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Unimportant, trivial, and/or obscure facts from your past.

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I learned how to swim by just jumping into the deep end of a pool.
My first vinyl single album was "YMCA" by the Village People, bought at Sears.
I spoke four languages at age 7, now I am down to 2.
I love thrill rides.
Caught Walking Pneumonia and was out for 2 days, woke up when Reagan got shot, no one noticed I was awake.
I have been a musician from the time i could talk
I saw Elvis on stage on august 1976 almost a year to the day he passed
I was not popular in school but after my band started playing everyone wanted us to play for free....

Edited by admin for reference.
1. I got my first kiss when I was 19 years old!
2. When I was little, like 3 and 4, my mom almost had child services called on her because I would sneak outside naked and dance in the street. (Poor mom - she tried so hard to keep me in line! ;) )
3. I used to HATE spaghetti and I would beg my mom not to make it and now I love it!
hmm...let's see..

- i went to catholic school from kindergarten through 7th grade (no i'm not catholic, loved that school though)

- when i was about 2-3yrs old, i called my cousin (who was about 11-12) a "stupid bitch"...she was bothering me so you could say she had it coming lol

- i've never broken a bone before *knock on wood*
-I love the "Can I Have your number?" from SNL cuz "ridicalus" sounds like a harry potter spell....
-I can't ever tell if I'm blushing or not
-I almost drowned in a pool at age 3. My father is was a licensed lifegaurd, knows how to swim, and taught me how to swim about 4 years after that.
-I've drunk and driven and i'm not of drinking age yet
When I was 8, I won a competition for designing a bookmark - it was a snake coiled around a dagger.
When I was 17, I played Lord Capulet in Romeo & Juliet, and in one rehearsal I dropped the girl playing Juliet as I carried her 'dead' body off stage.
1. when i was in kinder i cut my bangs real short (it looked like dora the explorer's bangs) that i looked liked tweety bird when my hair was growing. that was stupid
2. i learned how to swim when my 3 older brothers threw me in the pool
3. i went to a catholic school in elementary
4. i know how to change a doorknob
Smile at your enemies.. It makes them crazy...
Quote by LittleMissBitch
i used to be a cheerleader

I used to be a cheerleader, too.

I was a spelling bee champion in elementary school four years running.

When I was about three, I dislocated both of my elbows twice by sliding down the banister.

I can also change a doorknob, a flat tire and take apart a stereo and put it back together.

I was in a car accident at eight and messed up my left knee badly. To this day, every time I hear about someone injuring their knee, mine would hurt.

I know how to cheat in Monopoly in a way that you won't figure it out until I win the game.

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1. The first time I ever went skinny-dipping was when I was 13 years old, with the rest of my Boy Scout Troop in an ice-cold stream in the Sangre de Cristo mountains.

2. The 2nd time I ever went skinny-dipping was when I was 16 years old. It was around 8:00 pm on Miami Beach. I almost got arrested, but I got dressed before the cop had a chance to drive his old-school cruiser up the beach that far. I lost my eyeglasses in the sand.

3. The 3rd time I ever went skinny-dipping was when I was 17 years old. Some friends and I hopped the fence into the pool area of a condo, and proceeded to get wasted on Bacardi and fruit punch. Some hundred-year-old condo commandos must have heard us and came out bitching. One of my "friends" took my wallet out of my pants and stashed it on another table, so I would be sure to get busted the next day. Fucking assholes everywhere.
Had a patient once that shot up antifreeze cos he wanted to die. Asshole was drunk... BTW alcohol is the antidote to antifreeze

Both of my sisters are lesbians and they tell me its in my genes.... HELLO... He is in my jeans

I was in marching band in HS... yeppers captain of the color guard

My sisters and I lived at the same address upon our births, yet we were all born in different states
1. I couldn't pronounce NEW YEAR to save my life when I was in elementery.

2. The first time I baked cookies, they ended up as big as a plate. LOL.

3. I started drinking coffee when i was in 6th grade

4. I'm still addicted to coffe until now
Smile at your enemies.. It makes them crazy...
1. I was a radio DJ in college.
2. I modeled silk lingerie when I was in college.
3. I only slept with 1 guy between age 16 and 26.
1. I was a virgin until I was 19.
2. I'm actually a pretty good volleyball player.
3. I drive very well at high speeds.
4. I once put a live snake into a teacher's desk for giving me a bad grade. To this day, I have no idea why I chose that method of retribution at the age of eight.
5. If that category on Final Jeopardy is "60's British Rock", I'm betting it all.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
Quote by castlequeen
1. I was a virgin until I was 19.

I've lived in (at least) 12 different houses in my life, not including university accommodation.
I got a cat for my 16th birthday. She sleeps on my bed every night, even when I'm not there.
1. My first kiss was when I was 16 with a man of 49. All I can say is I learnt who Rodin was and I blush when I think of the statue "The kiss".

2. I lost my virginity to an obese guy when I was 20. Though I met my partner a year later. So I kick myself that I didn't wait a whole year.

3. I have watched a middle aged lady get off from being whipped at a light BDSM club night.

4. I enjoy wearing ties even though I'm a girl. My favourite knot is half windsor.

5. My past crush has been Renee O'conner aka Gabrielle from Xena.
Here's mine :s

1. I'm a classically trained singer. But I sing a mean rock vocal.

2. I can put my whole fist inside my mouth. This often leads to me being put on the spotlight to demonstrate my "talent" during parties.

3. When I and a couple of girlfriends were on a trip in Austria, we were unwillingly driven to a small town 30 minutes away from the city to join a raunchy beauty pageant. We found out later on that it's all because our kind host, an old lady, won the same beauty pageant when she was young.

4. I almost got suspended from school in 4th grade because I punched a guy. The guy punched me back and I ended up with a big bruise on my arm for a couple of weeks.
We have a temporary fencing stake called a warratah, steel with a kind of star-shaped cross-section. I wacked one through a 22,000 volt power cable with a sledge hammer and took out half the town's power for a few hours. I've always been pissed off I never thought to ask if I could keep the warratah, about 2 inches melted off its tip, as a momento. It is in some museum somewhere apparently.
1. I know this is going to be hard to believe! But I was not always a Duck.......
2. I once got 55 out of 50 in a history test. Yes the teacher had bonus points and I got all of them right. Only one in the class, and ever...they stopped doing that after my efforts....
Rubber Ducky your the one, you make my life so much fun
Quote by MrSmith
1 I am a twin
2 I moved out of my parents house when i was 15
3 I have broken/shattered too many bones to list....
4 I love going cars fast bikes fast boats....I miss my boat!
5 people are usually intimidated by me.. untill they take a minute to talk to me or listen to me

I share many of these, numbers 1, 3, and 4 to be specific.

I bite my nails because they don't feel right, not because I'm nervous or stressed.
I was officially banned from ever being a Member of the Girls Scouts when I was 12.
I had a third kidney removed at 21.
I bit down on a ball point pen and my tongue when startled by a friend in grade school and it tattooed my tongue.
When I was 16 I drank nearly a gallon of vodka in one day. I was sick for 3.
when i was 10, i hit a guy hard in his face and pushed him over the railing of a staircase.. He broke both the bones in his forearm.
1) I've canoed the length of the Everglades National Park
2) I've slept in a torpedo storage container on a submarine
3) I've had sex while scuba diving
Quote by Shibui
1) I've canoed the length of the Everglades National Park
2) I've slept in a torpedo storage container on a submarine
3) I've had sex while scuba diving

Now this is interesting.
Which one interests you the most?

And your trivia??????
1) I was captain of the color guard in high school and attended band camp. No, unfortunately, it was nothing like what was described in American Pie.

2) I fell when I was little and knocked my front teeth out. I wore a partial for years. I got really tired of hearing ' All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth'. My uncles were relentless!

3) A car once wrecked in front of my house, spinning through our front yard where 5 minutes before, I'd been playing with my Barbie dolls. I had to play in the back yard after that.
Quote by Shibui
Which one interests you the most?

And your trivia??????

I'd have to say sleeping in a torpedo storage chamber.
I live in Florida so the others are pretty normal sounding.

My trivia is a deep dark secret.
"Contractors" sometimes, don't get the best accommodations. The guest quarters were taken by my superiors. I "volunteered" to take the tcontainer. With a mattress in it, it wasn't so bad.

Too shy to share, cool.
i got a 'c' in PE in middle school because i couldn't figure out how to score bowling and i refused to run the mile
i was valedictorian of my hs
i can open doors with my feet....also handy for picking up almost anything off the floor
i was a stripper for little while in college
my older brother threatened every boy in my hs that he'd kill them if they touched me....he was the biggest in the school, so they listened
i've only let 2 people in my life touch my feet
i got a ribbon for riding a sheep at the county fair when i was 6 (mutton bustin)
fell off my horse and broke a leg at 7 dr said stay out of the saddle for 6 weeks. i did i just rode bare back for 3 days and sweaty horse and cast do not get along had to be recast and i was not allowed to ride for a month damn