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"Conspiracy Theories" That You Believe Are True

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Wild at Heart

Quote by ddquest

That pacs & campaign donations determine who we have for candidates

That's not even a conspiracy, that's just a terrible truth.

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My favorite will always be faul… fake Paul.. and before you make fun of me I love a good conspiracy

Wild at Heart
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I believe there are weirdos in online forums who create many accounts to reply to themselves.

Wild at Heart

Quote by Ironic

Well, that is a conspiracy theory.

What do you mean?

Wild at Heart

Quote by Ironic

What do you mean, what do I mean?

You don’t think there are weirdos who make multiple accounts in online forums?

The Linebacker
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Quote by Magical_felix

I believe there are weirdos in online forums who create many accounts to reply to themselves.

In fact, in the past; that has been proven to be true when investigated by Lush mods. I wouldn't be surprised if it still happens.

Wild at Heart

Quote by Ironic

Why do you think I don’t think there are weirdos who make multiple accounts in online forums?

Because you called it a conspiracy… [Edited by moderator]

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
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Quote by Magical_felix

I believe there are weirdos in online forums who create many accounts to reply to themselves.

This has been proven on Lush several times over (and counting). I'm sure the same rings true for other online forums as well.

Has to be some sort of mental illness, especially to engage in that sort of thing on Lush of all places. The stakes are so incredibly low here. What does it even accomplish? And how does one wake up everyday, log into their multiple accounts, interact in their different personas, and feel anything less than pathetic?

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

The Linebacker

Quote by Ironic

Will there be any accountability for the media for their part in this mistake?

"Fake News."

Well, Fox News has to pay out over 700 million dollars for lying.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo

Quote by Ironic

Fox News has to pay more than $700 million for lying, and the New York Times and the Washington Post were awarded Pulitzer Prizes for lying. Crazy stuff!

Are you suggesting NYT and WaPo were knowingly lying to their audiences? Because that's what Fox News did. Or could it be the former actually believed they were telling the truth?


The Linebacker

Quote by Ironic

Fox News has to pay more than $700 million for lying, and the New York Times and the Washington Post were awarded Pulitzer Prizes for lying. Crazy stuff!

It was legally proven without a shadow of doubt that Fox News intentionally lied, knowing full well that they lied.

To add to conspiracy theory, how do we know John Durham didn't distort his investigation to get the results he wanted, or was paid to get? He probably didn't, but can we ever trust anything?

I mean, some members here thought PennyCandy was real, right?

Constant Gardener

Quote by Ironic

Not yet.

Which subject or topic or event was it which the NYT and WaPo knowingly lied about - and was then busted for said lies, which they won Pulitzer's for their reporting? So far, I'm just seeing ya'll making this specific claim and the echo chamber agrees with the superficiality of the statement.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
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I agree with Magical Felix about medial breakthroughs that are held back. I don't think you need dark money for this. You just pull money from research when you have a treatment and not a cure. Pharma makes a lot more money from an HIV treatment that you take the rest of your life than a cure you take once.

There might be some truth around UFO/UAP cover ups. I can't get into Bigfoot or Nessie, though.

I do think Melania had a body double to stand in for her at some of Trump's events. 😉

The Linebacker

Quote by Ironic

Fox News has to pay more than $700 million for lying, and the New York Times and the Washington Post were awarded Pulitzer Prizes for lying. Crazy stuff!

Name specific facts to support this.

Constant Gardener

That looks like the bullet points taken from Donald J Trump's own desk. All of them provably lies.

Durham didn't establish anything and he didn't successfully prosecute anyone over anything of consequence. It was a 5 million dollar, 18 month long fart in the wind.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Constant Gardener
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Durham was a last minute gift from Barr/Trump to the incoming Biden administration. It was fervently hoped that Durham would/could find problems and prosecute evil-doers. Durham was going to blow the lid off the entire FBI investigation - and he didn't make news at all.

Nothing was found. Nothing was reported of any worth. No new FBI or CIA misdeeds were discovered. The report is a major ratfucking mess - and you people seem to think it totally repudiates the finds of the Mueller Report - and all the convicted felons which were locked up from that investigation - and later pardoned by the king of criminals, Trump.

Is Gym Jordan going to uncover more with his dog n pony show than Durham did with his? That's the only lingering question at this point.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Constant Gardener
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Quote by Ironic

So you don't read things that challenge your beliefs?

That's true of many people.

I actually attempted to wade through parts of the Durham Report. I'd wager that I've read more of it than you have. Here you are today regurgitating lies and BS... and you gained that knowledge from the Durham Report that you read...?

Maybe your comprehension skillz are lacking.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
The Linebacker

Quote by Ironic

The Durham report documents the whole Trump-Russia Collusion story was a hoax. A lie.

Media should give Biden 'Trump treatment' during GOP investigation (

John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe | CNN Politics

Trump-era special counsel's final report sharply criticizes FBI's Russia probe : NPR

The FBI knew RussiaGate was a lie — but hid that truth (

You didn't get taken in by it too, did you?

It reads more like an opinion. Where are the facts?

Constant Gardener

Thanks Penny, but I'd pointedly asked your brothers in arms, ElLoco & Moronic, for specific instances where the Washington Post and the New York Times were busted publishing false stories about Trump's many misdeeds, miscalculations, and misfires. Instances where those two institutions were simultaneously awarded Pulitzers for reporting fiction. As they've repeatedly claimed.

And I was treated with crap from USA Today, CNN, NPR and (cough cough) The New York Post - THE actual Trump newspaper. No WaPo - no NYT. No specific instances. Just as I and Buz surmised. Lies upon more lies with zero evidence - a LOT like those 60 court cases in 2020-21 where zero evidence was ever presented that an election was stolen - nationwide.

Perhaps you've been hibernating all winter, Penny - and weren't aware that CNN recently provided a platform for the ringleader of the 2021 coup attempt - so he could spew more of his lies, hatred, racism and misogyny. At this point I don't put anything past CNN - as they try to capture the former Fox audience.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
The Linebacker

The report doesn't really reveal anything either way. What a waste of time.

People will read into it what they want to because of its vague nature.

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire

The Durham conversation has run its course. Back to the conspiracy theories, please and thank you.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Constant Gardener

Here's my fave conspiracy theory about Biden's stolen laptop.

If it was Hunter Biden's laptop, then the owner of the repair shop has a duty and an obligation to secure the laptop so that nobody else can ever log onto the device (except the owner/technicians of the shop which agreed to work on the device). To secure the device so that nobody outside of the control of the computer repair shop can access a hard drive or SSD.

Anyone else viewing anything on a laptop which does not belong to them - is theft. Physically possessing the laptop (outside of the repair shop) is theft. The owner of the shop is guilty as an accessory to theft.

If, during the course of repair work, a technician accidentally spots visual evidence of any other serious crimes (child pornography/murder plans/accomplishments, etc...) - the shop isn't legally required to divulge such information, but if they do - they should report the existence of the criminal offenses to the law enforcement agency which covers the jurisdiction of the shop.

Somehow this magical laptop managed to be seen by a whole slew of thieves who have wished to use it as an anchor to drag down Joe Biden into a quagmire.

This laptop theft issue is no different than the Republicans at Veritas stealing Ashley Biden's diary. Now we need to prosecute the laptop thieves.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger

I 100% do not believe the Americans landed on the moon.

I 100% do believe in state justified warfare to drive certain economies.

"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
The Linebacker
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I believe the theory that Trump is possessed by a Satanic demon.

And am absolutely convinced in the strong theory that Trump is Putin's sock puppet.

The Linebacker
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Quote by sprite

some also think the earth is flat and the moon landing was faked.

I've met a lot of Trump supporters that really do believe the earth is flat.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo

Quote by Buz

I've met a lot of Trump supporters that really do believe the earth is flat.

If you believe Trump is the best thing since sliced bread, then anything goes.



The recent proliferation of porn (even on this site) is a Russian conspiracy to increase inbreeding and reduce the overall genetic viability of the US. Everyone involved in its production and dissemination is a Russian agent - the ones who deny it most passionately are the ones who are most involved in the plot.

Don't believe everything that you read.