moderates a seat on the Court and allowed Trump to appoint 3 justices. And I was always in awe of RBG's legal acumen and her writings. If there is one person in the country who deserves to be arrested under the new SCOTUS doctrine that provides immunity, it's Mitch McConnell for twisting the Constituttion to deny Obama the ability to appoint a justice of his choice.

It looks like Trump will win this election. If a liberal judge dies or retires in the next 4 years, SCOTUS wilI get another right-wing judge to add to their majority.


Quote by Buz

It looks like Trump will win this election. If a liberal judge dies or retires in the next 4 years, SCOTUS wilI get another right-wing judge to add to their majority.


And that will affect this country for generations. And cause more damage to the Constitution than anything Trump could do in 4 more years in office.

Harris is going to rick-roll this convicted /criminal and his couch fucking VP partner in perversion. The house will fall into Democratic control. The Senate lead will increase for Dems. No more fucking playing nicey nice with the remaining McConnell Republicans like Obama attempted to do.

Then we get to reform the supreme court and stamp out future tea-party/GQP nazi, christian nationalist Putin puppets. Fuck a bunch of these culture warriors and their attacks on our freedoms and progress into this century.

Liberal progressives own handguns and rifles too. I also like the smell of spent gunpowder, burnt diesel and lightning produced ozone.

And 73% combusted concentrates.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.