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Guns! Yaaay!!

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I don't deny the accuracy of the statistics you cited. But the first thing I did was to look at who compiled them and see what their agenda might be. The Unified Sportsmen of Florida couldn't sound more pro-gun lobby. Then I looked at the statistics and noticed that none of them addresses the original point I made. Gun ownership may be safer than it was in 1904, sure. So are lots of things. That is irrelevant to the question of the safety of gun ownership as opposed to non-ownership, which is the point I was making.

I agree that many people have guns and use guns safely and all that jazz. The problems I have are that no matter how careful you are, accidents happen; when accidents happen with firearms it's very rarely a happy ending. Do I blame the gun? No, not at all. I blame stupid, irresponsible parents. And I blame a culture that glorifies violence, so that instead of any sense of nervousness, a kid feels like that 9mm is his ticket to coolness. And I blame organisations like the NRA who equate freedom with guns, as though if you are opposed to people keeping guns in their home, you're somehow an enemy of democracy.

Do I blame guns? No. Nonetheless, it makes sense to me to keep them as far as possible from those who tend to do damage with them.
What do you supposed the ATF has in this agenda? I always see them as the ones trying to get guns out of stupid peoples hands.
As for when accidents with firearms having an unhappy ending, I agree with you and still think it's a good idea. I like the thought of natural selection. Always have. Same with gator "attacks" and fireworks. Thin out the dumbasses is a good idea.
The ATF was not involved at all in the presentation of the statistics you gave. The Unified Sportsmen used ATF data; that doesn't mean the ATF were actively involved; you know that.

If it were always the retarded adults that wound up bleeding out in the bedroom floor, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I don't ever think that kids killing themselves and each other accidentally is a good idea.
u know why the USA isnt invaded its because all of us gun owners would kick some ass
save a horse ride a cowboy
Yes, I know, Wyo. It has absolutely nothing to do with relative geographic isolation, historical ties with any countries either close enough or capable of pulling it off at such a distance, or the fact that 45% of all global military spending comes from Washington.

I was reading the other day, in fact, that at some recent meetings of the Communist Party of China, someone suggested invading the US, but President Hu was quoted as saying "我們不能。 他們有雷棍子." (Translation: We can't. They have thundersticks.)
But I haven't seen any stats from you on not having them in your house. I think the reality is that the accidents are lower than you think they are.
The ATF didn't need to be involved in the presentation because it was their data to begin wtih. The only way they would need to be involved or get involved would be if the data was incorrect.
I sure hope there are no Katrinas or blackouts (think NYC) in or near your (meaning anti-gun ppls) area. Beating a looter or mugger or with a broom takes longer than my 9mm bullet.
Quote by wyocowboy
u know why the USA isnt invaded its because all of us gun owners would kick some ass

It's funny since the fromation of the US and since the Revolution we are the only country that has not been invaded by another country. Yes part of it has to do with having the most powerful military in history but also like Cowboy said has to do with the fact that we would actually be able to defend ourselves due to gun ownership.
Wow, Chef... I was waiting for the argument, but I didn't think you were gonna be the one to make it, even in a half-jest (as I hope that was), that gun control must inevitably lead to authoritarianism.
I love that poster, I think it's funny as hell.
Quote by chefkathleen
I love that poster, I think it's funny as hell.

Makes good for target practice Chef course I would run out of ammo quick. LOL
When they come(try) to take your guns, make sure you give them ammo first...
"I can resist everything except temptation." - Oscar Wilde
Quote by WickedShads
When they come(try) to take your guns, make sure you give them ammo first...

Good one shads.
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by wyocowboy
u know why the USA isnt invaded its because all of us gun owners would kick some ass

It's funny since the fromation of the US and since the Revolution we are the only country that has not been invaded by another country. Yes part of it has to do with having the most powerful military in history but also like Cowboy said has to do with the fact that we would actually be able to defend ourselves due to gun ownership.

Sorry, Bike, but we were invaded, by the British and they torched the White House if you recall, which meant that Madison was the only US President to actually command troops in battle as they evacuated Washington. Funny how we've always been such good friends with them ever since...:-)
Of course Madison's wife was much more famous after developing a tasty line of snack cakes....
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
I just thought this was worth sharing somewhere here in the forum...can't make this stuff up my friends...

At least five Americans accidentally shot off their penises since 2010

Excuse that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? Talk about "going off half-cocked"...I know I really should not have laughed nearly as hard or long at this most serious subject...but, anyone who needs evidence that we need restrictions in this country as to who should own guns...well my friends, one only has to read these tales of five men who will most definitely be shooting blanks from now on...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
My choice ?- I would say a "Dragonov" , just one shot and it all ends without much of a noise,
PS it is good just for long range shooting, but very effective.
If interested in noise and big bangs I would prefer a Bazooka , lol

*raising my one hand , I'm completely a non violence follower , and I love Gandhi , umhm
no laughing please :P
I own guns .I'm also a Marine. when my kids were younger and when the grankids come over my guns and ammo a re they should be.I'am a responsible and safe gun owner.I shoot competitively also ,unlike many I practice safe gun handling and ownership. if you own a gun and are not a responsible then you should have that privalage taken away.
I know this seems like a common sence thing "keep the guns away from kids and locked up" "don't keep them in your house" Well, here's my opinion and what we do. I have a wife and 2 kids, my wife has multiple handguns and I have multiple rifles. All but one of the handguns are locked up and none of my rifles are. Both of my kids know where they are. Now you are probably flipping out thinking "is this guy fucking stupid?!" Well My kids "both under 8 yrs old" have been brought up around them, they are not curious of them and they know what they are for and can do. None of them are loaded but even if they were, they know better. A lot of you I'm sure are going "but they could get killed with them!" Let me ask you this, does your kids put butter knives in the outlets? Put toys in the oven and turn it on? Maybe throw your cat in the microwave to see what would happen? Play with kitchen knives? Stick their hand in the toaster? I bet not. Why? cause they know better. My kids aren't curious about our guns because they have seen us shoot them, and clean them, and every time we do, its a gun saftey course basically. I have left guns on the table (bolt carrier group was out, unloaded and trigger lock on) just to see if my kids would even pay attention to them, they would walk by, glance at it as they passed by, then came to ask me why I left it out. I'm not saying every parent can do this, because well not every kid has grown up around firearms. I happen to grow up with a dad that had one in his truck at all times. And so will my kids.
Quote by Wildweasel
I know this seems like a common sence thing "keep the guns away from kids and locked up" "don't keep them in your house" Well, here's my opinion and what we do. I have a wife and 2 kids, my wife has multiple handguns and I have multiple rifles. All but one of the handguns are locked up and none of my rifles are. Both of my kids know where they are. Now you are probably flipping out thinking "is this guy fucking stupid?!" Well My kids "both under 8 yrs old" have been brought up around them, they are not curious of them and they know what they are for and can do. None of them are loaded but even if they were, they know better. A lot of you I'm sure are going "but they could get killed with them!" Let me ask you this, does your kids put butter knives in the outlets? Put toys in the oven and turn it on? Maybe throw your cat in the microwave to see what would happen? Play with kitchen knives? Stick their hand in the toaster? I bet not. Why? cause they know better. My kids aren't curious about our guns because they have seen us shoot them, and clean them, and every time we do, its a gun saftey course basically. I have left guns on the table (bolt carrier group was out, unloaded and trigger lock on) just to see if my kids would even pay attention to them, they would walk by, glance at it as they passed by, then came to ask me why I left it out. I'm not saying every parent can do this, because well not every kid has grown up around firearms. I happen to grow up with a dad that had one in his truck at all times. And so will my kids.

All I can say is that I admire your honesty.
I'm so pleased that there's an ocean that seperates our two countries.
Quote by Wildweasel
I know this seems like a common sence thing "keep the guns away from kids and locked up" "don't keep them in your house" Well, here's my opinion and what we do. I have a wife and 2 kids, my wife has multiple handguns and I have multiple rifles. All but one of the handguns are locked up and none of my rifles are. Both of my kids know where they are. Now you are probably flipping out thinking "is this guy fucking stupid?!" Well My kids "both under 8 yrs old" have been brought up around them, they are not curious of them and they know what they are for and can do. None of them are loaded but even if they were, they know better. A lot of you I'm sure are going "but they could get killed with them!" Let me ask you this, does your kids put butter knives in the outlets? Put toys in the oven and turn it on? Maybe throw your cat in the microwave to see what would happen? Play with kitchen knives? Stick their hand in the toaster? I bet not. Why? cause they know better. My kids aren't curious about our guns because they have seen us shoot them, and clean them, and every time we do, its a gun saftey course basically. I have left guns on the table (bolt carrier group was out, unloaded and trigger lock on) just to see if my kids would even pay attention to them, they would walk by, glance at it as they passed by, then came to ask me why I left it out. I'm not saying every parent can do this, because well not every kid has grown up around firearms. I happen to grow up with a dad that had one in his truck at all times. And so will my kids.

Good and I think that's probably how it should be in a family like yours in a country like yours. If you're going to have kids around guns, raise them to live safely around guns.

My only question, and this is coming from someone who lives in a country that doesn't have a US-style gun culture and for the most part does not want one, is why so many guns? Especially the handguns?

I mean, if you're a hunter, I can see having two or three rifles (which would be perfectly legal here, too, by the way) or a couple rifles and a shotgun.

But multiple handguns (which are tightly controlled in Canada)? Is she a competitive shooter? Because for self-defense, the only justification beyond competitive shooting I can think of for owning a handgun, one good quality pistol should be enough.
Last time I looked didn't France have VERY restrictive gun laws? And, prohibitions have always been SO effective here like the ones on alcohol, drugs and even illegal aliens.
Quote by Weavindreams
Last time I looked didn't France have VERY restrictive gun laws? And, prohibitions have always been SO effective here like the ones on alcohol, drugs and even illegal aliens.

In Europe we call what happened in Paris an outrage, a masacre. In the US it's merely another statistic.
Quote by dpw

In Europe we call what happened in Paris an outrage, a masacre. In the US it's merely another statistic.

Honestly, we call it an outrage and a massacre here in the U.S. as well. Not sure if you have the impression that Americans don't, but we absolutely do.
Quote by seeker4

Good and I think that's probably how it should be in a family like yours in a country like yours. If you're going to have kids around guns, raise them to live safely around guns.

My only question, and this is coming from someone who lives in a country that doesn't have a US-style gun culture and for the most part does not want one, is why so many guns? Especially the handguns?

I mean, if you're a hunter, I can see having two or three rifles (which would be perfectly legal here, too, by the way) or a couple rifles and a shotgun.

But multiple handguns (which are tightly controlled in Canada)? Is she a competitive shooter? Because for self-defense, the only justification beyond competitive shooting I can think of for owning a handgun, one good quality pistol should be enough.

Well that is a very good question. She has one she carries and a small caliber one I bought her to shoot and get used to, to start out with. She also has a larger caliber that she carried for a while but its more of a fun piece. I actually won it for her in a raffle on valentines day. Its pink and stainless, very cool looking gun. there are a couple more she'd like to have tho also. We live in the country on a farm so I have multiple rifles for different purposes, and have a list of more I want to build. It's hard to explain but each gun is like a different woman. They feel different, some are better for things then others, some are a louder bang, ect. There are many things we don't "need", but we certainly enjoy.
Quote by dpw

In Europe we call what happened in Paris an outrage, a masacre. In the US it's merely another statistic.

Derek when would you like to stop comparing apples to oranges? Do you know about my nation's history of failed prohibitions? (alcohol, drugs, illegal aliens?) When did your country come to have the population mine does? Let alone the inner city drugs and gangs counter culture to the same extent. Are you aware of how easy it is to "home make" firearms? Just as it was the alcohol that our FAILED 19th Amendment only served to make organized crime wealthy and powerful? how many times have the punks in your country killed cops, much less unarmed fellow citizens?
Quote by Weavindreams

Derek when would you like to stop comparing apples to oranges? Do you know about my nation's history of failed prohibitions? (alcohol, drugs, illegal aliens?) When did your country come to have the population mine does? Let alone the inner city drugs and gangs counter culture to the same extent. Are you aware of how easy it is to "home make" firearms? Just as it was the alcohol that our FAILED 19th Amendment only served to make organized crime wealthy and powerful? how many times have the punks in your country killed cops, much less unarmed fellow citizens?

In 'Murica, punks don't kill cops. Cops kill punks. And unarmed citizens.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Yeah just ask the widow's in New York.
Quote by wyocowboy
u know why the USA isnt invaded its because all of us gun owners would kick some ass

Very good point, as there would not be any friendly fire or conflict of interest casualties would there?
A convincing enough rumour could do the job.

Quote by DirtyMartini
I just thought this was worth sharing somewhere here in the forum...can't make this stuff up my friends...

At least five Americans accidentally shot off their penises since 2010

Excuse that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? Talk about "going off half-cocked"...I know I really should not have laughed nearly as hard or long at this most serious subject...but, anyone who needs evidence that we need restrictions in this country as to who should own guns...well my friends, one only has to read these tales of five men who will most definitely be shooting blanks from now on...

Quote by dpw
In Europe we call what happened in Paris an outrage, a masacre. In the US it's merely another statistic.

Quote by roymunson101
Honestly, we call it an outrage and a massacre here in the U.S. as well. Not sure if you have the impression that Americans don't, but we absolutely do.

I am sure many do, however with such a large populous as well as an enshrined historical belief of entitlement to bear arms such incidents just become statistics.
No changes, just a clear illustration of the power and mechanism of lobbying.
Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Why does it bother so many people from other countries what we do here in the greatest nation on earth? We like guns, it was our right given to us by the founders of this nation and yes we will defend that right. Once we become a defenseless population, what is there to stop us from becoming a communist country or run by dictators and what would be a deterant from other countries coming here to take over? Yes we have different points of view on things then some, obviously so do you. We do what we feel is right and you do the same. Just because we are pro guns doesn't mean we are pro killing. If that were the case the only one in this country would be the best gunman. The perception of our country from others blows my mind. Then to get on here and be an internet bad ass, like you know what its like over here, and start knocking our dick in the dirt. SMH