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Donald J Trump, The Criminal and Grifter

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Quote by RowanThorn

My crystal predicts 5 years of drawn out appeals followed by a bankruptcy filing resulting in not one red cent paid.

I have a feeling he is going to successfully destroy the systems we have.

legal, gvt.

so bad.

The fact that Trump is an absolute immoral crook in business and all financial matters does not seem to negatively affect his cultish horde of worshippers. They consume his lies as a fact. It is disgusting and shows a real moral decay and lack of intellectual thought amongst the masses.

If Trump goes back into the White House, he will destroy the republic, any semblance of democracy, and our system of laws. He doesn't hide his admiration for dictators and wants to be one.

If it comes down to Trump and Biden in a dead heat in the polls, I may have to scrap my desire to vote a write-in and just vote Biden, even though I think he is too senile for the job. At least the system of checks and balances can be saved if it is him rather than Trump.

I wish that Trump's fine would have to come out of only his pocket, but we all know he'll have his followers donate their money, which they can ill afford, to pay it for him. Trump is scum!

Donate to your favorite best most excellent US President ever - as he rages against the machinery of the snowflake liberal leftist communists, intent on reshaping America and collapsing democracy.

Support your candidate. Help him fend off the communists. Prop up your next dictator with your dollars and cents!

He only needs 450 million of your dollars. Make your donation a repeating monthly or weekly contribution!

The goldmine is in the comments section...

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

It’s not even his money. He’ll appeal for years and file bankruptcy to avoid debts (as he has 7 times before). If only government fines against a business were enforced like a student loan. 17 year old kid signs a contract and it’s a lifetime inescapable debt. A company with an army of accountants, lawyers, and rich assholes violates the law and they can file away their problems and reform the next week.

The fund raising by Trump is especially funny because that’s going straight into his pocket.

Surely the bestest shoe ever!



Quote by noll

Surely the bestest shoe ever!


Sans the dumb flag, I got my kid these shoes when he was a toddler. Cost me 19.95 and they lit up.

* The most likely possibility is that it was inspired by Fred Trump. The second most likely is that the screenwriter is a time traveling witch.

--In this 1958 episode from the western TV series TRACKDOWN, a con man named Trump comes to town and warns the citizens that the world will soon be destroyed and that ONLY HE can save them. By building a wall.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Lol, I wonder if this is blasphemy or not.

House Democrats have introduced a bill that would strip Secret Service protection from convicted felons sentenced to prison, a move directly targeting former President Trump who is currently on criminal trial in New York City for alleged hush money payments made during the 2016 election campaign and faces several other cases which could land him behind bars.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., the former chair of the now disbanded Jan. 6 congressional committee, introduced legislation that would automatically nix Secret Service protection for those who have been convicted of a federal or state felony that carries a minimum one-year prison term. 

The proposed bill is provocatively called the "Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

The acronym reminds of of The Kids Next Door.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Quote by RowanThorn

Deliberately misreporting earned foreign income, over reporting charitable donations, and under the table bonus payments received. It’s actually all available publicly at this point.

I fail to note actual nepotism or insider trading in any of this.

Insider trading is what made Nancy Pelosi famous. If you want to point out the nepotism aspect - compare it to the nepotism shown to Jared and Ivanka Kushner by former President Orangutan - then maybe I can believe you.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Compare the behavior of: 1) the Secret Service and 2) The intended victim/target of the assassin - by watching this 40 plus year old video of RAWHIDE (the SS callsign for Prez Reagan) when he got thrown violently and quickly into his armoured limousine after he was shot by Hinckley.

The SS does a lot more than just offer blanket protection for Presidents - but the behavior of the SS last Saturday, keeping Trump in the target zone for nearly 2 minutes on that stage so he could put his shoes on and then fist pump and mouth his exortations - while supposedly not knowing if there was more than 1 active shooter - is an indicator that something is amiss with this entire situation.

The SS fucked up bigtime in 1963 in Dallas and then again July 13, 2024. On purpose or simply because they are Asleep-at-the-Wheel Buffoons?

Reagan was bruised up by the actions of the Secret Service throwing him away from ANY and ALL shooters as quickly as possible. And then Reagan didn't use the shooting to try to grift donations from his GOP base in the days and weeks afterwards. Nor did he and his campaign staff attempt to use repeated showings of the available footage in his 1983/84 campaign video advertisements - as the current Dictator in Chief is doing now.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

The Wombat is front and center on the stage - look how far he had to have turned his obese body and pumpkin head to his right side - to have his face pointed, so that the shot - when fired - traveling like lightening in a straight line - flew parallel to his skull - so that it could have sawed off the top part of his ear.

At most it was 1 millimeter from taking a chunk out of his right eyebrown/skull and misting the air with bone fragments.

Trump's timing was impeccably perfect in order to survive with a grazing from a slightly tumbling AR round. It should've shaved off the top of his ear - without deafening him as it whizzed past his ear opening at full velocity. The normal wildly gesticulating, doddering off balance Trump wasn't even looking at 99% of the crowd, at that second.

School children have been getting nailed by these same rounds for over 20 years and their injuries are described as horrifically gruesome. Trump gets a scratch in comparison.

Sounds legit.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

These conspiracy theories are just silly. Mr. Occam doesn’t mind if your burrow his razor.

Young white kid obsessed with gun culture trying to make a name for himself missed a very, very hard shot. Honestly I’m just glad he picked a Trump rally instead of a pre-school.

I'd rather see Kamala dancing the pole than the Wombat who can't even walk down a ramp without someone holding him steady. Diaper Don is in deep shit of his making. Literally and figuratively.

The blue tsunami of 2018 is going to roll these authoritarian bastards back out to the deep end of the ocean in November. Again, for the 4th straight election cycle. Unveiling their Project 2025 - along with all their other SCOTUS decisions since 2022 - are going to combine to crush 'em.

I'm standing in line for summa that.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

he says he picks the very best people.

that vp - couldn't get any goofier than him,.

Quote by RowanThorn

These conspiracy theories are just silly. Mr. Occam doesn’t mind if your burrow his razor.

Young white kid obsessed with gun culture trying to make a name for himself missed a very, very hard shot. Honestly I’m just glad he picked a Trump rally instead of a pre-school.

You prefer simple things. Easier to just move on, put things behind you.

I'm sure you also believe Oswald the lone assassin was firing magical right angle turning bullets into the President's limousine in Dallas 60 years ago also. Your type always reverts to muttering 'Conspiracy Theories' when you don't wish to think critically.

POOF - you make all other arguments disappear with a simple slur. Usually that spills from maga mouths when they don't wish to use what little brain power they've developed over the course of their lives.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

No, usually Maga goes for the same set of convoluted logic you are employing here. Ignoring logic, common sense, or basic physical evidence.

It really makes you look just as foolish as a MAGA Karen.

There is so much to criticize Trump about and so many overt things he’s said and done. You actually lower the cause against him by attaching to these raving theories.

Here, today he said he wanted to make it so people will never have to vote again. Go talk about that. That’s a legitimate statement to pick apart.

Quote by RowanThorn

No, usually Maga goes for the same set of convoluted logic you are employing here. Ignoring logic, common sense, or basic physical evidence.

It really makes you look just as foolish as a MAGA Karen.

There is so much to criticize Trump about and so many overt things he’s said and done. You actually lower the cause against him by attaching to these raving theories.

Here, today he said he wanted to make it so people will never have to vote again. Go talk about that. That’s a legitimate statement to pick apart.

Rowan thinks Trump’s ear was hit by a bullet shot by a rifle and then grew back the next day because that’s the simplest explanation.

Oh, I’m sure it was a concentrated effort from the secret service, FBI, KGB, Donald Trump himself, and dozens and dozens of RNC members with 100% of these people perfectly acting and staying silent about everything. Then they faked all evidence and lab results, again with not one person stepping forward.

All of course to get more votes at a time when he was facing off against Biden and had an assured victory.

Please, absolute clowns.

Trump can’t even go off teleprompter without blabbing some shit he should keep to himself.

Honestly y’all want this Cheeto to be an idiot and a Machiavellian genius at the same time.

Quote by RowanThorn

Oh, I’m sure it was a concentrated effort from the secret service, FBI, KGB, Donald Trump himself, and dozens and dozens of RNC members with 100% of these people perfectly acting and staying silent about everything. Then they faked all evidence and lab results, again with not one person stepping forward.

All of course to get more votes at a time when he was facing off against Biden and had an assured victory.

Please, absolute clowns.

Trump can’t even go off teleprompter without blabbing some shit he should keep to himself.

Honestly y’all want this Cheeto to be an idiot and a Machiavellian genius at the same time.

Please relax, I’m agreeing with you, the official story is correct. Trump was shot in the ear by a rifle, his ear grew back the next day and that’s it! What’s your problem..