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Wikipedia users divided over sexual material

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It's always the same. What might seem bad to one person is fluff to another.
I think it should be left alone. If someones child is looking at porn or what the parent considers porn and bitches about then I say, DO YOUR FUCKING JOB! Be a parent. Stop blaming someone else for your failure to control your kid.
Quote by chefkathleen
It's always the same. What might seem bad to one person is fluff to another.
I think it should be left alone. If someones child is looking at porn or what the parent considers porn and bitches about then I say, DO YOUR FUCKING JOB! Be a parent. Stop blaming someone else for your failure to control your kid.

I agree that parents need to be more involved in what their children are up to. Yet, it's not as easy as Chef makes it sound. Short of following the child 24/7, a parent will NEVER know EVERYTHING a child is into. Did your parents know EVERYTHING you were into? For any parent who disagrees with my statement, I dare say that your kids have pulled the wool over your eyes (unless you follow the kid around 24/7, of course).

Regarding Wikipedia, I believe not every story, or definition, needs pictures. A verbal description of what masturbation is, is fine. Do we need to view a video of someone masturbating to understand the concept? I think not. Even here on Lushstories we are restricted to what we can write about; is one of the restrictions. I don't disagree with that rule, yet if "what might seem bad to one person is fluff to another" why is the rule in place? Why not allow stories about and let the reader decide? I personally think it's because a moral barometer has been set.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is this. It's easy to throw blame on parents for not raising their children properly when the child turns out to be bad. Yet, when a parent has an opinion about what his/her child may be exposed to, because they are being dilligent and watching what their children are getting into, to blame them for not doing their job, I believe, minimizes their opinion and their value base. Are parents no longer able to share a point of view without fearing that someone will accuse them of not 'doing their job?' On the contrary. I think parents who voice their opinions are very much "on the job."

Phew...I intended upon writing a short comment. So much for that. Be grateful I didn't go into a diatribe about the diminishing community and how nobody gives a shit for anyone else but themselves.
Parents to a certain degree have control of what their children see on a computer. Public library, and school computers do not allow NSFW items, etc. If that parent lets a child go to his friends house and the friends 'rents don't monitor and the kid sees porn. Who's fault is it? The porn site?
How naive to beleave that it's a web sites fault no one is watching your kid while your doing something else more interesting than making sure your kids friends 'rents are on the same page as you are.

As for restrictions on this and some other sites about . It's the rule here not everywhere. In the US it's illegal to have sex with kids. In other countries it is not. And they too have access to the internet. They can also build website. English speaking countries dont' own the net as they would like to believe.

I also didn't say a child was bad or turning out bad for looking at porn. I'm not blaming a parent for that. I blame parents for yelling and bitching about everything that's not what they want their kid to see or do. They want everyone to do their job for them. Take down the web site, don't print this, don't do that in movies. My kid might see it. Well do your job and don't allow the kid access to it and if he gets it, deal with it instead of punishing the people that are making or doing what you don't what them to see.
Quote by bassguitarbubba
Why not allow stories about and let the reader decide?

Legal and personal reasons. In the UK for example, if you posted such a story, you would be breaking the obscene publications act and could face years in prison. I'm talking about just posting a story.

If my site contained hundreds of stories containing underage characters, what kind of heat do you think would bring to my site, from agencies around the world? It is the reason I ban authors immediately who break the rules.

And on a personal level, I think it's morally wrong. I don't even want to read about it.

Preventing minors accessing this site is the main reason I registered the site with netnanny, Cyber Patrol, Safe Surf etc. There's only so much a responsible site owner can do.
"If that parent lets a child go to his friends house and the friends 'rents don't monitor and the kid sees porn. Who's fault is it? The porn site?"

"How naive to beleave that it's a web sites fault no one is watching your kid while your doing something else more interesting than making sure your kids friends 'rents are on the same page as you are."
I agree. I didn't say that. I don't know if you have kids. If you do, you must spend alot of time on the phone with your child's friend's parents when your child is visiting them..."What are they doing now? How about now? Can you see them now?"

"English speaking countries dont' own the net as they would like to believe."
That was Al Gore. Remember? He said he invented the internet. Besides, who said that English speaking people think they own the net?

"I also didn't say a child was bad or turning out bad for looking at porn."
Neither did I.

"I'm not blaming a parent for that. I blame parents for yelling and bitching about everything that's not what they want their kid to see or do."
So you blame the parent for having an opinion about what his/her child may be exposed to but if the kid turns out bad you no longer blame the parent? Who then? Please don't tell me you blame society.

"They want everyone to do their job for them. Take down the web site, don't print this, don't do that in movies. My kid might see it. Well do your job and don't allow the kid access to it and if he gets it, deal with it instead of punishing the people that are making or doing what you don't what them to see."
It only stands to reason that if a parent is vocal about a certain thing, in this case porn, they are probably not allowing their child to view it. Who's punishing anyone? When did having an opinion become punishment?

Chef, I didn't mean to push a hot button. Everyone has opinons, ranging from who should be the leader of their country... to what music they what may or may not be appropriate for their children to view. I spun off a couple of sentences from your first post and then spoke in generalities for the remainder. Somehow you took the whole thing personally. My intention was to show my support that people, you, me, parents, have a right to their opinions. It seemed to me that you were so passionate about getting your opinion across that parents need to do their job, you overlooked that perhaps, an opinionated parent IS doing their job. Certainly you don't expect a parent to remain silent on issues they feel passionate about. Do you? Clearly, you're not silent about giving your opinion. Maybe you just don't agree with theirs.

Chef, I've met you on this site and we've seemed to have light, fun conversations. I'd like to keep it that way. So the next time I have a differing opinion than yours, remind me to keep it to myself. Butting heads with someone I am partial to over an issue like Wikipedia isn't worth it to me.

My question: Why not allow stories about and let the reader decide? was purely rhetorical. I knew what the answers were before you posted them. At the time I was trying to point out how a comment, in its context, may have sounded socially irresponsible.
Hey, bgb.....Im thinking that Lush does not allow stories about because this site would be full of pedophiles! (sp?) She has worked really hard to make this site a decent place for fellow sex freaks to enjoy! LOL! To an EXTENT! Some of the story topics may be questionable, but allowing sex stories about children is totally crossing the line.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Quote by Pixie
Hey, bgb.....Im thinking that Lush does not allow stories about because this site would be full of pedophiles! (sp?) She has worked really hard to make this site a decent place for fellow sex freaks to enjoy! LOL! To an EXTENT! Some of the story topics may be questionable, but allowing sex stories about children is totally crossing the line.

I know.
It only stands to reason that if a parent is vocal about a certain thing, in this case porn, they are probably not allowing their child to view it. Who's punishing anyone? When did having an opinion become punishment?

I think Chef was trying to say people who make money from the huge porn industry (print media, video, PPV, even music) shouldn't be censored and run out of business because the parents won't actively parent and monitor their kids.

"I'm not blaming a parent for that. I blame parents for yelling and bitching about everything that's not what they want their kid to see or do."
So you blame the parent for having an opinion about what his/her child may be exposed to but if the kid turns out bad you no longer blame the parent? Who then? Please don't tell me you blame society.

Here, I think Chef is saying a parent can't blame all of their kid's personal problems on one thing like Internet porn.
You got it.
You been talking to Tech? She gets me too. There's much much more I could say on the subject but, evidently it gets blown all out of whack. So there's no point. Laters!
Me too! Next subject...
Since we are all in the about a drink people......ITS FRIDAY!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!

"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Quote by chefkathleen
You got it.
You been talking to Tech? She gets me too. There's much much more I could say on the subject but, evidently it gets blown all out of whack. So there's no point. Laters!

I DO get you Chef...and I couldn't agree more.

The net is no different than magazines and tv shows and movies. Should we ban everything that our kids shouldn't see? Or should we pay more attention to our kids and who they associate with? Should we shelter them from everything or teach them how to make appropriate choices and help them to learn from times when they make poor choices?

If a parent doesn't want their child to access certain sites, there are plenty of ways to block things. It should be the responsibility of the parents to determine what is inappropriate in their eyes and find a way to handle it that fits their own situation. Yes, they could look at inappropriate sites at their friends' houses, much like we did when we were kids...only then it was the discovery of a porn mag stashed by an older brother or gasping at naked breasts in National Geographic magazine (nude a respectable magazine no less).

It comes down to one thing, as a parent it is my job to supervise, guide, teach, and protect my own children. I don't expect the world to do it for me. If I want to block something...I'd better figure out how to do it.

just my thoughts...not trying to re-dredge any arguments.


PS...thanks for the drink Zaf...I've had a helluva week!!

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

It's an age old question, entire theses have been written on the subject. I remember reading about how in Europe, at the turn of the century I believe, a woman's ankles became erotic...why? Because that's all men could see. In Japan the back of a woman's neck was considered the same as showing a breast today. The problem always is, where to draw the line when it comes to what kids can access.

Personally I grew up with absolutely no parental supervision and well, other things. This comes out in my stories all the time and I think you can see the fucked up result it had on me. I think the most important thing is that parents are involved with their kids, talk to their kids and have a strong grasp on what they feel is morally right or wrong. As someone who is planning on becoming a parent sometime in the very near future (fingers crossed) I certainly plan to be involved with their lives.

I love this site and I understand the laws, but what about when you want to write from personal experience? Did anyone's sexual adventures (or misadventures) actually begin right at 18 or whenever it was legal? I've known two people both male and female that didn't have sex until they were 20 and 22. Both went freaking insane once they finally had sex, like this new drug, both ended up with a VD (nothing deadly, the guy actually had two) and both ended up turning back to religion as some sort of penance for their "sins". My point (cause sometimes I never have one) is that they were both protected from sex all their lives, once they had it they went crazy, did stupid things, paid a price and now view sex as "wrong" or "evil". I had sex at a VERY early age (not by choice) and grew up having more and more sex and I'm pretty fucked up but in some ways I can say I'm honestly better off than either of them. Sure, I write stories that are "on the edge" but I'm just exploring what's in my mind. Hasn't anyone on here ever read stories from "Secret Garden"? There are stories of but women don't want to be just because they have a fantasy. So sometimes I really, REALLY want to write about my personal experiences, I really want to tell stories about things that happened to me but how can I? The law says that no matter what if a thought/fantasy comes out of my head it better be written with these ages and in these situations. That my friends is censorship. No matter how you paint it. If I'm not harming another, not putting another person in danger, and not inciting others to go out and commit acts harming others then I should have a right to explore whatever creative angles I desire as an artist.

Anyway, the debate will go on until the end of time. As long as there are those with power, there will be censorship and artists will continue to push the boundaries. It's always been and it always will be.

Here is me stepping off my soap box and ready for flaming.
I understand where you are coming from Fetishdoll (best of luck with the pregnancy btw), but from a site owner's perspective, I don't want to be shut down. Then nobody can publish their stories here and what would that accomplish?

I am not the one ultimately doing the censorship. I have to legally abide by the letter of the law.

Go to any of the other successful story sites out there, and 99% of them take the stance I do. It simply isn't worth the hassle.
I think you are doing the right thing, no debate there, my problem is with those who hunt for demons where there are only reflections of themselves.
Quote by techgoddess
It comes down to one thing, as a parent it is my job to supervise, guide, teach, and protect my own children. I don't expect the world to do it for me. If I want to block something...I'd better figure out how to do it.
just my thoughts...not trying to re-dredge any arguments.
PS...thanks for the drink Zaf...I've had a helluva week!!

Ajem! as I put my heels on this shaky soap box......Tech....this is similar to my point of view regarding this subject. I admire people who have the courage to become parents and put forth all the necessary effort to care for their child because in my opinion its the hardest job in the world to care for a child's well-being. I, myself do not have children and its by choice. I do believe however if I did have children I would do everything in my power to try to care, protect and guide and teach my child (just like tech said up there) and not expect society or anyone else for that matter to do it for me.

In my line of work I see children and women everyday that do not have a home and have been severely emotionally, mentally, physically abused and I can see those children and their mothers come out of that situation scarred but ok as long as they are there for each other in the good and the bad times. I have observed that as long as the mother and/or father are there for the child and put forth the effort to supervise and really care, any child can withstand anything as long as they know someone is on their side.

My main point being that maybe everyone may be able to have a child but not everyone wants to raise them so those that do not have the time, do not want to, prefer to focus on their own lives and what they are missing because they have a child....should not complain when their own child goes out of control because of misguidance and then want to put the blame on society and the government or pornsites and/or erotic writing sites or anyone else for that matter as to why their own child is that way. They are that way as a result of the raising they received. I have seen it and I have lived it and again this my humble opinion it is not my intention to ruffle any feathers.

On that note I agree with you Chef, Tech, Fetish......everyone makes a good point and that is the great thing that this Forum allows is for every single one of us to express how we feel and everything still be ok at the end of the day.......(thanks lush)

Ok I am stepping down now.....(Glad to hear your better Fetish....)

as I walk away with my heels to the bar.....(I have had a helluva week as well tech so lets get another....LOL)
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Was just thinkin' the same thing!

Guess she doesn't need a drink holder.
Quote by roccotool
Was just thinkin' the same thing!

Guess she doesn't need a drink holder.

She doesn't need a tray table either!

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife