This is a bone of contention between my wife and me. What do other Lushies prefer. 21c is about right for me — though I do prefer a source of heat I can home in on, not just be warm from the ambient air.
Mrs. Bydesign loves to luxuriate at a chilly 18c "Brrrr!".
I don't heat in winter, but then, I live in Southern California. I have some nice wool slacks and sweaters, if it drops below 60f or so. I'll occasionally light a fire, but that's mostly for Miss Pixel's benefit.
I have never turned the heat on in my apartment.
From Feb to about Nov, I have the air conditioner on constantly.
All other times I generally have the balcony door open 24/7.
One of my pet peeves is that during winter, people often ramp up the temperature so much indoors to compensate for the outdoor temp. For your own home this is fine, but in public places this is a nightmare.
When you are travelling outside in very cold weather not only do you bundle up but your body temp rises to compensate. Then if you go inside to a super heated building it's a fucking nightmare.
Especially at night, I prefer the ambient temperature to be cold so I can snuggle up under a warm blanket.
Anywhere between 72-74
Let's see, when i lived in Florida my home didn't even have a heater. The few times the temp dropped I had a wood stove to warm things up. In Northern Ca, I found a minimum of 70 was needed to be comfortable. But it was also an old apartment building, retrofitted with heat so the 70 on the thermostat meant about 65 in the apartment. The was doable, but the weird thing is if you bumped the 'stat to 71, the apartment was over 70 for some reason and too warm. Here in NY, north of NYC, my thermostat sits at 66 in the winter. A separate thermometer says it keeps my house between 64 and 68 and works pretty well. Anything cooler and I found my hands start to hurt, the beginnings of arthritis, I believe. Anything warmer and it's actually uncomfortable, especially going in and out.
Meddle Not In The Affairs of Dragons, for we are Crunchy and Good with Ketchup!
The thermostat is set to 67F, but that only heats the upstairs to 65F and I spend most of my time upstairs. The guys mostly stay downstairs when friends are over, so everyone is happy with the temps.
20C daytime, 16C at night. Used to turn it down during the day when we were all out at work (wife and I) or school (son). However, wife is now retired, I am working from home, and son lives in another city for university/work, so we've kind of backed off on that.
I heat my house with sex - the hotter the sex, the warmer our bedroom!
65°F during the day and 60°F at night with an extra blanket
60s. But l run the AC from mid-March til November or December.
Around 60. If it gets colder than that, there are always sweatpants and hoodies. And extra blankets
My home is always set to 55⁰F.
If your smart temperature device isn't locked then you best believe that I am going to turn it down to 55⁰F.
115f. My bills are astronomical.
Nah, no particular temperature. Whatever the situation calls for to maintain comfort and economy.
Daytime is 70, night is 66