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When Lush friends just disappear.

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Active Ink Slinger
My so called girlfriend, with whom we were allegeably in loving relationship just disappeared. That was over a month ago, her/his profile is still active. I also came across her pic elsewhere, if it was her in the first place. Strange, same pic had grown a dick. Was I deceived? I think so.

Life is not a rehearsal!!
Quote by LoveLips
My so called girlfriend, with whom we were allegeably in loving relationship just disappeared. That was over a month ago, her/his profile is still active. I also came across her pic elsewhere, if it was her in the first place. Strange, same pic had grown a dick. Was I deceived? I think so.

Yeah Hon, sadly that's another pitfall of the internet. The fact that anyone can CLAIM to BE anyone ELSE and there really is no way of knowing for SURE whom you're REALLY DEALING WITH. My best suggestion is, consider it a "life lesson" and NEVER send people you've met online ANYTHING that you wouldn't send to your mother!
Quote by LoveLips
My so called girlfriend, with whom we were allegeably in loving relationship just disappeared. That was over a month ago, her/his profile is still active. I also came across her pic elsewhere, if it was her in the first place. Strange, same pic had grown a dick. Was I deceived? I think so.

Don't be surprised, at anything on a media site, when human egos and personalities are involved. One has to understand, what one is dealing with.
Having been around on the internet for a fair old while I no longer expect anybody I encounter online to be a true friend until I've met them (either in person or on a webcam, which is a very rare occurrence for me) and even then, I understand that people come and go through other people's lives and none of it is a reflection of the people that they walk away from.

As one friend put it, a good friend is surprisingly hard to lose, and if you can lose them easily that means that they weren't actually a good friend in the first place.

If there are 312k members on Lush that pretty much guarantees (statistically at least) that there are murderers, fraudsters, violent criminals and every other sort of person who you would never actually wish to meet, all registered and posting the same as everybody else. Are you a violent criminal? How do I know that you aren't? Come to that, how do you know that I'm not?

Because the main forum that I manage is a very large community forum I have the luxury that I have met all of my admin and moderating team in person, and I've met literally hundreds of other forum users too. I have minor local celebrity status when people find out who I am because many of the users who haven't met me think I'm fictitious (I'm not) or that I'm a split personality of the forum owner (I'm not). I even met Him on the forum, although we met in person within a couple of months of getting chatting, at another forum user's divorce party. That's almost 10 years ago, and I was an admin of the forum even back then.

The important thing is that even with all of my admin tools there are times when I can't tell whether one user is actually a second registration of a banned user, so what chance do other forum users have?

I treat everybody on face value and respect them unless there's a reason not to, but the chances are that I won't be close enough to be hurt by them leaving.
Just noticed that Papergirl and all her amazing stories are gone. That's too bad.
Fancy Schmancy
Quote by Verbal

I miss Steph too.

It sad when a good friend disappears, but lives are complicated, and there are so many possible reasons for leaving. And the anonymity makes it much easier.

I, of course, will never leave without saying goodb....

I know I love you, but even if I didn't, I would still think this was pretty funny.
At one time or another, everyone will leave. Like anything in life, one must use logic and common sense. The media is a pool of good fish and bad fish. Don't get reeled in. I have four or five people that I think of as extended family. Don't be fooled by a name under a box, just because it says friends. That is ridiculous and not to logical.
living dead girl
Quote by LoveLips
My so called girlfriend, with whom we were allegeably in loving relationship just disappeared. That was over a month ago, her/his profile is still active. I also came across her pic elsewhere, if it was her in the first place. Strange, same pic had grown a dick. Was I deceived? I think so.

This place should be on the show catfish....
Quote by LoveLips
My so called girlfriend, with whom we were allegeably in loving relationship just disappeared. That was over a month ago, her/his profile is still active. I also came across her pic elsewhere, if it was her in the first place. Strange, same pic had grown a dick. Was I deceived? I think so.

A chick with a dick? Was her name Lola?
Quote by LadyAnnWest
A chick with a dick? Was her name Lola?

And did you meet her in a club and drink champagne that tasted like cherry-cola?
Princess Blondie
I know I disappear from time to time, sometimes for long periods of time. I always have my profile active though and don't plan on deleting my account. I do know I lose friends cause of it, but that's their choice.
†Jinxy Approved†

I think it is very sad. I lost another good friend today. Just disappeared.
Click below to see

Sometimes life causes us to be away, sometimes for extended amounts of time. Like Jinxy I too have lost friends over it. I understand people wanting to keep in contact with everyone, if not then delete them. I have never deleted anyone. I don't know everyone's situation. Oh well. Their choice. Nothing can get me down now. I love you Lilly! !!
Oh, gosh. I've grown close to a few (not a lot, admittedly, but a few, nonetheless) of my online friends since I was a little kid on AOL kids only in the 90's, and I've pretty much lost touch with almost all of them. It's saddening.

It's also life on the internet, unfortunately.
The Creep
it hurts damn much
Active Ink Slinger
This thread got me wondering why I don't hear from a lot of my friends on Lush anymore and I was dismayed to find that most of them haven't posted in over a year.... I guess they just lost interest and/or moved on.

I've been on here for over four and a half years and with a couple of times out because business was so good I literally didn't have time, I've been here steadily since I started.

Lush is great and sometimes my only social outlet for days on end.

The matching photo games including the ones from the adult section are my only games I play and I get a lot of enjoyment from them.

These are the adult versions.

Great minds think alike but dirty minds work together.... ;)
Quote by amy1967
It's very much to be expected. For many people Lush is just some sort of fantasy, an escape from the everyday. And thats just fine.
What bothers me is when they lead you to believe its more than that. That they really do care and they really do want to be a friend as opposed to just 1 of 100 on a list. And then they disappear anyways and you know that once again you've been led down the garden path. But it's not the end of the world and you get over it quickly.

"I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down"

*Couldn't help but agree with you Amy I left lushstories about two or three times due to heartbreak and drama, my poems and everything went to hell with it. I was taken for a fool but hey that's in the past now, I'm at a much better place in my life (no drama, no stupid arguements, just peace and harmony). Just being very careful right now :-), can't trust nobody*
When it's with someone you trust and have a relationship with its heartbreaking
Personally I have been disappearing a lot lately. I just needed a break but I'm slowly coming back. I miss my friends here, and have developed relationships with many of my friends. I didn't tell anyone, and that's why it seems like I've gone, but I'm still here. I think many of us fail to communicate that it's a break.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Advanced Wordsmith
"It's strange to have a friend that I have never met, never hugged, never kissed, or never looked into their eyes.
But..... I have been touched by their soul, seen the good in their hearts, and felt the warmth of their being.
These friends I have never met are NOT friends untouched, for I have felt them with me when I needed them, and have their love. They are some of the sweetest and kindest people I have ever known."
Yes it hurts when they just disappear...we are people behind the keyboard and monitor
I have left twice when the emotional pain and turmoil caused by other people's actions became too much to bear. The choice to delete rather than deactivate my account was made in the heat of the moment in the early hours of the night when my faculties were at their weakest. It may seem to be overdramatic to many, but the action itself is a form of catharsis, but also self punishment. It is probable that only those with mental health issues will understand. I have lost friends whom I valued too, especially Steph, but also Debbie, so I understand the puzzlement and pain of those who remain.

well said

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by HappyEndings
This thread got me wondering why I don't hear from a lot of my friends on Lush anymore and I was dismayed to find that most of them haven't posted in over a year.... I guess they just lost interest and/or moved on.

Yeah, same here. All of my old buddies have moved on as well. A lot of people have left Lush over the past 2 years, but, luckily, they have been replaced with lots of new members. The site now has over 317, 000 members, and is thriving now, more than ever.

I just find it hard making new friends on here now. I don't know if the new generation of Lushites are less sociable than the previous, but people just seem more reserved. It's probably just me.
Prolific Writer
I think some just come and have a great time for awhile and then leave. Some get caught by their spouses and some come back under different accounts.

Most of the writers stick around awhile but you always bump into them on other websites.

The other's that are here come and go like the wind.

I used to get upset but now I just am glad to have had the opportunity to have talked with them for a brief time

Just like real life really.....

Common Sense Iconoclast
Sometimes, life takes over. Things change. I check in, but most have moved on. I think it's normal, and inevitable.

I feel a bit guilty that I have not written a new story recently, as that new story might at least interest some people.

I admit I haven't even taken much time to read new stories. Not sure why.

But I still believe in Lush. This kind of place is needed, and I appreciate the fact that most other visitors and all the members I've interacted with respect each other. Not many assholes around. I credit the mods for shielding us, if in fact that is what is happening. Worst I've ever seen is the occasional spammer try to become my "friend".
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)
Idk... Gryffindor?
I've had that happen, too. sad One friend just drops off randomly and I can't seem to reach her irl anymore, then another friend completely vanished. Like, her profile is gone. Not sure if she deleted, deactivated or what. Makes me sad. :(

If anyone hears from AvaK or ValkyrieAngel, please let me know!
I have just started on this site and hope to make many friends. I hope none of them vanish. I guess it happens....sadly on all social media sites.
BTW hi everyone haha
Quote by Naomi22
My so called girlfriend, with whom we were allegeably in loving relationship just disappeared. That was over a month ago, her/his profile is still active. I also came across her pic elsewhere, if it was her in the first place. Strange, same pic had grown a dick. Was I deceived? I think so.

That's horrible