I saw the question and my immediate thought was Miss Giggles (aka SPRITE).
As far as guys are concerned, we don't flirt ... we just openly drool and display our lust!!
Weav, you may have a legal case going for internet badgering. I think Nicola needs to look at this. Please say no more.
I've yet to be flirted with. I'll let you know once it happens.
gerund or present participle: flirting
behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.
"it amused him to flirt with her"
synonyms: trifle with, toy with, tease, lead on
"it amused him to flirt with her"
Adi your pretty good....lol... so are a lot of other women that keep us men coming back for more. As far as the men most just whisper (perhaps insecurity) , but I do hear tell my friend Billybroadband may have that honor. Like a fox in a hen house...lmao