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would you cheat on your partner

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1 watcher


Not emotionally nor sexually.

Yes I do cheat on him

Don’t have a partner but I would if I did.

Of course!!! I already told him that if Jason Statham ever wants to have sex with me I will not say no. Of course, the probability of that happening is like 0,0000001%, so we just have a good laugh on the subject.

Don't really have a celebrity crush and brag value wouldn't be that high in my circle anyway. So, fail to see the value prop of cheating on the partner with a famous person.

Same as Kinley. I might fall for characters out of a film or TV show, or something, but don't confused those with the person playing them.




Not emotionally nor sexually.

Still no.

I wouldn't disrespect myself in such a manner nor Mik.

Quote by Guest
would you cheat on your partner with a famous person.... if yes; who would it be and why!?!

I most likely would cheat with someone I knew, not a celeb. As to who, there's plenty of musicians who turn my crank, mostly in modern metal. But just because I lust for a public figure doesn't mean I would actually get it on with them.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

Only with her blessing, check out my stories.

Nope. I’d definitely leave the relationship first.

Don’t have a partner so “cheating” never applies.

I would say "NO" but when all the planets are in line, when the mood is right, when you are not in total control of your mind... then it might happen.

Then don't let your true love discover about it through gossips. Face your mistake and tell him or her yourself. It will not be an easy task but it might save your love....

Depends on who it was, the situation, and if there was money involved.

Quote by colin123

She likes it, as long as she knows.

Sometimes watches.

I was never committed. I prefer open relationship.


Only with her permission

No. As a fantasy, it's exciting, but it's not something I'd ever do in reality.

Don't believe everything that you read.

I don’t have a partner, but I would “cheat” if I did. I suppose that is a good reason not to have a partner. I have no interest in having sex with a famous person.