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What makes a person beautiful to you?

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Is it their physical features or looks, their wealth or income, character or reputation, fame or glory? What is it? Tell us what makes a person beautiful to you?

Me first smile

To me, if you are honestly loving, sincere and caring, you're beautiful :)
I'd agree with your assessment, Oli.

The other traits listed may play a hand in initial interest but won't hold me if love, care, and sincerity are lacking.
There are all kinds of beauty, and even physical beauty is such a subjective call, it's hard to pin down. Basically, I know it when I see it. I'm not impressed by wealth, fame, or status. Even reputation can be misleading. None of that factors in.

I judge physical beauty with my own personal biases. And I'm very picky. I know that much.

But there's beauty of the spirit... gentle souls who care about others, who care about justice and fairness, who help others in need. And who are full of life. Without that kind of beauty, physical beauty doesn't really matter much.
I found I can't categorize it down to one thing, so many aspects of a person attract me. From a distance the way someone moves is one of the first things I notice. I think it's because I am tall and thin and am kinda . . . gawky . . . is the best word. Up closer i have to look for a smile, a smile that reaches her eyes. I swear to god iits one of the first things I notice. I will happily look at her body, but that's not what captivates me.
Meddle Not In The Affairs of Dragons, for we are Crunchy and Good with Ketchup!
First and foremost - caring about something, someone other than themself. Self-centered, self-righteous, egotistical people are a huge TURNOFF for me. You can have the entire world and all its wealth, but if you have not love, you have nothing of real value.
The eyes will draw me in, a laugh or a smile will help hold my attention but it's a warm, caring heart that will capture mine. Inner beauty always trumps surface looks.
Best way I can describe that would be my dearest and bestest friend Meagananne. Her warmth, friendliness, caring personality, wonderful sense of humor, inner beauty, intelligence and confidence had my attention long before I ever knew what she looked like on the outside. It was her beautiful soul that I was attracted to.
Quote by luvmyhighheels
Best way I can describe that would be my dearest and bestest friend Meagananne. Her warmth, friendliness, caring personality, wonderful sense of humor, inner beauty, intelligence and confidence had my attention long before I ever knew what she looked like on the outside. It was her beautiful soul that I was attracted to.

Oh my! You're so sweet Erica.7sl3hwM7EEoH5042 I'd love to taste that sweetness!
In RL I seem to notice the smile and eyes first . Having caught my attention then I listen for sincerity and warmth. On lush I like to observe over a period of time for consistency in character then get to know over time.
The beauty of a sunset that touches millions of lives. The beauty of an amazing song that touches the inner soul. The beauty of my daughter singing and practicing, giving her all as if millions are listening, yet she is only singing in the bathroom. True beauty people comes from the inside, comes from our heart and soul. To truly be beautiful inside and out, one has to showforth the actions regardless if they are ever recognized . Without inner beauty we are just dust that is here today and gone tomorrow. My other beautiful daughter with Down Syndrome is truly beautiful because she knows how to love deeper and care for others with more purity than any other human I have ever met. She often makes me question myself as to who actuality has the disability me or us so called typical people or her. Outter beauty can only exsist if inner beauty is ther first.
Quote by xmadly232
The beauty of a sunset that touches millions of lives. The beauty of an amazing song that touches the inner soul. The beauty of my daughter singing and practicing, giving her all as if millions are listening, yet she is only singing in the bathroom. True beauty people comes from the inside, comes from our heart and soul. To truly be beautiful inside and out, one has to showforth the actions regardless if they are ever recognized . Without inner beauty we are just dust that is here today and gone tomorrow. My other beautiful daughter with Down Syndrome is truly beautiful because she knows how to love deeper and care for others with more purity than any other human I have ever met. She often makes me question myself as to who actuality has the disability me or us so called typical people or her. Outter beauty can only exsist if inner beauty is ther first.

What an exquisite answer!
Another wonderful Forum thread Oli! Thank-you! I think as others have touched on here, it's a multi-faceted thing for me with really two steps, there does need to be some level of physical attraction, and as Bethany noted, that really varies from person to person. I usually need something physical to attract me, but then what really matters is how attractive that person is on the inside. I personally smile lots...and I can be drawn to another who has a bright smile, but if she isn't really smiling inside then she's not for me. True inner beauty must be there. A woman can be physically stunning but if I see she's mean (mean people really suck), selfish, arrogant, rude, hurtful, judgmental or vindictive she's really in the ugly category for me.
A person's eyes have always spoken to me, especially those whose eyes light up when they smile. That beauty has now become even more evident in the time of this pandemic as you must look into someone's soul solely through their eyes, now that their face is hidden and voice muffled. So now my infatuation with eyes has become a study in who someone is, but the way their eyes interact with me and the story that they tell, the window that they provide into who that person truly is.

So yes, a smile warms my heart, but the right look from someone's eyes, stirs my soul...
Quote by Anatomy

What an exquisite answer!

Thank you Matt
I believe that the beautiful person always sees the beauty of the others, It is a mixture of many.
The beautiful person never lets down or runs down others for any reason. An attractive, sincere, kind, caring, genuine, who is with a beautiful heart consider as a beautiful person as per my opinion.
The person who can make my world beautiful is the most beautiful person.
A person who is themselves w/ whomever they may be around. Must be loyal to themselves as I dislike people who can't backup what they put out.
They must be physically attractive or else being soulful means nothing to me.
I love a person who looks great in the outside as they do in the inside.
I love a cocky, confident, self centered person.

Pretty much me.
I love people who are like me.

Editsurprisedh, and we must have things in common or else its just sex. Same lifestyle including latex.
I don't believe in "opposites attract." That for me is a waste of time.
Her tenderness, her caring, her passion, and her love!
The way she expresses and shows her feelings and thoughts.
All expressed in her dazzling smile and those endlessly deep green eyes which trap you, hold you and pulls you into their depths. (I happily drown there every day)
Eyes which convey all that feeling and emotion and also express that wonderful inner Joie de vivre!! Always!

Our Stories Hellcat - OUR LATEST TALE
Always Yours Eye-am-yours
Stories of Lana and Evan Cornucopia, Morning Delights, Tropical Escape
Oceans of-Love, Visions of You, Dream a Little Dream, That Attraction
RR - Sci Fi - The Thief and The Stolen Heart


A person who is themselves w/ whomever they may be around. Must be loyal to themselves as I dislike people who can't backup what they put out.
They must be physically attractive or else being soulful means nothing to me.
I love a person who looks great in the outside as they do in the inside.
I love a cocky, confident, self centered person.

Pretty much me.
I love people who are like me.

I agree, physical attractiveness is important, but having confidence in themselves and a sense of self; and then the openness and honesty to let who they are shine though is really beautiful.
While fully endorsing the comment made by Nicole here agree with the comment made by Donna L as well.
For me an attractive person with a kind heart and a beautiful soul is a beautiful person.
Very hard to find but exist
The kindness in their heart, their jump into a fight to defend their loved one, their sheer will and determination to voice out the injustice upon others ..
I don't know if you can narrow it down too much. I think the most beautiful people are those who are open and kind but I do admit that if you have an amazing face and body, it will snag your attention right away. It will not keep it if you are mean or petty. I think most of use are beautiful in our own way (and sometimes, in our own time).
i need our personality's to click, before looks
there could be the most handsome guy in front of me, but if hasnt got a good personality it makes things quite dull lol
A high oestrogen level!? (Can't be serious all the time )
one's inner soul one can try to hide it but their inner soul always comes out to play

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Kindness. Confidence. Intelligence. Humor. Honesty.

And yeah, physical beauty is important too, but only after the other checkboxes have been ticked.
Quote by Verbal
Kindness. Confidence. Intelligence. Humor. Honesty.

And yeah, physical beauty is important too, but only after the other check boxes have been ticked.

Well said Verbal. Especially since your looks will change as you age (and seldom for the better) while kindness, confidence, intelligence, humor, honesty, never change. Even if you could look the same at 50, 60, 70, 80 that you did at 20, you'd still be 50, 60, 70, 80 not 20 with 50, 60, 70, 80 years of experiences that 20-year-olds do not have and which would separate you from them.