I think the fathers should be charged for not keeping a leash on the rugrats.
Stupid not to secure guns around kids.
Agreed Chef gun safes are cheap.
Or, crazy thought, maybe the whole idea of keeping a house full of guns is just a bad one to begin with. Especially handguns. It's not like you're gonna go hunting with a 9mm pistol. And if you want a pistol to shoot for fun, then keep it at the fucking target range, not under your bed, or even up on a high shelf in your house with a trigger lock.
The only gun control I favor is a firm grip.
The problem with responsible owners is that there are so few of them. Gun safe is a nice oxymoron; the only safe gun is a disassembled gun. Preferably kept somewhere outside of the home.
I feel sorry for the kids. Their curiosity gets the better of them and the adults aren't doing their job of protecting them.
I think that's just it Lisa. And those are the first people that yell lawsuit as soon as their offspring gets shot. "well, I thought it was unloaded" Also teaching kids gun safety is a good idea as well. Trigger locks are good too.
What ever happened to when a kid is quiet in another room, the parent gets off their lazy ass to find out what it's doing?
I know! Kids plus silence equals trouble in my experience. It only takes a few seconds to go check on them.
It's the same with all the drownings that happen over here during summer. No matter how many of them occur, young kids are still not being supervised properly.
Yeah, the parents give up responsibility and blame everything else.
Being that we're in Florida we see a lot of drownings as well as gator bites. One kid climbed a fence while granny was sleeping and got ate by a gator. So they killed the gator. Who the hell sleeps while a 3/4/5 year old is running the house?
I'm scared of gators Chef!!
People don't kill people, GUNS kill people said Peter Griffin
And we all know what a genius he is.KMhbxIjgaa0IXMMU
Ya know everyone blames the gun it is not totally the guns fault they do what they were intended to it is the person behind the gun that really determines how it is used. Shooting can be fun as well and that is the part of guns as well as for protection that I like. When used properly they are a useful tool. Just my opinion.
Yup. I have a nice big one loaded beside me almost all the time.
Guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people. Guns just get the bullets going really, really fast.
I sent your quote to a cop friend of mine and he sent me these facts. As well as sporting injury facts. I believe him. I have several guns and know how to safely use them. Anyone that has them should know how to safely use them. If kids get shot, it's not the guns fault or the kids fault, they're aliens anyway. It's the people that brought them into the world to begin with that are to blame. Whether they're at home or a friends house, someone had better either be watching them at all times or be smart enough to teach them about firearms and safety.