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What Time is it for you and what do you usually do around that time

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For me it's 8:23pm and I am usually relaxing with a movie or getting my things together for the next day if it's a week day then having a shower smile
07:00. (There's actually a 2 hour time difference between my local time and posted time).
Morning TV.
Contemplate going back to bed.
It's 7:21 PM Saturday evening. Jack and Lisa will be over in an hour or so, and we will swap partners after Lisa and I play alone for awhile.
6:24 Saturday evening...

I'm studying Economics and waiting for dinner to finish cooking (a roast with potatoes and carrots).

This is pretty much how every evening goes. Dinner prep starts at 6, I study . . . the usual. Before I went back to college this would be my time for editing. I had a very stringent writing schedule.
It's 7:15 in the evening. Right now watching some football with a few people. Carefully browsing Lush on my phone.
Quote by Gillianleeeza
It is around midnight. Usually rethinking my entire life. Seldom sleeping, often crying.

I am sorry, Gill. Insomnia can eat you alive.

About 11. Tonight, waiting for youngest to come home from her first Homecoming dance.
It's 11:42 pm and I'm posting a meme for Gillian on her wall, which I hope can put a smile on her pretty face.

It is 0546 AM, and I am trying wake up usually with a hot cup of coffee, and soon, watching the sun rise. Alone sadly.
Quote by trinket
Its 7.39pm and I'm stalking sugarbaby

it's 4:42 am and i am sending a PM to one of our members warning her that stalking other members is against TOS.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

It's 10:50 AM, and I'm waiting for my uncle to show up so we can all go out to lunch together.
It's 9:30 A.M. here. Normally I'd be out riding horses and working my ranch, but due to all of the fires in our area, the air is so smokey, it's hard to stay outdoors for very long.
Quote by trinket

It's 12.08 am and I'm telling Spritelette that sugarbabs is ok with me stalking her. She loves me just like I love you Princess

it's 9:41 am and i am re-reading the restraining order i've just received from Tinket's Lawyer, looking for a loophole.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

It's Sunday at 2:30 p.m. and I am usually just finishing cooking and eating Sunday dinner. I sometimes come to Lush to relax and peek in to see who might be online. I often think of a friend who stays up late and seldom sleeps. The thought of her always makes me smile. I'm blessed to know her.
Interesting to see everyone's busy lives weather its a routine or not

Update: 8:31pm Sunday evening just listening to music currently have a route planned for when I go on my Monday long walk tomorrow
It is 4:45pm on a weekend, so not doing much at all. Watching some vids, posting on here and on another board, just generally chilling. But that's on a weekend. Were this a weekday, I'd be wrapping up my workday.
Just finished branding some frogs and will have legs and hush puppies with cider, soon. Seems lately at this time of day, the June bugs begin to chatter.
A.T.M. it's actually 08:23 AESD time (not 10:26 as stated on the posting log)

I'm in full retirement mode.
Breakfast is over and the washing up done.
Just finishing the last of the freshly brewed coffee.

5:27 pm on Sunday in September and I'm watching football.
5:45 pm and usually helping with dinner
Quote by trinket

It's 12.08 am and I'm telling Spritelette that sugarbabs is ok with me stalking her. She loves me just like I love you Princess

What? Prove it!

Oh! And it's 2:00 am here. Trinket won't let me sleep.
It's 8:52 AM Monday morning. Been working from home on my smartphone. Heading in to the office.
6am in the summer
And the surfs good ?
It's 7:30 AM, just got off the phone with my District Manager regarding a couple of sales accounts I'm working on. I am pumped & ready to close them.
It's 12:52 PM. Eating a mandarin orange at my desk and waiting for one of our accountants to come back from lunch so I can get her to pull a couple invoices from last year.