Quote by Osman
Thanking veterans is fine, but why do these right wing assholes continue to support foreign intervention that does nothing other than kill civilians in order to funnel money into corporations and the military industrial complex?
The military is used by the right wing as a pseudo-patriotic form of propaganda to progress the interests of corporations by appealing to the ignorance of middle America.
If you actually care about people, then you should raising your voice against the 6 or 7 wars the US is currently engaged in.
As a scout, I was always involved in Remembrance day ceremonies. We stood in the freezing cold around a cenotaph listening to bagpipes and such. And then they would list the people from our town that died in WW1 of 2. And we would lay wreaths for each of the fallen.
It was solemn and funeral-esque. In the US this isn't respecting the dead. It's all propaganda. Your whole nation is the multinational equivalent of a used car salesman.
It's disgusting that the US continues to use this day as a way to continue to brainwash the young into believing that they are still somehow fighting of freedom. The US military is a fucking business and business is good. The last time I checked the US military was the largest employer in the world.
So the most militarily powerful nation in the history of the planet is continuously attacking third world nations for economic gain, and you have an issue with people (that generally signed up for it) have died while in Iraq alone, somewhere between 200 000 and a million people have been killled?
Get the fuck out of here.
Lest we forget.....
My latest love poem has landed
Lover Moon
Quote by fuzzy1954
What a true small mind you have to spout your HATE. You sicken me. You dishonour the ones that gave their lives so you can live in your "fantasy world"
Quote by fuzzy1954
What a true small mind you have to spout your HATE. You sicken me. You dishonour the ones that gave their lives so you can live in your "fantasy world"
Quote by Osman
And what fantasy world is that?
Your world is build on HATE any thing that your southern neighbor has done or in your small mind will do. Keep building your hate osman
My latest love poem has landed
Lover Moon
Quote by fuzzy1954Quote by Osman
And what fantasy world is that?
Your world is build on HATE any thing that your southern neighbor has done or in your small mind will do. Keep building your hate osman
Care to elaborate? You keep capitalizing the word hate in the same way religious zealots capitalize god.
So who do I hate?
Quote by Magical_felix
You just got ass blasted by Ironic and he's like a third of your age.
Quote by WellMadeMale
You and Ironic could add your brain cells together and you'd both combined just barely be on par with Fuzzy.
I wasn't talking about memorial day or veterans day, I apparently can't explain to either of you what I was talking about. I can't dumb it down any further, as I already did that to my primary audience and he at least got it.
Quote by Ironic
You were talking about Memorial Day
Quote by WellMadeMale
One of you can't read and comprehend correctly and the other one can't write very well. You make a good duo, you should team up.
Quote by WellMadeMale
One of you can't read and comprehend correctly and the other one can't write very well. You make a good duo, you should team up.
One of you is pitching, probably the one recommending the lube. That means the other is catching.
Spare us the details.
Quote by Osman
Do you realize how pathetic you seem?
You shouldn't be posting in threads that require actual knowledge. Dude you're almost forty. Stop acting like a spoiled twelve year old.
Quote by Magical_felix
Wait.. What is this in reference to?
You replaced what I said with a crying baby image so I am not sure what you're reacting to.
Quote by Osman
Same thing isn't it?
At least make one post regarding the topic.
Oh! Fuck! you just got a hit of Osman's attention. Will that be enough to satisfy your envy based cravings?
Go back to badger the other Betas in your realm of intelligence, you thirsty little twat.
Quote by Chryses
Ignoring, for the sake of brevity, the rest of your anti-American gobbledygook, you are confusing Memorial Day with Veterans Day.
You and WellMadeMale seem to suffer from the same malady: ignorance.