Lushstories went down, and I actually had an excuse to get up and do something. I was starting to have Lush withdraws. Its official to say, I'm addicited to this wonderful site (:
I think Gav and Nicola do that once in awhile just to watch people squirm and dance looking for their fix.
After 3 profiles since you have had since I have joined, I would totally say you are addicted
Yep, I'm addicted too. Been visiting for a while just as a guest but just recently joined as a member. Last night when Lush went down I thought OMG! am I actually going to have to get on Facebook because Lush is down? LOL
I am glad I am not the only one who had withdrawals! I have not been a member very long and I am constantly checking in here. Do you think "Lush addiction" would be a sexual addiction or a social networking addiction?
They tried to make me go to rehab, I said, "No, no,no"
I have recentlyretired spend about 20 hours a day with my dog so chceck in here a lot the dog hasn't learned to chat
I was logging on to submit a story and discovered it was down. I was so happy it was, as it turned out, because when my girlfriend read it for me, she discovered some formatting errors and missing sections that I hadn't finished writing which didn't destroy the coherency, but completely altered the tone and meaning of the story, making it uncomfortable at best. Since then, I've fixed it and it's in its final stages of editing. Thanks, universe.
Yep I'm addicted. I log in all the time and even fall asleep while logged in.
Bunker Love
My Dream my latest stopry
i actually love this site
. L U S H
it's not porn
It's a Social Movement
.... with Benefits
We're up to something here. Well, the almighty lady from Down-Under.
Choose n Practice Happiness
Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
It truly is a wonderful and amazing place with many very good people, some of whom have become good friends. It is so much more than a "porn" or "sex" site. Having said that, yes, it is addicting, certainly when I first joined. I literally had panic attacks if I was going to miss a day on Lush. I can attest though, that time has changed that. I have other ways to communicate with friends from here if I cannot be online, and really don't need to be here every day. I get on when I want to, not because I need to.