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What pisses you off about our societies?

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I have been thinking a lot about the decline of education, especially with regard to reading, writing, and speaking. We really seem to have few standards for proper English in either reading or writing these days, and it truly irks me. I don't expect everyone to be able to write fluently or even speak well, but when I see misspellings and improper grammar on the news and in magazines, it annoys the hell out of me!

So I'm wondering: what are you fed up with, as far as our societies go (I make this plural to include the multiple countries represented by Lush users)? What would you like to see change?

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

I feel frustrated by the concept that we strive for everyone to fit the same mold. I don't mean size, color, ect. But, we are constantly pushed to think, desire, act the same. It is our differences that make us strong. Those of us who live, work, love outside the norm are just that different. Doesn't mean we need to be changed to fit the 'husband-wife-2kids in matching khakis look.' If that's what you want fine, but don't assume it's what I need as well!
Drinking culture. Especially with teenagers and students. We don't need details, do we?
cow mentality culture..
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Quote by clum
Drinking culture. Especially with teenagers and students. We don't need details, do we?

Only teenagers and students? Belive me, the over 40's and 50's are just as bad, if not worse.

Personally, I think it's the greed that'st he worst and that annoys me. People who have pretty good lives are pissed off because they have to pay taxes or do this or because the law regulates that. They don't see that they have increadibly good lives and that there are people all over the world that would switch lives with them in a heartbeat. I complain about my life, I know that the vast majority of people are worse off than me, but at least I'm capable of seeing that. There are people who believe that they are so miserable and that the world revolves around their and want people to think that the sun shines out of their ass. Fuck them.
Quote by clum
Drinking culture. Especially with teenagers and students. We don't need details, do we?

This is the second post you've made that I'm inclined to agree with tonight..

And that's coming from someone who is both a teenager and a student. By all means drink, have a good time, shag who you want (not your friend's partner for fucksake!), dance, stay up too late....but in moderation, be able to have control if you need it. Value your body.

At the end of the day, it's not as if I don't go out and drink too much every now and again, but it's more of an every few months thing (the last time I was out of control 'drunk' was actually last July, and that was due to a complete arse of a guy deciding to slip me stuff - thankfully someone else was sober enough to save me from what could have been a nasty fate), as opposed to an every week or two thing....and it's not intentional. I rarely think 'ooo, I'm going to go and get slaughtered tonight!'.

Perhaps some will read this and view me as judgemental or unable to let loose and have fun but, to be honest, I really couldn't care less. Being able to be in control of myself when I've needed to be has saved my own skin and other people's skins on numerous occasions. If being able to do that makes me a boring, pursed mouth, tight lipped, dull as fuck teen then so be it.
There is still discrimination that happens based solely on the color of ones skin, sexual bent, sex, economic class or ethnicity. There are still plenty of hate crimes that center on these biases. Why is it so hard to respect a person for who they are?
There is just way to much impatience with ourselves. Jealousy keeps u sfrom being sesitive and understanding. Our society is way to prudish and we still aren't very nice to disabled people.

In England peoples attitudes towards disabled people is disgusting.For example if a disabled person goes for a job interview,they have same qualifications as other applicants but still don't get the job.Some employees (not all) may reject that person because they feel that they won't fit in.There is supposed to be a law to prevent this but it still happens.
Quote by sexyeyes37
In England peoples attitudes towards disabled people is disgusting.For example if a disabled person goes for a job interview,they have same qualifications as other applicants but still don't get the job.Some employees (not all) may reject that person because they feel that they won't fit in.There is supposed to be a law to prevent this but it still happens.

I agree with you there sexy eyes it happens all over the world for the disabled. Even with the job centres created for disabled people it seems that it doesn't work that way because those working at the job recuriting firms are only trying to meet their target objective (quota) if you will.

It must be so bad to think that people in this day and age still think that have a disability means "oh poor people. They mustn't be that intelligent, able to do things for themselves etc". I have a cousin who has moderate disablities. I don't draw attention to it and I know he gets embarrassed by his own physical flaws.

However he is the most intelligent, witty and fun loving person you could meet. It's the same with the job situation. He can't find anything so is struggling along to do studies to fill in his time. He told me as long as he is healthy and has the love of his life (who is so wonderful for him) that his life is complete.

Just the other day he told me how amused he was while he was talking on Facebook to someone of a disability page who was far worse then him. Asked him..."So what problems do you have?"
My cousin told this person what he had and the person responded "I'm so sorry to hear that. I have heard of that condition before. You must feel poorly."

Cousin laughed and said "Why feel sorry for me. I have to live with it. It wasn't my choice but life will always throw things at you. Just live life as you want to."

Oh sorry I'm waffling again. But yes I agree with sexyeyes.
Back on topic.

What pisses me off is people who can't understand why I'm dating someone with a mental health problem.

Especially when people don't seem to understand what the mental health issue is. I also can't stand those that think that having a mental health issue is fantastic. cough:emo kids: cough.

You think this torment is romantic, well it's not except to you. "Swallow" Emilie Autumn.
I get pissed off because so many people do not take personal responsibility for their own actions and actually think they are a victim when they make stupid decisions.

I get pissed off at people that think they deserve a portion of what someone else worked hard to earn.
Two words with a powerful meaning, "Double Standards."
Quote by Buz
I get pissed off because so many people do not take personal responsibility for their own actions and actually think they are a victim when they make stupid decisions.

I get pissed off at people that think they deserve a portion of what someone else worked hard to earn.

I couldn't agree more!!!!

I also get pissed off when certain groups of people think they know what is best for everyone and if they think it is bad or wrong, then everyone must feel the same way.
Quote by TXCowgurl42
Two words with a powerful meaning, "Double Standards."

WOW!! You took the words right out of my mouth!!!
Self entitled hypocrisy

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
almost total disreguard for this rock we live on!
Quote by Buz
I get pissed off because so many people do not take personal responsibility for their own actions and actually think they are a victim when they make stupid decisions.

I get pissed off at people that think they deserve a portion of what someone else worked hard to earn.

Gosh, you are spot-on here! This is also a huge issue I have with the American culture. Does this occur in other cultures? I'm sure, but here, people seem to profit on it.


I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

This... the fact that we are mere pawns... controled by a few.

C-Cat! I have stock in most of those companies!!!! But believe me I don't have voting stock.. Wish I did though!
Lazy parents who do not push their children to excel in school, let their kids become lazy and fat, teach their children to grow up to be self-supportive, and refuse to discipline their children. There are a lot of people in our society guilty of this!
It's very trying living in a country where women are assaulted by lawmakers trying to prevent us from controlling our own destines.
Quote by MissyLuvsYa
Lazy parents who do not push their children to excel in school, let their kids become lazy and fat, teach their children to grow up to be self-supportive, and refuse to discipline their children. There are a lot of people in our society guilty of this!

And then when their kids fail, they blame the system!!
Quote by 1curiouscat
This... the fact that we are mere pawns... controled by a few.

C-Cat! I have stock in most of those companies!!!! But believe me I don't have voting stock.. Wish I did though!
The same thing that pisses me off (makes me laugh more like, society itself doesn't piss me off) about societies are the same thing that makes it possible to even have a society.. It's the masses of stupid people that ruin societies but those same masses of stupid people are the ones that allow societies to flourish. You need a bunch of sheep so the shepards can keep a society going. If everyone was a Shepard then we'd do nothing but butt heads. It's when the stupid masses pick shitty shepards to lead them that society gets fucked up, maybe that DOES piss me off... Like when we elected bush the second time. So I guess the thing about societies that piss me off is that most of us as individuals are bright but as a society we don't have the sense God gave a gopher.

I hope that makes sense...
People pretending to be what they're not, and the people who kowtow to it.

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

Quote by jollylolly
It's very trying living in a country where women are assaulted by lawmakers trying to prevent us from controlling our own destines.

Amen to that (wait, those guys often use religion to justify their positions. Scratch that.)

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

I agree with you magical_Felix. Now it's like Bush handed off the doofus baton to Obama. I think they are really on the same team, cause neither one of them has shit for brains and definitely any common sense. This is now 12 years of the worst presidential leadership in our history!
Racism, greed, ignorant people using religion for big business, terrible parents, bad role models, awful justice system, dreadful education system, and poverty are some of the issues that pisses me off about society.
the violent acts such as this! Emma Winnall a 94-year-old woman battered in her bed google it
The fact that people create stereotypes on groups or think that woman are less Than men.