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"Conspiracy Theories" That You Believe Are True

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^I mean, that much is obvious. But the real question is which Russia is behind it? The easy conclusion is that it's modern post-communist Russia, and that's also what Donald Trump would have you believe. But Donald J Trump is best bros with Vladmir Putin and is in fact working for Russia - but not today's Russia. No! He and Putin are working for yesterday's tomorrow's Russia: The old Soviet Union wasn't defeated, it's just been laying low and biding its time and feeding the flames of a propaganda war against its old enemy - The West. When the time is ripe, it will re-emerge in unprecedented strength and and proceed to quickly dominate the world. Yet, we need not fear communism because spreading communism was never really Russia's intent. Because behind the secret and evil Soviet empire lies another even more secret Tsarist Russia, headed by none other than a cryogenically frozen Nicholas II, yet the one who is really running the show...

Don't believe everything that you read.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

^I mean, that much is obvious. But the real question is which Russia is behind it? The easy conclusion is that it's modern post-communist Russia, and that's also what Donald Trump would have you believe. But Donald J Trump is best bros with Vladmir Putin and is in fact working for Russia - but not today's Russia. No! He and Putin are working for yesterday's tomorrow's Russia: The old Soviet Union wasn't defeated, it's just been laying low and biding its time and feeding the flames of a propaganda war against its old enemy - The West. When the time is ripe, it will re-emerge in unprecedented strength and and proceed to quickly dominate the world. Yet, we need not fear communism because spreading communism was never really Russia's intent. Because behind the secret and evil Soviet empire lies another even more secret Tsarist Russia, headed by none other than a cryogenically frozen Nicholas II, yet the one who is really running the show...

You opened my eyes!

What I still don't get though is: if you have three beautiful women, dressed in nice gowns, singing most of the song, then why would you keep all cameras focused on the one hairy guy making weird moves for almost the entire clip?


Head Penguin

The Loch Ness Monster was invented by locals to boost tourism. A run of wet summers and an increase in people visiting Blackpool meant the once popular Scottish venue required an uplift. What better than to pretend there was a giant sea creature lurking in the depths of Loch Ness, not seen since the early Jurrasic.

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Active Ink Slinger
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The underpant gnomes! They come out at night and steal my underwear.

Head Penguin

I would like to forward the case of the 'Putney Pusher.' In August 2017 a woman was pushed into the path of a bus by a jogger, narrowly avoiding death owing to the swift actions of the bus driver, who swerved to avoid the woman. The jogger even returned, brazenly ignoring the woman's protestations and continued on his run. Despite his image being caught on CCTV and clearly identifiable, no one was charged and the police dropped the case in 2018. It was suggested by some that the man was a diplomat and somehow dodged justice. How he could have avoided detection given the number of cameras in London seems very fishy to me.

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Constant Gardener

Jack E. Smith @7Veritas4

You have reached the accountability hotline. We appreciate your patience. All prosecutors are currently busy pursuing other Insurrectionists. We will be with you momentarily.

Press #1 if you would like to self-surrender.

Press #2 if you want to do it the hard way.


PoliticsVerse @PoliticsVerse

BREAKING: Log shows that 10 members of Congress attended Trump’s meeting to put pressure on Mike Pence to decertify the election results of 2020.

The List:

Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas)

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.)

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.)

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas)

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.)

Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.)

Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.)

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)

Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
The Linebacker

Quote by Ironic

The Durham report documents the whole Trump-Russia Collusion story was a hoax. A lie.

Media should give Biden 'Trump treatment' during GOP investigation (

John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe | CNN Politics

Trump-era special counsel's final report sharply criticizes FBI's Russia probe : NPR

The FBI knew RussiaGate was a lie — but hid that truth (

You didn't get taken in by it too, did you?

Do you have anything provable, rather than this vague accusatory fluff?

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire

Quote by Ironic

The Durham report refutes the Trump-Russia Collusion story

Anybody who refuses to accept evidence will remain ignorant.


Except it's not evidence.

In addition to this link being nothing more than an invitation to search Wikipedia (lol), there is no refuting of Trump colluding with Russia, but rather critiques on how the investigation was handled regarding how thorough it was vs. how thorough it could have been, and even handling interferences with the investigation(s).

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Maker of Mediocre Jokes
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During the Cold War, the CIA essentially astroturfed the popularity of some arts and artists.

That is pretty much established fact. There are other arts and artists I don't know for certain about, but I think Superheroes in particular were one such project. This is based on Superheroes being a symbol of Individualism (vs collectivism) and the frequency of characters having radiation as a source of their powers.

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire

Quote by TroublesomeBard

During the Cold War, the CIA essentially astroturfed the popularity of some arts and artists.

That is pretty much established fact. There are other arts and artists I don't know for certain about, but I think Superheroes in particular were one such project. This is based on Superheroes being a symbol of Individualism (vs collectivism) and the frequency of characters having radiation as a source of their powers.

This is actually one of my favorite conspiracy theories.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Constant Gardener
1 like

This is the report Durham was trying to muddy up. He failed.

Given that the full text of the original report is a hefty 448 pages, and the BuzzFeed/EPIC version clocks in at 394, it’s not that easy to find the fresh material at a glance. Below, I’ve set out the redacted pages from the original report alongside their newly unredacted copies. You can scroll through the PDF documents (available directly here and here) and see what changed from copy to copy. If you click through to the PDFs themselves, the unredacted text is highlighted in yellow.

To keep things streamlined, I’ve included only the pages where redactions were lifted. If you want to read the full report as it appears in the BuzzFeed/EPIC release, including the pages where nothing changed from the original, you can do so here. The report as first released to the public in April 2019, including all redactions, is available here.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
The Linebacker

What exactly does Russian President Vladimir Putin have on Trump that makes Trump defend him so?

Eventually, theory will become fact, and we'll know Trump is even more corrupt, cowardly, and treasonous than we thought.

Wild at Heart
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Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants

WASHINGTON — Top American counterintelligence officials warned every C.I.A. station and base around the world last week about troubling numbers of informants recruited from other countries to spy for the United States being captured or killed, people familiar with the matter said.

The message, in an unusual top secret cable, said that the C.I.A.’s counterintelligence mission center had looked at dozens of cases in the last several years involving foreign informants who had been killed, arrested or most likely compromised. Although brief, the cable laid out the specific number of agents executed by rival intelligence agencies — a closely held detail that counterintelligence officials typically do not share in such cables.

The cable highlighted the struggle the spy agency is having as it works to recruit spies around the world in difficult operating environments. In recent years, adversarial intelligence services in countries such as Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan have been hunting down the C.I.A.’s sources and in some cases turning them into double agents.

I wonder what was going on in 2021 when this article was written...

Wild at Heart
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Quote by Chryses

I suspected this was true. FBI failed 'at fundamental level' before Capitol riot, Senate report claims

The FBI and other US government agencies failed "at a fundamental level" to assess the potential for violence ahead of the Capitol riot on 6 January 2021, a new report claims.

Democrats on a Senate panel found the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "downplayed" the risks and so did not properly prepare.

Translation: the Capitol wore a too short of a skirt to the wrong frat party.

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire

Quote by Chryses

I suspected this was true. FBI failed 'at fundamental level' before Capitol riot, Senate report claims

The FBI and other US government agencies failed "at a fundamental level" to assess the potential for violence ahead of the Capitol riot on 6 January 2021, a new report claims.

Democrats on a Senate panel found the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "downplayed" the risks and so did not properly prepare.

It's a great critique of how those in charge ignored the threat posed by the insurrectionists due to them being enabled and encouraged to act by the present head of security at the time.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Constant Gardener

The Dumbing Down of America, which began during the first Reagan term in 1981 - has come full circle, at last. The GOP has achieved one of their goals, and Ms Cheney explains how -

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wild at Heart
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Quote by Chryses

I found it encouraging that the Senators were not partisan and criticized the FBI and DHS for failing to weigh the social media communications. The riot would probably have been handled better had the agencies treated the information seriously enough.

Also like, if the conservatives weren't coup coup for coco puffs, 1/6 would not be a shameful date in the history books.

Wild at Heart

Quote by Chryses

... chuckling ... "coup coup"? You sound like someone else!

What do you mean? You're the one who makes multiple accounts. You remind me of the guy from Split, except all your personalities are dumbasses.

Wild at Heart
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Quote by Chryses

Methinks the lady doth protest too much!

Oh really? Who are my other accounts? I know one of yours was Penny-Candy.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo

Quote by Magical_felix

Oh really? Who are my other accounts? I know one yours was Penny-Candy.

We all know you're Dani, Jack.


Wild at Heart

Quote by noll

We all know you're Dani, Jack.

I wouldn't dumb it down that much, makes it too obvious.

Rookie Scribe

Smurfs are real .

The Linebacker

Quote by Magical_felix

Oh really? Who are my other accounts? I know one yours was Penny-Candy.

I think you already have figured out the other main one. So phony it is hilarious.

My newest conspiracy theory is that a certain right-wing blogger is paid to muddy up our Think Tank. And probably has a few others assigned to them. This online personality may have multiple personalities per site.

Either that or there is a rightwinger with multiple account disorder... er... multiple personality disorder stalking Lush and other sites.

That's my conspiracy theory of the month. 🤣🍺👌

The Linebacker

Quote by Chryses

It may be a vast right-wing conspiracy!

Yes, massive!

Wild at Heart

Quote by Chryses

It may be a vast right-wing conspiracy!

You weirdos do do that though.

Wild at Heart
1 like

Quote by Chryses

I suspected that conspiracy theory would be trotted out.

You brought it up... You want people to know you like to do that. Very weird. Especially when you make female ones.

Wild at Heart

Quote by Chryses

Wheels within wheels, m'lady, as well you know!

I don't even know what that means. You're like the Zodiac, writing cryptic letters to the newspaper. But instead of murders you just pull some racist Mrs. Doubtfire shit.

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire

Quote by noll

We all know you're Dani, Jack.

Oh please. Jack could never pull off actually having a personality for this long.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░