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Donald J Trump, The Criminal and Grifter

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LOL, here we go again.


Are you Chrysis back from the dead? 🤣

What a pile of buffalo chips!

Quote by PissedOffWhiteGirl

They have complete oversight. It’s the failure of Democrats to demand impeachment and removal.

They should, but it’s also a doomed endeavor. If the can actually muster the support for impeachment with a simple majority (which is already unlikely) removal takes 2/3 vote from the senate. It’s a waste of time. Of course everything else they do is a waste of time so go ahead I guess.

If Clarence Thomas bit the head off a baby on live TV the Republicans wouldn’t vote for removal.

I am extremely pessimistic about the future political landscape in the USA. Barring a felony conviction, it really looks like that lying corrupt turd, Donald Trump will be going into The White House.

I currently don't think Biden has a chance. His obvious signs of senility and severe aging are making him extremely vulnerable.

Trump is picking up steam and gaining new supporters.

I hope l am very wrong.

Quote by Buz

I am extremely pessimistic about the future political landscape in the USA. Barring a felony conviction, it really looks like that lying corrupt turd, Donald Trump will be going into The White House.

I currently don't think Biden has a chance. His obvious signs of senility and severe aging are making him extremely vulnerable.

Trump is picking up steam and gaining new supporters.

I hope l am very wrong.

Apparently Trump's senility only works in his favor.


Quote by Buz

I am extremely pessimistic about the future political landscape in the USA. Barring a felony conviction, it really looks like that lying corrupt turd, Donald Trump will be going into The White House.

I currently don't think Biden has a chance. His obvious signs of senility and severe aging are making him extremely vulnerable.

Trump is picking up steam and gaining new supporters.

I hope l am very wrong.

I have yet to see this senility of Biden which ALL of the GQP are claiming he's afflicted by, and now some moderate republican anti-trumpers are even claiming this to be 'factual'.

I do see Trump confusing people (as he's attempting to cut 'em down verbally), making claims of all of HIS fantastic achievements the last time he occupied the Oval - as well as just being a demented old farthammer and totally fucking up the English language when he mumbles, yells, and makes unrealistic demands.

I think Biden is going to mop the floor with Trump - AGAIN.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Quote by WellMadeMale

I have yet to see this senility of Biden which ALL of the GQP are claiming he's afflicted by, and now some moderate republican anti-trumpers are even claiming this to be 'factual'.

I do see Trump confusing people (as he's attempting to cut 'em down verbally), making claims of all of HIS fantastic achievements the last time he occupied the Oval - as well as just being a demented old farthammer and totally fucking up the English language when he mumbles, yells, and makes unrealistic demands.

I think Biden is going to mop the floor with Trump - AGAIN.

tRump is a mean, vengeful, narcissistic, lying, criminal asshole, and probably a .. But he is picking up steam, rather big. And it is because Biden is not inspiring and is obviously, to anyone with open eyes, extremely senile. And can barely walk. And Biden is badly losing the control of the southern border. That is one huge thing playing against him in the polls. Plus, the news media is not eagerly selling how well the economy is coming back, while the rightwing mouthpieces keep saying it is failing (when it reality it is not).

People are very uninspired and apathetic by this election. Our antiquated two-party system is failing us badly.

Jeff, you fail to see the numbers growing in the direction of rightwing extremism. Look at the popularity of Fox News, despite the fact that they gave been proven, in court, to be liars and a rightwing mouthpiece.

Now we have Newsmax and OANN growing in popularity and spewing far right garbage propaganda. Meanwhile, news sources like CNN and MSNBC continue to drop in viewership.

All tRump has to do is pick up a few hundred thousand votes in those states he narrowly lost in 2020, but won in 2016, and he is the Electoral College elected president again. And the left and moderates seem much more apathetic than the right. If Biden can't get the moderates out strongly in his favor, then it will be tRump in 2024.

I applaud Biden for sticking to his guns on helping Ukraine and Israel. Plus, the economy is coming back. Actually, it is very strong in some states. There is a big economic boom in Georgia. And my business is thriving under Biden. I'd rather keep the status as it is.

Just like Hillary in 2016, Biden can win the popular vote but lose the election. I don't see Biden mopping up. But there is still time.

At this point, who knows how the congress and senate will go. Be prepared, though, for a very disappointing election in 2024.

Quote by Magical_felix

lol I hope he does it again

tRump's mindless minions will eagerly donate the 83 million to tRump's account to pay this. But, very few of these kind of monetary lawsuit victories are actually ever paid. Lawyers will hold this up for years until they wear her side down into taking a miniscule settlement.

The system was created and adjusted by the super rich and mega-corporations to protect them.

To be fair, the economy is failing terribly. It depends on the metrics you use. Biden will tout things like stock prices and GDP, these metrics only affect the rich. When they rise the rich get richer.

Alternatively if you look at simple metrics such as family income, inflation, home ownership, ect… we’ll the economy is an abject failure. It’s been going downhill for decades so you can’t lump that onto any one administration.

If the Democrats truly cared about winning elections they would focus on the priorities of the poor and middle class. Unfortunately they have the same economic policies as the Republicans.

Biden’s environmental scorecard is also worse than Trumps was, pushing through many controversial pipelines after publicly ending one. Allowing Manchin to have an oversized influence on all bills was foolish. Having a coal tycoon writing environmental policies is like asking the weasel to guard the henhouse.

When a politician is going for reelection the constituents will ask, “what have they done for me.” As always, the Democrats came in with promises and delivered nothing.

Also the Ukraine situation is unpopular for a reason. When you have billions being invested in a foreign war that you kinda started people will get angry. Teachers have to use their low wages to buy students supplies, congress sends a gaggle of tanks to the Ukraine.

And Israel, my god I don’t know where to start on why that’s unpopular. We are actively supporting a genocide. Israel has murdered 25,000 people in a few months. Most are civilians. The bodies of children are over the news every day. Recent videos show stuff like the Israeli army gunning down an old woman holding a white flag. This is nothing more than American colonialism with a middle man. More republicans support that war than the left and Biden’s Cold War era policies are tremendously unpopular with his base and will not win people over from Trump. It’s stupidity as a re-election strategy and morally reprehensible as a government policy.

Quote by RowanThorn

Also the Ukraine situation is unpopular for a reason. When you have billions being invested in a foreign war that you kinda started people will get angry.

Perhaps you're just voicing what you think voters believe, but it kinda sounds like you're falling for the Russian propaganda here.


Only the far left agrees with your take Rowan. There are just as many, and probably more, far rightwingers in the USA right now. It is the middle that wins elections. and I think they are moving away from the views of the left. They may not like the right, but I think more of the middle finds the right more tolerable. I may not agree with that, but that is what I see growing.

The Republicans have been super vulnerable for quite awhile, but the Democrats are so far off target they can't take advantage of that.

You're right about the poor and middle class. That was the base for the Democrats for a long time, but the Democrats are no longer in touch with the values of the American middle class and poor. If anything, they are starting to turn to the far right, though they will never get anything from them. But the new liberalism isn't working or attracting them, only young liberally educated elitists. And that turns off the working class masses.

The pendulum is in constant motion and its swinging away from liberalism. Where that takes the world may not be a very good place. But things have never been perfect and won't ever be.

The world is changing and it may suck worse than ever.

This is just an assessment of where things are,

I would say calling it a pendulum isn’t correct. It’s a ratchet. The Republicans ratchet the country two turns to the right. The Democrats pull it one to the left and have no interest in going further than that. Biden as a Democrat is politically identical to Reagan in many ways. Same nationalistic views, economic goals, ect.

However most polling shows that on individual issues the nation leans much more progressive than it used to. However the political landscape controls which candidates you are allowed to vote for. Without money and backing by the richest people in the world any candidate is doomed. Same people who pick candidates are the ones who control the news and media.

Kentucky was a great example on the last election. Democrats had two candidates in the primary to go against McConnell. One was a progressive who ran a grass roots campaign. The other was an extremely right leaning moderate who had previously lost an election quite badly to McConnell. In polling the progressive had a legitimate chance to beat the Republican, the moderate lost terribly. The Democrat party and donors poured tens of millions into the campaign in the primary. The ad budget on the Democrats chosen vs the moderate was something like 20:1. The progressive lost a close primary. I’m the general election the democrats spent less money than the primary and got the predictable loss everyone knew was coming.

The rich who control media and political donations fear progressives more than Trump. The people, especially the younger generations do not.

Quote by RowanThorn

The history of Ukraine didn’t start with the Russian invasion. Admitting fault in one countries colonialism isn’t condoning another.

You're pushing the Libertarian points of view and they're not that much different from GQP points of view, which are aligned with Putin's point of view. The CATO Institute is a good place to find articles blaming Democrats for all that's wrong in the world.

Thanks for that!

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Quote by WellMadeMale

You're pushing the Libertarian points of view and they're not that much different from GQP points of view, which are aligned with Putin's point of view. The CATO Institute is a good place to find articles blaming Democrats for all that's wrong in the world.

Thanks for that!

Are you arguing the history laid out in the article or simply the source?

Quote by RowanThorn

The history of Ukraine didn’t start with the Russian invasion. Admitting fault in one countries colonialism isn’t condoning another.

The history of Ukraine indeed didn't start with the current Russian invasion. History is full of Russian provocations, and beyond, regarding Ukraine.

The US did not 'kinda start' the war, Russia started the war. The US can be blamed for many wrong doings when it comes to its foreign policy (the unconditional support for Israel comes to mind), but Russia's invasion of Ukraine is not one of them.


Quote by Buz

Only the far left agrees with your take Rowan.

No, it's very much the far right too. *)

The far left is often stuck in the view that all that is bad in this world is the fault of the US/the West, and theirs only. And then there are some old communists who still have a soft spot for Russia as the heir of the USSR.

And on the far right there are are many who get a boner from Putin's fascist politics, the one strong leader and such bullshit: Donald Trump, Victor Orbán, Marine Le Pen and here in the Netherlands Thierry Baudet to name a few.
Some of them (did) get financial support from Russia.


*) Edit; I was assuming you were talking about Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but in hindsight that was not the the case. Oh well ;)


Oh, well.

Quote by RowanThorn

Are you arguing the history laid out in the article or simply the source?

I don't bother to read the drivel spewed from Republicans, GQP or Libertarians. Didn't your parents teach you not to wallow in sewage ditches, in your youth? At this rate, next you'll be quoting Jesse Watters.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Quote by WellMadeMale

I don't bother to read the drivel spewed from Republicans, GQP or Libertarians. Didn't your parents teach you not to wallow in sewage ditches, in your youth? At this rate, next you'll be quoting Jesse Watters.

Well that really lowers your ability to assess anything, doesn’t it? If you’ll only enter echo chambers than functionally you’re politics and ways of thinking are as stagnant and rigid as any member of the far right.

I linked an article that puts out the timeline of IS involvement in Ukraine and how America bears much of the responsibility for the political situation of the area. You could either argue those points or present a counter narrative. Doing neither is simply sticking your fingers in your ears.

I read articles and publications that don’t align with my beliefs. It allows me to counter those arguments by finding the fault in the thinking, fact check claims, and possibly change my view if the evidence suggests I was wrong in my beliefs.

The world isn’t black and white. Your political enemies might make valid points and concerns even if you don’t agree with what they do with that information. Admitting America’s role in Ukraine over the past few decades might align with Putin’s account, but it’s not an endorsement of his war.

Who even cares as long as they get Biden also!!🍷

A secret isn't a secret if 2 know it🤐

Quote by RowanThorn

Are you arguing the history laid out in the article or simply the source?

Perhaps you could check out other points of view from sources which do not only seek to dunk on Clinton, Obama and Biden Democrats - and read up on the history of the collapse of the Soviet Union, and how come they never joined NATO. Were they ever invited to join NATO? Did Putin ever approach NATO about Russia joining them?

Did you know the Soviet Union once inquired about them joining NATO?

Here's another CATO article (from 2021) seeking to cast blame on Bill Clinton's 'aggressive foreign policy' - How did Bill Clinton mess up after the collapse of the USSR? (was my search criteria)

Or you could just ask Google:

How did America screw up, helping Russia after the USSR collapse in 1989 - you might have gotten back the same dozen pages I did. NATO's website guide here, was one I chose -- and I'm biased toward NATO and their purpose.

De-Bunking Russian Disinformation on NATO

Why wasn't Russia invited to join NATO after the 1989 collapse of the USSR? This yielded a goldmine to dive into.

In March 1954, the Soviets then sent the Western allies a proposal for the USSR to join NATO. In a letter to Georgy Malenkov, then the USSR's head of state, and Communist Party General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, Molotov laid out the benefits of joining the North Atlantic Pact.

He wrote the action "would make things difficult for the organizers of the North Atlantic bloc and would emphasize its supposedly defensive character, so that it would not be directed against the USSR."

Molotov wanted to join NATO because it would end the proposed anti-Soviet European Defense Community (a treaty that was never ratified) while undermining the planned rearmament of West Germany. It would also have forced the bulk of American military forces and bases to leave Europe.

Fortunately, NATO rejected the proposal because "the USSR's membership of the organization would be incompatible with its democratic and defensive aims." West Germany eventually rearmed and joined NATO in 1955, which led to the formation of the Warsaw Pact, the Soviets' own defensive alliance.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Did America try to assist Russia after the USSR collapse? (**my bad -- the Berlin wall fell in 1989, the USSR ceased to exist on December 25, 1991)

(From 2012)

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

This was after he attacked Haley for not having her spouse attend her campaign events. For context his wife has not been attending campaign events either and her husband is in the military and deployed overseas.

The projection…

Quote by Magical_felix

Trump having a normal one

It will not affect the loyalty of his brainwashed worshipping sheep. He could come out and say he is God, and the trumpernation would fall to their knees and bow down to him. Trump is the new Hitler.

Judge Engoron has just announced the total fine in the Trump New York Fraud case to be $364 Million and a 3 Year ban on Real Estate in New York.

My crystal predicts 5 years of drawn out appeals followed by a bankruptcy filing resulting in not one red cent paid.