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Affirmative Action in Action

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Active Ink Slinger
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Quote by AngelEthics

He applied to 35 different schools, but not Harvard, and he won't say which ones or how many were Ivy league.

Yes, that is correct. Do those facts indicate to you anything about racial discrimination?

If you read the ruling, you will see Justice Roberts found evidence of defacto quotas, which is also illegal. Search for "focus on numbers is obvious".

It doesn't say it in the story, but Rutvij Holay ended up at Stanford, a top 5 ranked University in the world. He didn't get into the specific college he wanted to, and is blaming Affirmative Action for this with no evidence. This whole article is about a butt-hurt 17-year old.

That is one way of looking at that victim of what has been determined to be unconstitutional racial discrimination.

Quote by Chryses

That is one way of looking at that victim of what has been determined to be unconstitutional racial discrimination.

Rutvij Holay was not determined to be a victim of racial discrimination. You made him the example, even though he didn't apply to Harvard, gave no examples of NC colleges he applied to, and can't even give one instance of how he was racially discriminated against during his specific application process. He had nothing to do with the Supreme Court ruling.

This thread is about your specific example of a 17 year old who can't imagine how he didn't get into college anywhere he wanted to. Maybe look for better examples of racial discrimination against Asian students because this particular one is crap.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Ironic

I think the thread is about what affirmative action does to people,

Technically, according to Chryses, in the OP, "Here is what Affirmative Action policies in the admissions at colleges and universities did to one Asian American."

I dispute that Affirmative Action did anything to this Asian American. We need a better example.

Wild at Heart
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Quote by Chryses

This thread is about the corrosive effects of one of the racially discriminatory practices that remain in this country.

Are you sure it's not about gloating that it will be easier for elite schools to discriminate against women, minorities and low income applicants?

Constant Gardener

Quote by Chryses

Here is what Affirmative Action policies in the United States for the last 50 plus years did to one caucasian professor for all of her adult lifetime. - FIFY

Lois Banner reportedly said that if she were Black, her professional life would have been easier.

A conference for female historians this weekend was plunged into turmoil when a prominent white academic speaking at the main event said her professional life would have been easier if she were black.

She was identified by attendees of the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, on social media and in an interview, as USC professor emerita of history Lois Banner, who co-founded the biennial event in the 1970s.

Banner—author of a 2012 biography of Marilyn Monroe—reportedly also said she wished she was a lesbian because they were good at building community and organizing. She did not respond to a request for comment.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Constant Gardener
1 like

Affirmative Action is just another of a long list of WRONGS which the 70 million MAGA voters from 2020 NEED to get changed/repealed/rolled back - in order for them to not feel like the world is closing in on them and their precious white privilege.

Wiping out abortion just happened to be on their honey-do list also. Along with gerrymandering and assorted other ratfucking schemes initiated by the GQP.

When you vote Republican, you're voting against progress and equality for all human beings in the USA and strictly voting for progress for yourself at the expense of minorities - who have been on the receiving end of systemic racism in this country for over 300 years.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wild at Heart

Quote by Chryses

All three of the SCOTUS Justices nominated by President Trump voted to end racial discrimination in college admission practices.

"We's going to Harvard now ya'll!"


Wild at Heart

Quote by Chryses

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest.
The soul, uneasy, and confin'd from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.”

O Cappin my captin, we's graduatin somefin cum loudy now ya'll!

Active Ink Slinger

Here's an article about Asian American students, the myth of Affirmative Action harming them, and the position that's been forced upon them as the "model minority", written before the SCOTUS decision.

It's in the LA Times, but there wasn't a paywall for me. From the article, about the ban of Affirmative Action in California:

In California, the ban on affirmative action at public universities imposed more than 25 years ago had little positive impact for Asian Americans. Asian American and white students may have been marginally more likely to get into their first choice of college versus their second choice after the ban, but overall access to the top tier of UC campuses was unchanged, as were economic outcomes. The ban, however, had major negative impacts on Black and Latino students’ enrollment at the most prestigious campuses, drove down their applications to the UC system overall and dramatically decreased earnings over time.

So, like the OP's example, the 17 year old didn't get into his first choice, but did get into Stanford, a top tier school. It won't affect his earning potential, just his ego (if we accept that AA was the cause of this, which I don't). It's just like the armed guards in schools issue. We have data. We know what helps and what doesn't, but we insist on trying the things that don't work over, and over, and over, and over....

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by ElCoco

Like racially discriminating policies. At least that one's been put to rest.

Did you read the article?

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by ElCoco

It's looking like this conversation is going to end up with some people in favor of racially discriminatory policies and disapproving of the Court's ruling and some people opposed to racially discriminatory policies and applauding the ruling.

So, no?

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by ElCoco

Yes, I'm pretty sure this conversation is going to end up with some people in favor of racially discriminatory policies and disapproving of the Court's ruling and some people opposed to racially discriminatory policies and applauding the ruling.

It would take 10 minutes out of your life to read this. And it's way easier to get through than that Texas law you keep browbeating everyone to read. This is an opinion article by an Asian American prior to the SCOTUS finding. What's the resistance?

Wild at Heart

Quote by ElCoco

Yes, I'm pretty sure this conversation is going to end up with some people in favor of racially discriminatory policies and disapproving of the Court's ruling and some people opposed to racially discriminatory policies and applauding the ruling.

What's your favorite 4th of July food?

A. Hot Dogs

B. Gurthy Pickles

C. Big Long Popsicles?

Constant Gardener

Bread8's got more important fish to fry today, AE. Plus, ignorance is bliss!

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wild at Heart

Quote by Ironic


He's probably already working on a new female profile to trick you into flirting with him again

Constant Gardener

People just want the same benefits which Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had at his disposal when he applied to and attended Yale law school. Thomas, in the past, acknowledged that he benefited from Affirmative Action.

But he gives zero fucks about AA - AFTER he gained his education and then - several steps of assistance up to his lifelong installation as Chief Obstructionist of the Supreme Court.

Biden could've ended all of this horseshit in 1991 if he had just accepted Anita Hill's accusations instead of slut shaming her in front of America while defending this pompous piece of shit.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Constant Gardener

All Americans will rejoice now that they can't be turned away from Liberty University simply because they are athiests or believe in their own deity of their own choosing. Can't wait to read about the hundreds of new university students flooding Lynchburg over the next decade.

Thank you Supreme Court.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Her Royal Spriteness

Quote by WellMadeMale

Lois Banner reportedly said that if she were Black, her professional life would have been easier.

A conference for female historians this weekend was plunged into turmoil when a prominent white academic speaking at the main event said her professional life would have been easier if she were black.

She was identified by attendees of the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, on social media and in an interview, as USC professor emerita of history Lois Banner, who co-founded the biennial event in the 1970s.

Banner—author of a 2012 biography of Marilyn Monroe—reportedly also said she wished she was a lesbian because they were good at building community and organizing. She did not respond to a request for comment.

yeah, cause in general, black people have much easier lives than white people. the lesbian comment also makes me laugh, you want to build comminuity and organize then get off your lazy ass and do it, dumbass.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Constant Gardener

Quote by Chryses

As we are all aware, I did not post what you have "quoted".

My apologies, Chrysis, for your not being quick enough on the uptake.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Ironic

If Admissions now won't be allowed to discriminate by race and soon won't be allowed to discriminate by legacy, what's left for private colleges (other than not accepting federal money) besides merit?

Make no mistake. Discrimination will happen. It'll just be people recognizing ethnic names and discriminating against them, the old fashioned way. We know this happens.

The Linebacker

Quote by ElCoco

Especially the entitled people.

Donald Trump?

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by ElCoco

You'll be surprised who thinks Affirmative Action is a Constitutional Right. I was.

"Now you fast-forward to what we saw last week, affirmative action. Again, taking away important constitutional rights that have been in place for a long time."

The 14th Amendment, and it's historical goal of reducing or eliminating oppression, was the Constitutional basis for Affirmative Action. The Amendment was passed just after slavery was abolished on paper; AA was created by executive order in 1961. A couple of SCOTUS decisions confirmed it was Constitutional, so she's correct. It was considered a Constitutional right under the 14th Amendment, for 70 years, until this SCOTUS.

It's exactly what happened to abortion. Women's right to medical privacy was protected under the 14th amendment for 49 years until this SCOTUS and their unique reading and interpretation of that Amendment.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo

Quote by Ironic

I found something in the ruling for the people who still support racial discrimination. The US Military Academies can continue their Affirmative Action programs 


It’s in a footnote. “No military academy is a party to these cases”

How can one be constitutional and not the other?


Active Ink Slinger

Quote by ElCoco

Here's the 14th Amendment:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Which part of it is the part saying that racial discrimination is a constitutional right?

If you were a Constitutional Origionalist, as these five justices claim to be, you would know that the reason the Amendment was put into place was to make illegal all of the things done legally under slavery. That's why SCOTUS challenges to Affirmative Action in 1978 and 2003 failed, and Affirmative action was upheld.

What is it that you imagine 70 years of justices missed that this, uniquely unqualified bench, discovered?

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Ironic

Read the ruling.

It's 234 pages. What page is your footnote on?

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo

Quote by Ironic

Search for No military academy is a party to these cases

That'll take you right to it.

Might as well search for cannon fodder.


Wild at Heart

Quote by Chryses

There is no part saying racial discrimination is a constitutional right, but you posed your question in jest.

ElCoco jests about sucking cock, what say you?

Active Ink Slinger

The footnote in question is on page 30 and is really interesting.

The minority opinion questioned this carve-out for military academies. The justification was that an amicus brief was filed talking about how diversity improved National Security in the military. Students at military academies get room, board, and tuition free in exchange for 5 years of military service as a commissioned officer. That accounts for about 25% of the military but it's all leadership. They talk about how diverse enlisted personnel don't deal well with homogeneously white leadership.

This IS a version of Affirmative Action that they've exempted from their ruling. All it needs is a challenge to see if SCOTUS would be consistent on this, but my guess is that they wouldn't hear such a challenge.

The Linebacker

Affirmative Action probably needed a tune up, making it more effective. But tossing it in the trash was just wrong. The ultimate goal of the good it would do had still not been reached.

The Linebacker


Like the rump minority of Germans under the Third Reich that didn't want to export and exterminate Jews.

Or it's okay to be a racist if the polls agree.