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Presidential Tweets

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POTUS is now under fire for deleting a couple of past tweets openly backing Alabama State Attorney-General Luther Strange to win the republican primary for the state of Alabama. But Mr Strange lost. And so were Trump's supportive tweets when he deleted them.

The Presidential Records Act 1978 forbids any Presidential correspondence from being destroyed or deleted. The law also means that any tweets by the president are owned by The United States. There are a couple of avenues available if a President really wants to delete/destroy some kind of correspondence but it's A long and involved process hardly worth the bother.

My question is, do you think Trump should've deleted the tweets? I'll be honest and say that I think sometimes the media make mountains out of molehills where POTUS is concerned but I think he stepped over a line deleting those tweets. Of course there are screenshots of them all over the internet but that's not the point. They are missing from the record of the rest of his political tweets.
Active Ink Slinger
No place for the pres. Just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by trinket
POTUS is now under fire for deleting a couple of past tweets openly backing Alabama State Attorney-General Luther Strange to win the republican primary for the state of Alabama. But Mr Strange lost. And so were Trump's supportive tweets when he deleted them.

The Presidential Records Act 1978 forbids any Presidential correspondence from being destroyed or deleted. The law also means that any tweets by the president are owned by The United States. There are a couple of avenues available if a President really wants to delete/destroy some kind of correspondence but it's A long and involved process hardly worth the bother.

My question is, do you think Trump should've deleted the tweets? I'll be honest and say that I think sometimes the media make mountains out of molehills where POTUS is concerned but I think he stepped over a line deleting those tweets. Of course there are screenshots of them all over the internet but that's not the point. They are missing from the record of the rest of his political tweets.

In my humble opinion any tweet from the @POTUS and @WhiteHouse accounts are without doubt presidential correspondence to which the Presidential Records Act of 1978 applies. Deleting any tweet from those accounts definitely crosses the line.

I personally think the same is true for his @realDonaldTrump account, because he has used that more than once to announce important news and policy decisions, like when he nominated a new FBI director. Trump and the White House claim it is a personal account, to which that act does not apply. That vision is currently contested in court after Trump blocked critical people from viewing that account. If the judge in that case decides that the @RealDonaldTrump account is indeed a form of government speech it will also be subject to the Presidential Records Act and deleting tweets will be a violation of it.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Constant Gardener
Quote by patokl

In my humble opinion any tweet from the @POTUS and @WhiteHouse accounts are without doubt presidential correspondence to which the Presidential Records Act of 1978 applies. Deleting any tweet from those accounts definitely crosses the line.

I personally think the same is true for his @realDonaldTrump account, because he has used that more than once to announce important news and policy decisions, like when he nominated a new FBI director. Trump and the White House claim it is a personal account, to which that act does not apply. That vision is currently contested in court after Trump blocked critical people from viewing that account. If the judge in that case decides that the @RealDonaldTrump account is indeed a form of government speech it will also be subject to the Presidential Records Act and deleting tweets will be a violation of it.

All US Presidents enjoy a wealth of benefit$ after they serve their term(s) in office.

For the above reason alone, they should have to surrender just about every privacy they ever thought about protecting or enjoying, both before and during the time they are literally the most powerful political person in the world and acting and speaking on behalf of every American.

Anything Donald J Trump ever thought about keeping out of the glare of public knowledge or inspection vanished the moment he took the oath of office during his inauguration and it is also fair game to be investigated, probed, written about and bragged about or admonished. Even prosecuted.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Your system seems to put the President on more of a pedestal that our PM enjoys.\

Part of that is being a constitutional monarchy. The PM is not, in fact, the highest executive. Her Majesty is, even if she mostly acts through her representatives (the Governor General federally and the Lieutenant Governors in the provinces). I'm not a fan of the monarchy (I'm more or less republican in the sense of wanting to get rid of the monarchy) but this is a benefit I'm willing to acknowledge.

I think we are also a bit more suspicious of politicians putting on airs. A PM who is too aloof and too remote tends to get critiqued for that. Even our present PM's father had a reputation for aloofness that son has kind of avoided, though that didn't stop him from becoming one of our longest serving leaders. Stephen Harper, our previous PM to this one, had a reputation for coldness that accompanied him throughout his decade or so as Conservative leader. Comedians hammered him mercilessly for it. However, it was more his public demeanour and rather authoritarian approach to leadership that created that. At the same time as our comedians were portraying him as a personality-less robot, he was fostering kittens from the Ottawa animal shelter in the PM's residence so there was clearly a heart beating in there somewhere.
I'm not an attorney nor will I pretend to be one. Therefore I don't know the legalities of him deleting tweets which he has done on numerous occasions.

What I do know is that the 'fake media' aka 'enemy of the people' as he calls it, has a record of everything he's sent out. Also anything he tweets on his @RealDonaldTrump account, the white house states that they are 'official statements'.

Even though it seems most Americans want him to stop or curtail the tweets, I think he should continue because it gives us the opportunity to see what is really going on in his mind. Examples, an early Saturday morning tweet in which he accuses Obama of wire-tapping his office before the election. Or the out of the blue tweet saying transgenders will not be allowed to serve in the military, which caught everyone off-guard.

Let him tweet away so we know what he is really thinking. To quote Donald J. Trump, 'sad'.
seems mighty .petty question when there is division in this country . where young children are stolen to be made .slaves . where childhood hungry is rampant. .The press saved every one of his tweets so there is a record of them .
Quote by fire_ice
seems mighty .petty question when there is division in this country . where young children are stolen to be made .slaves . where childhood hungry is rampant. .The press saved every one of his tweets so there is a record of them .

You are free here to start threads on just about any topic you would like smile.
Rainbow Warrior
At this point, Trump has broken so many laws, it's getting hard to keep track of them. Since the Republicans refuse to do anything about it, he seems to be above the law, which is exactly how he thinks of himself.
Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by trinket
POTUS is now under fire for deleting a couple of past tweets openly backing Alabama State Attorney-General Luther Strange to win the republican primary for the state of Alabama. But Mr Strange lost. And so were Trump's supportive tweets when he deleted them.

The Presidential Records Act 1978 forbids any Presidential correspondence from being destroyed or deleted. The law also means that any tweets by the president are owned by The United States. There are a couple of avenues available if a President really wants to delete/destroy some kind of correspondence but it's A long and involved process hardly worth the bother.

My question is, do you think Trump should've deleted the tweets? I'll be honest and say that I think sometimes the media make mountains out of molehills where POTUS is concerned but I think he stepped over a line deleting those tweets. Of course there are screenshots of them all over the internet but that's not the point. They are missing from the record of the rest of his political tweets.

You're blaming the media? Okay... I guess that's your choice.

Here's the real problem, our current POTUS needs to practice something that we try to teach our children, "Think before you speak." In his case, it should be, "Think before you tweet."

**Content removed by moderator. Violates nature of The Spa.**

EDIT: Not sure what I said that was such a violation but whatever.
Quote by NymphWriter

You're blaming the media? Okay... I guess that's your choice.

Here's the real problem, our current POTUS needs to practice something that we try to teach our children, "Think before you speak." In his case, it should be, "Think before you tweet."

And if you honestly think his tweets are "destroyed or deleted", you clearly don't know how the internet works. I have no doubt that Twitter has a record every tweet he's posted since before he was elected (as well as every tweet ever tweeted since the beginning of Twitter.)

Ouch. What the heck is wrong with you today? You honestly think I'm so stupid that I don't know there are records of his tweets everywhere? Did you even read what I posted? I actually did say that they were "all over the Internet". I am talking about the removal of them from his accounts. Where they were all together. And anyone who might be interested could read all of them together. At the same time. I didn't think there was a need to point that out, I assumed it was understood.

As for blaming the media, I said "sometimes". Sweetie, darling, try to read what I write, not between the lines. There's nothing there. The hug is because we are in the spa. I think we have to kind of love one another in here.
Trump removed his tweets supporting the loser in the Alabama primary because he hates losing and wanted the record erased. He hates losing.

He tweets for many reasons. To vent. To undermine reporting that is critical of him by calling it fake news. To gloat. To burnish his ego. To leapfrog over legitimate media outlets and communicate directly with his supporters (often with information that is a blatant lie). To distract from issues and stories that he doesn't like and replace them with other stories. He uses the tweets to insult and demean, to belittle anyone who opposes him or his action.

Trump thrives on chaos and deception. He is an ultimate con man and knows how to manipulate his followers to believe him implicitly despite evidence to the contrary that they can read and see for themselves. This is like two children's stories: "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass". It is like the former in that a segment of the population will not accept what is in front of their eyes and ears and accepts what he tells them with no cognitive dissonance. One day they will see he is naked. It is like the latter in that down is up and up is down. Truth is fake news and lies are alternate facts (Kellyanne Conway).

Trump's tweets will be part of the historical record of his presidency and there is nothing he can do to stop that. With hindsight I have no doubt that they will see him as an entitled, petulant ignoramus.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by principessa
Trump removed his tweets supporting the loser in the Alabama primary because he hates losing and wanted the record erased. He hates losing.

He tweets for many reasons. To vent. To undermine reporting that is critical of him by calling it fake news. To gloat. To burnish his ego. To leapfrog over legitimate media outlets and communicate directly with his supporters (often with information that is a blatant lie). To distract from issues and stories that he doesn't like and replace them with other stories. He uses the tweets to insult and demean, to belittle anyone who opposes him or his action.

Trump thrives on chaos and deception. He is an ultimate con man and knows how to manipulate his followers to believe him implicitly despite evidence to the contrary that they can read and see for themselves. This is like two children's stories: "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass". It is like the former in that a segment of the population will not accept what is in front of their eyes and ears and accepts what he tells them with no cognitive dissonance. One day they will see he is naked. It is like the latter in that down is up and up is down. Truth is fake news and lies are alternate facts (Kellyanne Conway).

Trump's tweets will be part of the historical record of his presidency and there is nothing he can do to stop that. With hindsight I have no doubt that they will see him as an entitled, petulant ignoramus.

Sounds like a Think Tank post to me, unless the Spa is not also a safe space for Trump followers of course. Which I think it is.

Anyway, I agree.


Weaver of Words
Quote by principessa
Trump removed his tweets supporting the loser in the Alabama primary because he hates losing and wanted the record erased. He hates losing.

He tweets for many reasons. To vent. To undermine reporting that is critical of him by calling it fake news. To gloat. To burnish his ego. To leapfrog over legitimate media outlets and communicate directly with his supporters (often with information that is a blatant lie). To distract from issues and stories that he doesn't like and replace them with other stories. He uses the tweets to insult and demean, to belittle anyone who opposes him or his action.

Trump thrives on chaos and deception. He is an ultimate con man and knows how to manipulate his followers to believe him implicitly despite evidence to the contrary that they can read and see for themselves. This is like two children's stories: "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass". It is like the former in that a segment of the population will not accept what is in front of their eyes and ears and accepts what he tells them with no cognitive dissonance. One day they will see he is naked. It is like the latter in that down is up and up is down. Truth is fake news and lies are alternate facts (Kellyanne Conway).

Trump's tweets will be part of the historical record of his presidency and there is nothing he can do to stop that. With hindsight I have no doubt that they will see him as an entitled, petulant ignoramus.

All of this and what others have said as well. Regardless of the account he uses, it IS what he thinks and what he thinks is how things are or should be. He has used them to create policy (or at least has tried; sensibly, they have often been ignored until proper notification is made), to insult, to project to his followers what he wants them to believe, to deflect attention from what he views as "bad optics" and to promote what he perceives as "good optics" (even if they really aren't). I am sure he truly believes that many of them make him look like a strong and decisive leader.

The fact is, that in the past, a tweet was not nearly as important as his are today, for a couple of reasons, but mainly because of who is sending them, and the sheer number. As president, he has given up the right to express a "personal opinion" anymore. No one is going to sit there and try to decide if it is personal or official. So, in that respect, deleting a tweet he has made, definitely breaks the law. However, two things really affect the severity of that offense. First, the fact that they were on the internet, really makes deleting them an exercise in futility. Second, in view of all the other tweets he has posted, deleting a few tweets about who he supported in a particular instance is minor and of little consequence.

He has supported, then turned on and occasionally taken back into the fold, publicly and on the record with hours and hours of video to show his hypocrisy and out and out lies. And those lies are not just limited to support he gives, but to policy, statements he made on the campaign, and quite often things he says from day to day. How anyone can continue to support such an incompetent, inappropriate, unknowledgable racist asshole is beyond my understanding.

In the end, it's just one more small shovel of dirt from that hole he is digging, and a tiny brad in his coffin.
Quote by noll

Sounds like a Think Tank post to me, unless the Spa is not also a safe space for Trump followers of course. Which I think it is.

Anyway, I agree.

This is what Nicola said were the rules of the game for the Spa:

This "safe space" forum, is meant for people who prefer a harmonious and non-confrontational place, to discuss current events, and any subjects which might not fit in other forums.

It will be heavily moderated, so if you like vociferously arguing, trolling and winding people up, this is not the place for you. All posts of such a nature, will be removed, and repeat offenders, blocked from posting here.

As is the case across the site, hate speech and other inappropriate content, is disallowed.

I think that you may express an opinion, even a strong one, so long as you are not including ad hominem attacks on other posters or generally trolling. Every discussion will have two or more sides and many more opinions and that is allowed within the stated parameters so long as we are civil with each other. Anyhow, I think I have complied.
Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by trinket
Ouch. What the heck is wrong with you today? You honestly think I'm so stupid that I don't know there are records of his tweets everywhere? Did you even read what I posted? I actually did say that they were "all over the Internet". I am talking about the removal of them from his accounts. Where they were all together. And anyone who might be interested could read all of them together. At the same time. I didn't think there was a need to point that out, I assumed it was understood.

As for blaming the media, I said "sometimes". Sweetie, darling, try to read what I write, not between the lines. There's nothing there. The hug is because we are in the spa. I think we have to kind of love one another in here.

No, Trinket, I don't think you are stupid. Yes, I read what you wrote and I responded to exactly that. I was trying to be polite for two reasons: 1) this is the Spa and I'm trying to respect the rules; and 2) Just becasue I don't agree with you doesn't mean I have to cow down to you either.

You started this thread. You were the one who quoted the 1978 Presidential Records Act, not me. How is what he deleted about this election any different from the legendary "covfefe" tweet? Why didn't you bring this issue up then? I'd bet that if you look closely at his Twitter account (the @therealdonaldtrump one) you see that since he become POTUS there are many tweets he's since deleted. Some might be political and others might just be random thoughts that he's posted about in the past that he decided shortly afterward weren't exactly what he wanted to say... especially since Twitter doesn't allow you to edit once you've posted the way Facebook does. I'm sure he'd argue that it's fine since he's using his "personal" account and not the POTUS or White House Twitter account (both I no longer follow) that it's fine. Mind you, I'm just making an educated guess.

I stand by what I said before... Trump needs to Think Before He Tweets. A lot of issues could be avoided if he would just practice this.
Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by noll
Sounds like a Think Tank post to me, unless the Spa is not also a safe space for Trump followers of course. Which I think it is.

Anyway, I agree.

You're correct in that this topic could very easily fit inside The Think Tank, but Trinket wanted to post it here and she did nothing wrong in doing such. No one has engaged in personal attacks, but rather have calmly voiced his or her opinion about the issues of Trump and deleting his own tweets and the possibility that it might be violating the law.

To be honest, this new format is much nicer at you get more at what people think about the subject with the minutia of snarky attitudes and such.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by principessa

This is what Nicola said were the rules of the game for the Spa:

This "safe space" forum, is meant for people who prefer a harmonious and non-confrontational place, to discuss current events, and any subjects which might not fit in other forums.

It will be heavily moderated, so if you like vociferously arguing, trolling and winding people up, this is not the place for you. All posts of such a nature, will be removed, and repeat offenders, blocked from posting here.

As is the case across the site, hate speech and other inappropriate content, is disallowed.

I think that you may express an opinion, even a strong one, so long as you are not including ad hominem attacks on other posters or generally trolling. Every discussion will have two or more sides and many more opinions and that is allowed within the stated parameters so long as we are civil with each other. Anyhow, I think I have complied.

You implied that Trump voters are not the brightest people, that they don't see Trump's deceptions yet, that they get easily distracted/manipulated by him and that they ignore evidence that he does this, even if it's in plain sight. And while I agree, this could easily be considered offensive in a true safe space, which the Spa is said to be.


Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by noll

You implied that Trump voters are not the brightest people, that they don't see Trump's deceptions yet, that they get easily distracted/manipulated by him and that they ignore evidence that he does this, even if it's in plain sight. And while I agree, this could easily be considered offensive in a true safe space, which the Spa is said to be.

you can take offense at anything if you try hard enough. please don't try so hard. thanks.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by NymphWriter
You're correct in that this topic could very easily fit inside The Think Tank, but Trinket wanted to post it here and she did nothing wrong in doing such.

Nobody claimed she did.


"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by sprite
you can take offense at anything if you try hard enough. please don't try so hard. thanks.

So it is OK to imply that people who have different political believes are not very bright and get easily fooled then, here in the Spa?


Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by noll

So it is OK to imply that people who have different political believes are not very bright and get easily fooled then, here in the Spa?

i'm not going to argue this. since you're hell bent on taking offense - or nitpicking - i'm simply going to lock this thread. problem solved. if one of the other mods feels like i overstepped my bounds, they'll unlock it. until then...


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
No confrontations in The Spa.

Thanks so much.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

The Linebacker
It would be seriously doubtful that deleting Tweets would ever lead to the impeachment of a president. But if it were just something to include showing a pattern along with much more serious issues then it could be a small factor.

Most likely future presidents will leave Twitter accounts under the control of their public relations staff to influence their agenda in a non-aggressive positive way.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by trinket
I wouldn't call myself a "Trump follower". just commenting on the news.

OK. Not sure what that has to do with my post though.