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Who do you attract?

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At the moment i havent attracted anyone..I do all the chasing, But i can pick and chose who i chat to or e-mail , So at least this way my friends list is kept upto date, Allso to be honest in previous years i know i collected bisexual fellas, Fellas pretending to be women, Married women who pretended to be single..Pluss an awfull lot of inbetween to.........But i admit i enjoyed every moment.x
apparently I have attracted a few dumb fucks ....
and all that I have attracted haven't a clue how to hold me .... dumb fucks

hehehe .... sorry ... left over from the Rage Cage ....
drunk weedhead white party girls
I seem to atract crazy guys no idea why but after I leave them they come back or at least try to.... then they all say the same things about why they came back but their ways don't change so they get booted again lol just being a little honest

just as a footnote: my friends tell me I don't give guys a chance to fix the relationship which I think is bullshit
Anything you think is sweet, I'm a little more than that.
I am not crazy and I havent left you yet ... hmmmm.
Quote by simplyjohn
Nobody .. sobs.

LOL John .. u fishin' for compliments ?!
Quote by nymphonatalia

LOL John .. u fishin' for compliments ?!

yes yes yes !! and you didnt leave one so more sobbing !!
2. Insecure (which explained the possessiveness)
3. Clingy
4. Self-centered
5. Shallow

But there was also good stuff

1. Smart
2. Funny
3. Handsome
4. Easy to talk to, for the most part

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Freaks, mainly. And not the good kind either.
But lately it's been getting better.
"Nothing is villainous if it causes an erection"
-Marquis de Sade
The last few guys I have dated like to tell me what I want to hear, so they can get what they want out of me then be gone. So, I guess really it comes down to them being total asshats and liars..

But that's okay. I'm currently happy.. lol
Online I seem to mostly attract younger guys that wear some sort of uniform to work. Most of them are very nice, smart and funny.
In real life, I attract mainly professional men--doctors, lawyers, accountants, journalists--most of them older. They are all handsome, successful and very smart.
The common denominator between both sets - they are all MARRIED.
Bit younger
A little TOO wild
Drink a lot
my friends husbands!!! They're great guys and I love them dearly but I love my friends and their friendship more..
I had a place a disclaimer on my profile, because a few young gentlemen mistake my nature. Must be the vocabulary.

At any rate... I seem to attract the company of younger gentlemen who somehow believe I have the ability to lead them, and I don't. At least not on dry land.

It seems to be a very curious phenomenon in America, where I would labelled a "cougar". Strange because these women are designated as "pathetic", "desperate" and "lonely" - things which seem foreign to me. The only thing I could be accused of is "intensity". Is it desperate to refuse the attentions of such charming young men? Perhaps, but desperate in the sense, "I hope I don't hurt his feelings" - my empathy is my Achilles Heel.

In the past I have experienced a fatal attraction to narcissists, and thank the Lifestyle, I can still enjoy the company of a man with a large ego, but within the delicate structure of the dynamic of the Lifestlye. There it functions perfectly.
Si vos postulo me, sed non vis me, oportet me manere.
Sed si vis me, sed non vos postulo me, oportet me abire.
I have been attracting girls with a dark past recently. They are rather intriguing, something of a challenge though.
Had a dream I was king, I woke up still king!!
I attract the one's that are attached or I attract the lesbian women and love men with a passion. I have always atrracted lesbian women, why oh why. I just also want a man I like that is un-attached from somebody else.
The nutcases on the bus or the train mostly. I don't mind.
I attract more attached men post break up... wonder why that is???
Financially unstable men/moochers.

The emotionally needy.

Men only looking for a booty call.

Luckily, I have the world's greatest lover.
Ms Quote

Author of A Good Woman's Dirty Mind
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I usually attract tall or strong guys. Guys in uniform some black guys, guys that are funny or confident. Luckily I am already taken.
either on drugs and / or after the contents of my wallet
Bad boys, which I am drawn to.. and all but one has been younger than me (not cougar younger than me LOL, but a few years)
The ones who get what they want and ride off into the sunset .... or the ones who want to introduce you to their mothers. I'd like the type in the middle ideally!
Lately, no one! I must be in a bad funk.
†Jinxy Approved†

Apparently not the right ones since none seem to last - tend to be all over the board blue collar to MBA. Most common theme is poor communicators which is why I probably end up here so much.
Hmmm, well I'm going to answer this by paraphrasing the question. Who do I attract on Lush? For some odd reason, I've been sent private chat invites from several very old men. Not really the type of invites I was hoping to receive. P.s. I'm in my mid 40's which should give you some context to my use of the word old.
Comments and suggestions of my stories are always welcome.
Thanks, Scott
When I was in my late teens and twenties I attracted 2 of my friends mothers - oh wait, no 3 of them. Also a few work colleagues who were 40+. Thats when my whole preference for older ladies began. I never had luck with anyone my own age, the girls my own age crippled my self esteem and rejected me. Funny, Now I am 35, with full grown confidence, I seem to attract most ladies whom I spark up a good conversation with. My looks have also aged like wine. I was goofy looking when I was younger, but now my face seems quite well chisled.