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what kind of tattoos do you like?

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Tribal, Celtic, Japanese, Color, Black and Gray, etc.....
Use the search function, there are a few threads on tattoos
Depends on guys I like the the band around a built arm or a skulll on the muscle
females like the tramp stamp.
I have three tats 1) rose on boob, 2) kokapelli on ankle 3) angel on back
In general I like realism, black and gray, colour.
On girls, I think sugar skulls, ankle chains, swallows, feathers, flowers, ivy/vines and really anything from nature can be pretty if done by a skilled artist.
On guys, I like masculine stuff, things with some meaning and weight behind them. Something custom designed and unique.

Hate those generic thick black swirling tribal shoulder tatts, chinese symbols, new school, American traditional and stuff that just looks like someone cheaped out and got some random 'paint-by-numers' design by an inexperienced tattooist. There's a difference between a tattoo artist and someone who just inks.

I think in general, you get what you pay for, so if it's going on your skin forever, it's best to get it done right.
On me I love floral tats like flowers and birds. I love music notes and foreign languages, especially Japanese. I have "Believe" tattooed smile
I like anything with a story behind it, that means something to the person who has got it permanently inked on their skin.
Tattoos that I like are: old school, black and whites, color,celtic, japanese, script, new school, and etc........
any as long as it isn't on me
what's up sunshine
On me I have an under water mural, and military related tattoos. basically they have to mean something to me. If you get something just because it looks cool then you're a tool
the older i get, the more i prefer to see dainty tattoos in unusual places. although, i always appreciate beautiful work despite the size or location.

Say. Her. Name.

never thought i would get one, got injured and didn't see a way back to heath,so mine you can't really see unless i remove my shirt. I had it inked where i had my pain,it's written in Chinese for strength and courage. It's what i believe i am going to need to finish my career, it means a lot to me
Black ink tattoos as occult symbols because they are cheaper and last longer than colored tatts also I can wear something sacred to me.
Tattoos, not really into them all that much...

I don't have any. I do have a lot of scars, but no tattoos.

My wife has one...a tramp stamp. Like this one. She cried though the entire procedure, I told her to forget it, but she wanted to do it for me.

I have two and they are both marks of ownership. The biggest one is Hubbie's mark. It is a colorful butterfly with about a 4 inch wing span. It is outlined with black ink and colored in with brown, orange, and yellow areas of the wings. My assigned number is also in the wings. Its tail is about 1/2 inch above the very top of my cunt. If I wore a bush it would not be visible. The butter fly is on an angle like it is flying to my right nipple.

The other one is the mark of a Master / Dom that won me at a charity sub auction in Dallas. It is the BDSM symbol with one number of the 3 didget number he assigned to me in each section of the symbol. It is outlined in black ink with the numbers in red. It is located right under the right wing of the butterfly just to the side of the top of my cunt.

I offered in the auction twice a year for 11 years. The same Master won me at each auction except the two he was out of town for. All the funds raised for the auctions plus other donations went to two well known children's charities.

I have a tattoo of a flexing arm, on my arm, and that tattoo has a tattoo of an arm flexing. It keeps going on and on till the tattoo is just a little dot on the arm of an arm.

I also have a tattoo of a painting of a pipe and below it it reads “leci n'est pas une pipe”

I have a tattoo of a guy standing in front of and blocking four Chinese tanks holding what appears to be a bag.

I have a portrait of Ernest Hemingway

I have a tattoo that says “give me the illusion of liberty or give me the reality of death.”

I have a tattoo of the nucleus of an atom

I have e a tattoo that says, “It was a bright cold day in April, and all the clocks were sticking thirteen.”

I have a tattoo of a robot holding a sign and on the sign it says “cult leader seeks followers.”

Some of these I have, some I don’t. It’s the internet. Why be honest?
I may not have one for myself, but I love the rose petals over my gf's breasts smile
I don't have any tattoos and don't want any. No a big fan of tattoos whether on women or on men. Maybe because I'm a fairly religious girl and my religion says I shouldn't have tats.
I'm more attracted to men without tattoos
I dont have any tatoos either, which is odd because pretty much everybody i'm friends with or thereabouts are covered in the things.
I love tats on women that are hidden from view! I don’t have any but if I were braver I’d have a beautiful blue rose on my butt cheek!
Quote by scottob1234
I dont have any tatoos either, which is odd because pretty much everybody i'm friends with or thereabouts are covered in the things.

They are a little too permanent for my tastebuds. What might seem like a gangbusters idea at 2am, drunk off my ass in the French quarter at age 24...might not age well when I'm 44.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I myself am not one to personally get tattoos. However on women, I do love a nice artistic pattern above the ass, a little artsy one between the hip point and belly button, or also kind of like the new trend of a short script just under and following the outline of her breast.
I have 3 smaller size tattoos on my right shoulder, but they're the only ones I will ever get again.
I'm not one of those people who get a tattoo to signify everything in their life.

I don't mind a few tattoos in choice places of someone I'm dating.
As for someone tattooing most of their entire body though?
It's your body und your choices, I won't shun you for it or think badly of you, und of course we can be friends,
but I'm not really into that extreme when I date someone, just as someone may not like the 3 tattoos I have.
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I have a eagle on my left shoulder and a memorial angle on my right in honor of my wife.
Quote by WellMadeMale

They are a little too permanent for my tastebuds. What might seem like a gangbusters idea at 2am, drunk off my ass in the French quarter at age 24...might not age well when I'm 44.

Too permanent was pretty much my thought process.
None. I've never been into that fad. A pretty girl covered in tats was in my office this morning, and all I could think was why would she ruin her beauty like that?
None for me - I consider it body graffiti.
Quote by Meggsy
None for me - I consider it body graffiti.

Thank you Meggsy! I thought I was the only woman without them!!
Flowers or feathers... yes in color