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Unimportant, trivial, and/or obscure facts from your past.

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Quote by Loislane
I was a child model for a short while..I was in a pep store catalogue(giggles)

I remember pep stores!!
Quote by Necho
Quote by Loislane
I was a child model for a short while..I was in a pep store catalogue(giggles)

I remember pep stores!!

I knew you mom still has the clipping of it in a album somewhere...I'm so street cred just went down lol
Quote by Loislane
Quote by Necho
Quote by Loislane
I was a child model for a short while..I was in a pep store catalogue(giggles)

I remember pep stores!!

I knew you mom still has the clipping of it in a album somewhere...I'm so street cred just went down lol

Nahh, my bra!, pep its all street, man!

Miss Peppy 'Im not laughing at you, Im laughing with you;)'
Ok this will get the juices flowing...

1) When I was 4-5 years old I wanted to learn all about 'Murphy's Law'. Took a piss into a box fan to see the 'waterworks'. Well I was on the wrong side of the fan. Ended up taking another bath just after I had gotten out of a bath.

2) Started a fire in the kitchen waste basket.

3) Played out in the wood shed. Found some peppers drying, rubbed my eyes....OH what horror, eyes burned three days.

4) About 6 years old got my daddy's car keys, started up the car and then sped off in reverse right across the street into a cemetery. And proceeded to drive into an open grave.
!) Pissed off my grandfather when I was about oh I think 10 years old maybe a tad younger he had just finished painting the fence white and was still wet. Me being a wiseass I had a can of A&W root beer soda shook it up yes I know dumb and opened it right in the direction of the freshly painted still semi wet fence never saw him turn that red before. LMAO

2) Road my banana seat bike one day at the BMX track had a pair of cutoff jean shorts on no shirt and had high rise handlebars on it (those of a certain age group and male know what I am talking about) went over the first hill and went head first over the handlebars slid about 10 or 15 feet on my bare chest never road on said track again. Got up walked bike up hill road home lol.

3) fire bug time I had a thing for playing with matches outside well dumbass me decided to pour a bit of gas on a slab of concrete lit a mathc cause there was a trial of ants there yes I know bad of me sue me lol and it got a bit out of control (lucky my grandfather wasn't there he'd have ki8lled me. had the hose close by though no harm done. Good thing
Who wants a little Pixie info? LOL


* I am the youngest of 7 kids.

* I lost my virginity when I was 15

* When I was 14 I spent the 4th of July in the hospital. My appendix just about ruptured. I had ate at Pizza Hut the night before, and swore that it was the cause of my hospital visit. It took me nearly 1o years to eat there again.

* I have a scar on my right eyelid, thanks to my cat Taz. I was in bed asleep and he loved to sleep in my window above my bed. He fell out of the window and landed on my face.

* When I was about 3 I fell face first out of a car window and broke my nose.


* For those of you who may or may not know.....Fystee and I are real life friends. LOL We have known each other for years.fYnMOHIYxOc9mN1j
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Erm... ok :
I played with the England Juniors at chess when i was 11 but quit when i got my arse handed to me by a 9yr old romanian girl.
Ive never broken a bone but i had my heart broken once.
I used to be a shakespearean actor as a young teen and Kenneth Brannagh bought me my first underage alcoholic drink.
- When I was 5, I witnessed a goat being sacrificed as part of a religious Indian ritual.
- In elementary school, I accidentally punched the vice principal in the balls. Subsequently, I got detention.
- In high school, I beat the captain of the chess club at a game.
1. when i was in the 12 th grade I ripped my nose half off my face
2. when i was in the fifth grade i was the tallest person in the grade
3. when i as 5 i cut my brothers finger to the bone
4. when i was little i visted the E.R. 10 time in 2 mouths
For Joey:

Your very own Purple Heart...

...for an extraordinary accumulation of wounds.

Rumple Foreskin
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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
When I was 15 I used a pair of scissors to cut up all my sister's knickers in a major strop!
-- I am the youngest of 4. The oldest is 35 and the youngest is 30 and i am the only female.

-- I'm not sure how old i was (anywhere from 6 months to a year and a half) but I was sitting in a lawn chair and my mom let go of the arm rest turned away to pick up a drink off the ground and i tiped over and busted my left eye. now whenever i get hit there hard enough the entire side of my face turns black and blue.

-- When i was younger my father used call me Flinstone Feet because i have a condition tat causes my big toes to turn in.

-- During the summer i love to roll down all the windows in my car and turn my radio all the way up and sing along and annoy everyone around me.

-- A year after i got my drivers licens in 07 i got pulled over for speeding driving a friend home after going to see Hairspray at the cinema. And i never told my mother.

And last but not least

--I was in my fathers comercials for his car lot from the age of 4 till about.... 9. And i fell out of a golf cart on accident during one of them... they worked itto the comercial. I remember getting recognized at school. and now if i tell anyone I was in comercials for Time Auto SalesPadock meets Vine at the big Indian sign they automatically recognize me.
1 I am a twin
2 I moved out of my parents house when i was 15
3 I have broken/shattered too many bones to list....
4 I love going cars fast bikes fast boats....I miss my boat!
5 people are usually intimidated by me.. untill they take a minute to talk to me or listen to me
For those who may or may not want to be subjected to this, here goes...

1. You would never guess this, but I play cello and have for quite a long, LONG time (yes, I know... that big thing between my legs and all I can do is scratch...)
2. I have an extremely rare blood type.
3. I have never broken a bone.
4. I once caught chicken pox and almost died with a temperature of 104. I was 22 and lost the baby I was carrying.
5. I never lie... ever.

I remember falling through the ice on Lake Huron and climbing out. When I got home, I was soaked, of course. My mom asked if I fell through, and I was too ashamed to say yes. She knew I did, though.
1. I was 7 when I was bitten by a monkey when I stuck my finger through the mesh of his cage.
2. I was a girl scout, and as an adult became a girl scout leader.
3. I was 13 before I needed a bra.
4. Chrismas eve that same year I got my first period, and my mother went running through the house shouting that I was now a woman.
5. My father used to call me Oz.
useless personal trivia! love it!

OK - my useless personal trivia:

1. During high school, I was for three years, the Provincial Champion in "Girls Javelin" (who knew?)
2. I have endured SEVEN casts on my feet - and those were the Plaster Casts!
3. I shoot a mean game of pool - and left handed! (wanna have a little wager?? lol)
4. I really dislike tomatoes in my salads or sandwiches or hamburgers. Cook 'em, just cook 'em into sauce!

Next .....
ok here goes!

1) I broke both my thumbs at once when I was in grade 9 and because of that I can't "volley" in volleyball anymore
2) I once busted out a cops back window and got away with it (they knew my dad)
3) I love to drive
4) In grade 11 I got kicked out of school for busting a girls knee
5) I still drive and love the first car I bought
Have the courage to make the change, the strength to see it through, and keep the faith that it will turn out for the best!
1. When I was about 13 I acted in a play, in a proper theatre, our cast won 1st prize - the play was in Latin. I was first on stage and my line was 'Eheu, quam miseri sumus, hoc labyritum intravimus et minotauros nos devourus - LOL, or something like that!!
2. I used to be the only female in the world who fitted sunshine roofs to cars
3. I have a way with horses, and have broken a few in - I have knack of being able to back any horse (hmm, maybe I'm too heavy to throw...)
4. I have 6 half-brothers whom I've never met and our biological father is missing, presumed dead...
1. I used to twirl baton in middle school, parades and all.
2. Spent my whole life growing up wishing that I had stick-straight Brady bunch hair.
3. I've worn glasses since second grade.
4. Haven't seen my real father since I was 2.
5. Was in a house explosion at a babysitteer's house as a child caused by a gas main leak. Lost my favorite shoes. No one was hurt, tho.
1. I used to win pissing contests for both distance and accuracy.
2. I cant smoke from a bong.
3. The bananna in the tail pipe joke does NOT work. Ive tried it 3 times to no avail.
4. I like pickles with peanut butter.
I was called wangchung at summer camp for my skill at 1v1 tetris.
Ive had my foot run over my a car and it honestly didn't hurt.
And My middleschool principle dressed up like cat in the hat for exam week.
i used to be a cheerleader

when i was ten i got on a roller coaster and didnt get strapped in, it started to move and didnt stop until the top of the first big hill...scary

i CAN smoke out of a bong (jackass sheriff, ill show you how..jeeze!)

i lived across the street from augusta national and parked cars in my yard during Master's week.

i was called "boobs" in HS (and not for the obvious reason silly)

and when i was little i got to live in cool houses due to my dads job. one had a gymnasium one had a secret tunnel and one was haunted!
Quote by LittleMissBitch
i used to be a cheerleader

i CAN smoke out of a bong (jackass sheriff, ill show you how..jeeze!)

Well thank you LMB, but its really not that I CAN'T its more like I prefer not to wake up again (after passing out) to find myself bound with my shoelaces and marker on my face. I'm afraid to think what you'd do!
Went down the wooden slide in grade school and got a LARGE splinter in me where the sun does not shine!!!!
i have amazingly good balance and can stand on one leg without falling over, and usually perfectly still, for long periods of time.

when i was younger, i used to hide in the coat closet right before dinner and wouldn't come out until someone found me.

i don't throw like a girl, i actually have a pretty good arm.

when i was little, my dad taught me how to fly fish.

i sleep with a night light.

i don't sleep walk, but i write on myself in my sleep.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

1. I’m terrified of clowns.

2. I once forgot how to spell 'was'.

3. When I was seven, I burned down our pool house.

4. The very mention of blue cheese triggers my gag reflex.

5. I was misdiagnosed as having OCD…turns out I’m really anal about cleaning the kitchen.IKnEWo9jY1PO7ovX
Tracy Ames
Erotic Word Slinger & Smarty Pants ~ My Website
Rants & Rambles ~ My Youtube Channel

“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”
E. L. Doctorow
1. when i was 5 i decided to test if our iron was hot by putting my hand on it- burned my whole palm.

2. when i was in elementary school i used to get in a lot of fights and all the boys were afraid of me.

3. i was never taught how to ride a bike.

4. i got my first pair of high heels when i was 12- they were 4 inches.
1. When I was four our housecat was sitting on the bar in the kitchen, his tail hanging down and swinging side to side. I decided to bite it and still have the scar on my upper lip to prove it.
2. I flashed a girl in freshman year typing class.
3. I'm an Eagle Scout.
4. I had more than 30 surgeries before I was 3.
5. I don't have a paralyzing fear of heights, but I prefer to stay on the ground.
6. While riding in the backseat of a cadillac when I was 10ish?, I pushed in the cigarette lighter. When it popped out it wasn't red so I thought I was broken. Sooo, I put my finger in it... I was wrong. So very very wrong!!!

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates