Quote by MrPassionate
Exorcisism of Emily Rose
Ragini MMS
The Exorcist
The Nun
"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.
Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory
Quote by wicked_jocelyn
Exorcism of Emily Rose is severely underappreciated.
Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)
Quote by Ensorceled
Hard to pick 5. The first 5 that occur to me are:
The Ring
The VVitch
The Thing - 82
The Blair Witch Project
Near Dark
Runners up:
The Conjuring
The Cabin in the Woods
The Exorcist
The Omen
28 Days/Weeks Later
"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.
Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory
Quote by wicked_jocelyn
"The Thing (1982)" keeps coming up. I guess that needs to be on my watch list? Or do I need to "The Conjuring" next?
Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)
Quote by Gillianleeeza
The Thing (1982) not the sequel, will always be in my top five but I'll add a few.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1978
Stigmata 1999
The Other 1972
The Astronaut's Wife 1999
Rosemary's Baby 1968
Next week it will probably be a new list.
Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)
Quote by Ensorceled
OMG I had totally forgotten about The Other. What a seriously creepy movie.
Quote by vanessa26
Weirdly I've seen tons of people mention The Other in the last 2 weeks and its fairly obscure
and it has John Ritter which is also odd.
Quote by Green_Man
I don't remember John Ritter being in The Other, but I do know it was from a book written by Thomas Tryon, an actor and later ambassador to Mexico.
It was a great book and the movie was great as well.![]()
Quote by Gillianleeeza
More favorites.
Burnt Offerings 1976 (I am really showing my age here)
Sleepy Hollow 1999 (A little campy)
The Legend of Hellhouse 1973
Doctor Sleep
Let's Scare Jessica to Death 1971
Quote by vanessa26
I keep meaning to watch Harvest Home its on youtube and awhile back i had a made for tv horror movie marathon lol
Burnt offerings is excellent ( great book also ) but those people were really dumb paying to summer
at a house that needed them to work on it and feed a hypothetical old lady.. I kinda feel like they got what they deserved
Imagine if that movie was made more recent that house would potentially get bad yelp reviews if anyone could not die in it ??? also your not showing your age 70s horror rocks
I love love love Let's scare Jessica to death.. Such a strange film.
Top 5 favourite 70s horror movies
Long weekend
The exorcist
Don't look now
The Stepford wives
Quote by Gillianleeeza
I love the Stepford Wives, both the book and the movie. The original, not that silly Nicole Kidman parody.
Another 70s to add to the list.
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark. 1973.
I remember it freaking me out watching it as a child. They did a remake in 2010 written by Guillermo Del Toro and starring Katie Holmes.
Quote by vanessa26
I hate the remake its pretty awful lol
Some more 70s greatness ( some are giallos )
A Bay of Blood AKA Twitch of the Death Nerve
The Black Belly of the Tarantula
The Blood on Satan's Claw
The Blood Splattered Bride ( fucking weird movie lol )
Lemora ( another weird one )
Black Christmas ( i really hate the remake )
The Little Girl who Lives down the lane.
Quote by Gillianleeeza
I'll have to look up some of those. I recently rewatched The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane. It's so weird seeing how young Jodie Foster and Martin Sheen are in that movie.
I keep remembering more films.
The Entity 1982
Demon Seed 1977
Trilogy of Terror 1975
The Changeling 1980
It's Alive 1974
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.
I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work
Quote by Twisted_Skald
Friday 13th
The Thing
The Cube
Special mention to:
Cabin in the Woods
Night of the Living Dead
Childs Play
Salems Lot