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What are Some Positives That May Result from the COVID crisis?

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Aside from all the negatives, let's look on the bright side. What are some positive aspects that the current crisis may lead to?

I thought that this might lead Americans to embrace universal health care, or universal basic income but that seems to still be seen as "radical."

1) Tying health care to your job?
2) Supply chains
3) Increased education regarding bacteria and viruses
4) The environmental changes that have been proven?
Quote by Holden_Green
Aside from all the negatives, let's look on the bright side. What are some positive aspects that the current crisis may lead to?

I thought that this might lead Americans to embrace universal health care, or universal basic income but that seems to still be seen as "radical."

1) Tying health care to your job?
2) Supply chains
3) Increased education regarding bacteria and viruses
4) The environmental changes that have been proven?

I see you jump right in the open spot that DamonX left, now that his account has been deactivated Good luck!


Biden presidency
Democrat Senate majority
Democrats retain House
Reform tax system
Imigration reform
Reinstatement of international treties
Incremental steps to universal health care
Social Security increase
Steps toward guaranteed anual wage
Dogs have never gotten more exercise.
Most Lush moderators will accept tips (read: bribes).
Dolphins in the Venice canal...

...and apparently wolverines on a beach in Washington State....

Dolphins in the Venice canal...

...and apparently wolverines on a beach in Washington State....

My boss might let me work from home more often. ("Hey, you managed it okay for months, so tomorrow should be fine.") But hopefully not all the time. ("Since you've got your home office set up, we've thought of a way to save on the cost of having an office at all.")

And maybe some people will realize that, if you vote for an idiot because he's not part of 'the system', or he promises you something, or he just appeals to your prejudices, and he wins, then you end up with an idiot in charge... Not holding my breath on that one, though.
Air over cities is cleaner since people are driving less.
Quote by Beffer
Air over cities is cleaner since people are driving less.

maybe it can stay that way as employers realize they can have people working from home. They can reduce the size of their facilities and save money, because lets be honest. That will be the only motivating factor in having people working from home, money.

Following health orders they can sued from, or saving money on a lease. Otherwise. they wouldn't care. Not all employers, but many IMO
I hope that nations will cooperate and we'll have a worldwide, cohesive and prompt response to future potential pandemics.
More family time at home
Getting all my projects done
Less time on the internet ??‍♀️
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Rid the world of Trumpism
Republicans out of power. If Democrats resolve the crisis, hopefully it will be for good.

Work from home becomes the normalized. Meaning less commute times, less pollution, more time at home.

"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.

Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory

It's gonna normalize working from home, which is a good thing.

It also serves as a reminder that politics is not just empty rhetoric and a "who's winning?" mindset, but a matter of literal life and death in the case of Covid-19 and other crises that can occur during a Presidency.
More interstate cooperation and less going it alone and waiting for the Federal Government to take the lead or coordinate. More telecommuting although, unfortunately, that is going to increase the divide between those who have jobs that can be done remotely and those who are essential workers. More people learning to do things for themselves rather than depending others. I really think more-and-more people are going to be mini-farmers, growing their own food or, at the very least, buying from local suppliers rather from national chain supermarkets. Getting to know your neighbors better and growing cooperation between them. The education system is going to be completely revamped with older children (grades 6 or 7 through 12) and college students going to see less "in face" time and more "virtual" learning with an commensurate demand to be "self-disciplined," "self-starters," and otherwise less dependent on being directed or managed to do their jobs. Hopefully a reduction in management at the upper and middle levels and more emphasis at the "production" level with a resultant redistribution of wages and benefits.
There's nothing positive about this pandemic.
State parks are getting a rest. Bears are roaming more freely in Yosemite, fish are more numerous in Hawaii's state parks.

Traffic is down and so are accidents.

People can work from home and play on Lush at the same time, which they can't do at the office.
Greater appreciation of the delights of risk free online sex perhaps! You can have as many partners as you like — provided you are polite and caring and sexy — and enjoy fetishes that were not possible in your real life, which for me would mean being a naked sex toy for respectable clothed ladies or being anally fucked by aforesaid ladies.

French naturist camp hit by 'very worrying' Covid outbreak

French regional health authorities on Sunday said there had been a “very worrying” outbreak of coronavirus at a naturist holiday resort on France’s Mediterranean coast, with some 100 holidaymakers so far testing positive.

The Cap d’Agde resort in the Herault region, hugely popular among naturists, saw 38 positive tests on Monday and another 57 on Wednesday, the regional health authority said.

The rate of infection was four times higher among naturists in the resort than in the village itself, it added. Another 50 holidaymakers had also tested positive after returning home and results of more tests were expected next week.

“Books are finite, sexual encounters are finite, but the desire to read and to fuck is infinite; it surpasses our own deaths, our fears, our hopes for peace.”

Series: The Eternal Joy Of Sex

A long erotic poem in 4 parts


As individuals, and hopefully society at large, we will rediscover what is really important in our lives.

I observe that you immediately occupy the vacant space left by DamonX now that his account has been disabled. Good fortune!

Some (not enough to suit me) people are waking up from their blindness to the deceits and lies filling our lives every day by mass media, big tech, pharma and others. COVID from the beginning has been nothing but lies and an experiment to see if an elite and evil few can control the masses based on lie after lie after lie.

We already know that masses will believe lie after lie. Hitler, Goebbels, and Trump proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. A sad commentary on poorly educated masses.

Quote by noll

I see you jump right in the open spot that DamonX left, now that his account has been deactivated Good luck!

I miss DamonX heart

And many expired so others can live.

Has there really been any positives...really 😒

A secret isn't a secret if 2 know it🤐

Many white colloquial workers rarely go to the office. This saves a lot of $$ and time. I still go in sometimes for a change of scene.

An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge

I met Mik.

Quote by CharlotteRusse1

Many white colloquial workers rarely go to the office. This saves a lot of $$ and time. I still go in sometimes for a change of scene.

What kind of autocorrect changes ‘collar’ to ‘colloquial’? I must have been sleep-posting.

An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge

I have not had any door knockers trying to sell or change utility suppliers, e.g. power and gas companies, or solar / hot water installers.

No charities try to sign you up for 12 months of donations. I do give money and time (volunteer) to some causes.