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Unimportant, trivial, and/or obscure facts from your past.

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I was always scared to death at the end of each school year that I would not be promoted to the next year. This despite having above average grades throughout school.
When I was 13 I took 1st place on the trampoline.
I walked 20 miles in 1 day for the March of Dimes when I was 14.
I skipped 25 days of school my freshman and sophomore year.
I lived in Ohio, Vail Colorado, and San Diego California my senior year.
every Friday WMMS (radio station) played Bruce Springsteen...Born to Run
I married my high school sweetheart my senior year too.
Had my 1st born son 1 day before my 18th birthday.
and it was on my new mother-in-laws birthday and her anniversary.
(Ha, not sure whether she hated me or had to like me then)
Then my 1st born son had his 1st born son 1 day before his birthday.
I now have 3 grown sons, and been married for 35 years.
sex is like a's only good if you get it

Quote by chocolategirl
when I was about 5 I asked my mum what my tummy button was for. she told me it holds my bottom on and that if I undo it my bum will fall off... I was very careful with it after that

Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
when I was 10, my brother shot me with a .22 air rifle. He put it against my shoulder and pulled the trigger. He thought it would impress the girl I was with, instead she gave him a good smack round his head. It chipped my collar bone and I still have the scar, 26 years later... and my brother still fancies that girl...
* This is my first forum post

*I discovered i was a lesbian at 15 when i got my first girlfriend

*I have never been with a boy, sexually (never really had an urge to either)

*I have always been shy about showing my body
1. I was the only guy in my high school choir. Talk about your 'target rich environment'!

2. My father was a fisherman, I grew up in small boats. When I was in the Navy, I threw up at the start of every cruise.

3. I only have one thing left on my bucket list - to play golf at The Old Course in St Andrews, Scotland.
I'll graduate cum laude in May from the community college I attend.

I speak with a stutter that's controlled.

I'm terrified of all bugs, even the harmless ones.

I have a fear of drowning, but can swim a mean backstroke.

I am an avid soccer player.

Latest story:

  • TBD

  • Bump in the Night-Microfiction

  • Smoke Break-Interracial

Both major injuries I have had both happened in the snow.
First time(and only time) skiing, I went to the top like an arrogant halfway before wiping, messing my knee up.
Sledding with family and some kids, I was dumb and managed to "land" on my ankle,making it roll under me, tearing everything that holds it together.
Doctor said I would have been better off breaking it.

Never broke a bone though, other than my little toe, from kicking a metal car bumper, while in steel-toe boots.
In high school I was the Chess Club President
I was a avid bowler and became rather good at the sport and was approached to join the PBA Tour and found drugs and fucked up that opportunity
I'm a decent golfer
Tore my ACL snow tubing
I was a school bus driver
1. Black women are 50% more likely than white women to have an orgasm when they have sex.

2. According to Playboy, more women talk dirty during sex than men.

3. According to a recent survey, more Americans lose their virginity in June than any other month.

4. Semen contains small amounts of more than thirty elements, including fructose, ascorbic acid, cholesterol, creatine, citric acid, lactic acid, nitrogen, vitamin B12, and various salts and enzymes. There are five calories in a teaspoon of semen. (Ladies, it's fun and good for you!)

5. The most recorded orgasms in an hour by researchers at the Center for Marital and Sexual Studies in Long Beach, CA, was 134 by one female and sixteen for a male. (Wow, roughly 2 orgasms a minute!)
1- My High School Freshmen science teacher said I will probably "just make it by" in schooling. 2 different college degrees, a professional certificate, and 1 business later......I hired her for a position in my company. (Sweet revenge)

2- When I was 10, my Mom thought it would be a great idea to have me in a modeling show......the lone male.....and I got to share the changing room......I guess that's where I got my exhibitionism from?

3- I finished my Junior year in High School at 5' 2" short.........and started my Senior year at my present day 5' 10"
"Sometimes you have to believe in someone else's belief in you before the belief in yourself kicks in" ~Les Brown
I used to be in AFJROTC in high school
I used to play field hockey
I had braces
I lived five miles from the mexican border when i lived in Arizona
I have arthritis in 1 toe after a pressure fracture which never healed properly.
I was the only girl in a class full of males for the last 2 years of sixth form at my school. (I actually really loved it that way)
I believe in dream interpretations and other things like zodiac meanings ect.
I'm a huge softy and very soppy altho, I will never let on that I'm upset around my family, they see it as weakness and it's almost laughable to them.
Anyway, enough randoms things about me...who's next?!
1) I took dance lessons for fun in school, including belly dancing.

2) Have studied fencing and kenjutsu (not kendo; kenjutsu is very similar but not the same as kendo).

3) I got my degree in philosophy from university.
I can play clarinet (learned in high school)

I'm trained as a librarian (but haven't worked as one in well over a decade).
* this has been my morning laugh track for today*
thank you all for sharing.
I was a girl scout too.
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out, 2 cut out 2 pulled at 1 time.
my dad had a recreation room put on our house when I was 4.
He invited his friends over to celebrate and I walked around and drank all their beer.
They couldn't figure out why I couldn't ride my tricycle.
then I fell off the porch and cut my lip. *stitches*
sex is like a's only good if you get it

1. I've been inside an old copper mine
2. I get bloody noses alot
3. Been to the Pentagon
4. Been on the plane that Vice President uses
One day I was reluctantly playing football in a tournament (don't ask me how I got picked to play in a tournament; I have no clue, I'm absolute crap at soccer!) and I was, as usual, stuck in goal. Some ass kicked the ball from one end of the field to the other, where I was in goal and it was heading straight for my face. Scared that I'd be horribly disfigured and lose my beauty, I raised my knee and the ball bounced right off it, into the opponent's goal. It was the only goal I had ever scored and it actually made me a little more popular for a wee while, until people realised that I was total shite at playing football and realised that my goal was a fluke. Still, it got me some decent tail, so can't complain.
1. I was a band geek in high school...I played the flute and piccolo. I brought a sax home one weekend to try out, and on Monday when I left for school, my mom told me to never bring it home again....apparently there was something about the moose in the neighborhood...I didn't know we had moose in Hawaii!

2. I used to love the taste of tequila...I would sip it, never done as shots...and I have never had a hang over.

3. My best friends (they are a matched set) and I have all been friends for over a quarter of a century! since grade 7

4. I used to ride my bike or skateboard at a school that was down the street from where I lived. There was a hallway that ended in a T with another hallway that ran perpendicularly with it... I ran into that wall more than once ... on both my bike and skateboard -- ya, like they moved the wall, changed the configuration of the halls often...
Quote by Frank

Be careful with your belly button Frank.....
I have quite a relatively large and very dark birth mark to the top of my right leg .. outside um
I was in the boy scouts and indeed a patrol leader until I got thrown out caught smoking at 14 um
only ever one love in my life and indeed one sexual partner (the same woman .. lol) um
I am very house proud um
I prefer to give than receive um
I have a bit of a beer belly um

thats enough ... thats most of my secrets out !!
I broke my index finger when I was 6... I shut my own hand in the car door!
I studied classical music and played the flute for 11 years.
I played varsity tennis 4 years in high school and even won a summer youth tournament.
I was a preppy girl back in the early 80's - haha lots of button down oxford shirts and monogrammed sweaters.
Traveled to 61 countries in 4 continents and not done yet :-)
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
― Helen Keller
i have been on ever continent
Story my mom told me: When i was a baby i pushed my little chair up to the kitchen sink and pulled myself up and flipped into the sink to play with the potatoes that she had put there to prepare for dinner. This happened a few times when she left the room for not even a minute. She couldn't figure out how I was doing it so she walked out of the room and peeked around the corner and watched me.

I always loved climbing trees when I was little, until I broke my arm when I was 13 from falling out of a 40ft oak tree.

I've been to 9 different states. Ten if you include the state of insanity

My nickname since I was a baby has been Monkey Sue.

I love sour skittles.