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The Rage Cage

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Quote by utterchaos

Not really sure where to start, but I recently found my mother's biological family after spending many, countless hundreds of hours going through records and doing DNA testing. No help whatsoever from my mother despite her wanting to find him. He passed a year ago within ten days of his wife and had no other children of his own. I've very cautiously been talking to just one of his sisters, who notified his other siblings and given them time to come to terms with the news. My mother has now steam-rollered in, and I think she is motivated by potential inheritance which I've told her quite frankly that she isn't entitled to. Ten years ago I found her half-sister on her biological mother's side, and she fucked that up because she's a huge narcissist. She's also alienating my uncle who she grew up thinking was her biological brother because she keeps throwing the "real," word around. I'm angry with myself for letting her know, because I really wanted a relationship with them, and she's ruining it. She hasn't even expressed that she is sad he has passed to me, she just wanted to know who managed his financial affairs, and sold the property.

I feel you Emma. These bio-fam/adapted fam relationships are so fraught, and take so long to untangle. Emotionally exhausting work. I hope you are able to find some closure and some peace from the situation (you can probably tell from my recent posts I'm clearly not there yet). Godspeed.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Rookie Scribe

How one person could fool a house full of adults - adults I thought knew better - I mean adults who I told about him. He had them fooled until he messed up. I'm pissed because they won't sentence him fast enough.

Resident Otaku

I don't give a fuck if you're one of my oldest, best friends, if you choke hold my friend, I'll yeet you so fucking far out of my life. Don't give a shit whether you're drunk or not, or think you're being funny, I shouldn't have to shove you off and step between you to protect her. Now I hope you actually think about your drink issue and get some serious help before you end up in a whole heap of trouble which she would be justified in pursuing.


I'm not even mad or nothing but I'm just like, why?

It's like, homeboy, I'm the one that dipped out cause we have nothing in common, conversations were redundant and I lost interest.

If I reach out and get a stale ass response, I fully dip.


I will forever dislike the Lovables extended family that lives in Mexico.

They only hit them up if there's drama, someone expired(and are asking for money for said funeral) or someone is ill and they feel entitled to money. They're all adults who don't save for a rainy day but send pics from their travels. If you can save for a trip, you can put money away for when you get ill. Nobody is your bank.

Easily amused

SEVENTEEN THOUSAND GODDAMN DOLLARS!? (Sorry, the only when I gets any context for this is sprite.)

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Her Royal Spriteness

Quote by Ensorceled

SEVENTEEN THOUSAND GODDAMN DOLLARS!? (Sorry, the only when I gets any context for this is sprite.)

happy to put a bid in for 15k, but i get to use the hot tub.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Easily amused

Quote by sprite

happy to put a bid in for 15k, but i get to use the hot tub.

15K, and lifetime rights to the hot tub. Just sign here ____________________________

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)



I will forever dislike the Lovables extended family that lives in Mexico.

They only hit them up if there's drama, someone expired(and are asking for money for said funeral) or someone is ill and they feel entitled to money. They're all adults who don't save for a rainy day but send pics from their travels. If you can save for a trip, you can put money away for when you get ill. Nobody is your bank.

And I was proven correctly. They dipped today through text cause they couldn't get money out of Mrs. Lovable.


Honestly myself. I was previously on another site where I had a vague encounter with a person. I was vulnerable with this person about some of my struggles. I didnt get into details, just more of a recently xyz happened its just a heads up. He used that against me.

We got on really well with our interests as far as sex. At first he was sweet ans repsectful. He even wrote me something about his life. When he did so I realized that if we spent time together I might end up feeling more for him (ridiculous I know) so we should stop. I asked him not to respond. He sent me a petty, snarky message back. You know cause I took away his toy.

I told him to fuck off(not the most mature but really I was pissed) He managed to charm me back into it even though id met several awesome people. So I spent another months spending every day talking to him. I'd literally spent like all night hyperfocusing to write stories about us. All though at this point it was about him. He had made pretty clear he wasnt interested in me or attracted to me which was a relief. I didnt want to end up hurting him either. I thought we were more fwb. He kept holding out that we have this special "connection" and I bought into it as far as humans with similar interests /value, but writing for "US " was a more and more a chore.

He also told me I was emotional. I wasnt. He projected a ton of his shit on to me. Right away he told me about this traumatic thing his family went through. Sent me a youtube link. Not once, but twice. He lied to me about who he was seeing and exactly how many women he was talking to. Not that he owed me anything, but he knew how I felt about that. Yet he causually mentioned the at least two other women besides his fwb and network of women halfway thru. Which made me feel gross that hed spend all day letting me stroke his ego and then ignore me at night so he could jerk off with these other women. He lied about having a gf. Once he literally messaged me his office had been hit by a tornado It hadnt. He was ok with subjecting me to his hurricane stuff even though he knew id been through it. Right before he ended things he was v hot and cold. Literally two days before he made the only feeble attempt to flirt with me that he did the entire we talked. I guess as a reward for writing something he liked. Then he told me about his 9/11 experience. Sure i was the emotional one. To be clear i didnt mind and wouldnt have minded. Sharing isnt a bad thing. I was happy he trusted me with that at the time.

The end of that week I found out my brother had cancer. Serious cancer. I debated telling him. There was a lot going on in my life that I never mentioned. This however I knew was going to effect my time etc. So as lightly as I could I told him. He told me sorry and I should get sleep. I got angry with his reply. Not because it was wrong, but because I had to question if a person I talked to every day and supported was going to show me compassion. Like basic human level compassion. I erased our convo. Then felt bad. Half asleep and dealing with a lot of family stuff, I wrote to him. I told him that I needed to be able to communicate with him like an adult. Ie if he was hurting me, which he was(telling me I was "too much" for adding asking him to read a literal paragraph of an email all the time, literally referring to me as an "elephant" and continually telling me that anything nice I said about him "didnt matter" he wished anyone else saw him that way or that compliments only mattered from real together women) I just wanted to ask if he could please stop. Him say ok and we move on. I never asked for explainations he was the one who put that on himself. Id like to say he felt guilty but really he was the perfect example of born on third, thinks he hit a triple and is Entitled to other people.

He ended things right there. It was all my fault. I was too emotional. You know for asking bare minumum to respect my feelings or treat me as a human. I was crying at this point from exhaustion and overwelm so i will give him that in that moment i was emotional. He refused to talk to me on the phone or offer me the slightest human kindness. He did text back and tell me he didnt like me as a person. He was just "ok" with me giving him affection, writig stories mostly for him and listening patiently to all his stuff. He accused me of wanting to continue to placate him. When he was fine with me placating him every damn day. He also told me he had no emotion for me. ( which was confusing. We covered we arent into each other. I was working from a place of fwb). Also he said nice things to me like twice? He never said anything vaguely emotional to me which was a relief too because I cant stand fake bs. He also told me he knew id be emotional again. When he said this after I told him he was too easy to like, I thought he meant like redress my feelings of affection for him? Nope this man knew how I felt, knew I was vulnerable and went through some stuff, was pissed I dared to take away his interactive porn and decided to give me the privledge of being on proximity to him until I decided to have any emotion. Then he could easily end things without guilt. Make me feel crazy with all his projections.

When i looked back it was clear what he was doing. The man in the story he wrote about never really showed up. If I expressed an opinion I was too much. If I had an interest he would say oh well WE dont have that in common like he was just compiling this mental checklist of things to blame me for not being enough for him. There was no we. This should have been simple. I traversed around his fragile ego. I let him talk ad naseum about the three things that interested him sports, himself and history. Once he told me that he had superior cinema and movie taste only to scoff at my movie preferences and tell me that because he liked the godfather and the big lebowski. Nothing wrong with these, but I took a lot of film classes in colllege and film was an interest for awhile. The audacity to say he had superior taste boggled my mind.

This man was covered in red flags. Oh and he literally took credit for getting me writing again. He was a sort of muse? But that was mine. Its hard to admit that someome I looked on with kindness, appreciated their differences and excused their awkwardness, cringeyness and arrogance and honesly casual cruelty on the regular, was literally judging me harshly and using me this whole time. I would have been okay with things ending. Even I knew that he couldnt keep up with me (not me being a jerk just truth) and that one of us would find someome and end things. Its just the manipulating and cruelty that got to me. It wasnt a cruel to be kind thing either. Id accepted his lack of interest in anything but we had and that I wasnt physically his type(small tits, no hips, long legs)That did t bother me we werent sleeping together. He projected whatever bullshit insecurities he had onto me because hes another man who doesnt understand 1)sex isnt intimacy. Neiher is attention. No matter how many women you collect its going to be on the empty side if you dont know how to emotionally connect to people. 2) you arent responsible for anyone but you do affect them. The issue of consent ie tricking people into giving you what you want isnt just for super romantic relationships. Why you would want to lie and manipulate people instead of gathering actual affection just shows me how broken he is.

I know.this is long anyone who made it this far thanks. I didnt realize i was still so mad (and to be clear at myself for choosing this person when I know better, allowing them to hurt me and wasting my time and set me back in my healing) until recently. I doubt hes thought of me once. He has all the shit i wrote with nice stuff about him in it. I had to get rid of stuff I created bc it made my skin crawl. Then any fun I did have was ruined. So yeah.Im mad at myself. A lot. Ha sorry to spill this here. This is not indicative of actual conversations I have with anyone. My shit is my shit. Not anyones responsbility but mine. I cant yell at him. And this really had been bothering for like two weeks? I just want to send off into the ether.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess
1 like

Wonders why you don't understand that he's YOUR brother too! Why do you always get to be too busy to take him for a weekend? So tired of this.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Active Ink Slinger

I really hate when the news announces ‘a new study shows’ and then states an obvious issue like it’s brand new to everyone.

Example from today: “A New Study Shows Oil Companies Release a lot more water pollution near communities of color.”

No shit?! You mean you needed a study for that? For the exact thing Indigenous, Latino, and Black communities have been saying for the past 60 years? You needed a study to find out oil companies will build a longer pipe to avoid a white community and just dump polluted water directly into the water supply of a poor community?

Need a study to see that pipelines specifically are pushed through reservation land despite all the protests and reports that they have been destroying the food and water supplies and natural habitats?

The sheer full that something isn’t a fact till a white team of scientists do a study is infuriating. Almost as infuriating as the fact that even with the new study this will disappear from the headlines and no one will do anything about the obvious illegal dumping of toxic sludge into our water.

living dead girl

Holy fuck no one's raged since January here let me fix that real quick

Fake love? Give me a fucking break

Are you blind? Or do you just not even know what love is because nothing I ever gave you was ever anything but genuine. I'm not sure you deserved it but I gave it and the sad thing is that I probably still would and I don't even know why because love isn't something I think your completely capable of comprehending. But your being Hella petty right now when to my knowledge we didn't even have bad blood so instead of being a passive aggressive cunt nugget why don't you just learn to fucking talk about things instead of throwing away someone who actually had your back for once in your life.


Quote by vanessa26

Holy fuck no one's raged since January here let me fix that real quick

Fake love? Give me a fucking break

Are you blind? Or do you just not even know what love is because nothing I ever gave you was ever anything but genuine. I'm not sure you deserved it but I gave it and the sad thing is that I probably still would and I don't even know why because love isn't something I think your completely capable of comprehending. But your being Hella petty right now when to my knowledge we didn't even have bad blood so instead of being a passive aggressive cunt nugget why don't you just learn to fucking talk about things instead of throwing away someone who actually had your back for once in your life.

A million thank you’s for this! ^ this is what we wish we all could say! Hail to the rage!

Active Ink Slinger

The biggest problem at the moment is not being able to rage about our biggest rage problem errors.

Rookie Scribe
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Currently ignoring a nasty little troll. Don't know who they are but every time I post something, they make rather nasty accusatory comments (on another website).

They even admitted it's a throwaway account so the best policy is to not engage and give them any oxygen.


The swirling moral corruption of the hard right is even more intolerable by virtue of their collective void of intellectual merit! The real frustration is that it is infecting what used to be reasonable minds. I sincerely believe in a difference of opinions but these people….

Resident Otaku
1 like

My 13 year old stopped walking entirely 6 days ago. Cannot bear weight at all, and doesn't have arm strength either. I've been physically lifting him for transitions, and he needs full assistance in the bathroom. He hasn't been to school since, while they "explore options." It's an SEN school, new build with wheelchair accessibility. Today they've told me he may need to move school, so it turns out the "accessibility" part is just a tick to meet building criteria without any desire to actually be accessible. At an SEN school! I've got OT and physio going in on Thursday with me, and I'm gonna need to kick some butts because I'm not moving him away from his friends to the only other SEN school in our area which is aimed at children with behavioural needs. Currently printing off the discrimatory laws, and their own ethos stating to not discriminate and make reasonable adjustments. I've got enough problems dealing with inaccessible housing (no wet room) and little space for an actual hoist, on top of rising food and utility costs the general public deal with... We've been saving for a deposit to buy a property the past 6 years, but our prices have shot up with londoners moving to our area to commute. If giving up was an option, I'd be taking it cause I'm so damn tired, and 6 year old is still waiting for his surgery which is supposedly booked in for next week, but has been cancelled 6 times already.


Quote by utterchaos
This infuriated me! Tax dollars paid for the “wheelchair” accessibility yet there is none?!! I don’t sue but for this go after the builders county city board everyone ! Why should HE have to move because they LIED about what every school should have? Please keep us informed! Again I would get legal counsel they should have to fix this NOW!

My 13 year old stopped walking entirely 6 days ago. Cannot bear weight at all, and doesn't have arm strength either. I've been physically lifting him for transitions, and he needs full assistance in the bathroom. He hasn't been to school since, while they "explore options." It's an SEN school, new build with wheelchair accessibility. Today they've told me he may need to move school, so it turns out the "accessibility" part is just a tick to meet building criteria without any desire to actually be accessible. At an SEN school! I've got OT and physio going in on Thursday with me, and I'm gonna need to kick some butts because I'm not moving him away from his friends to the only other SEN school in our area which is aimed at children with behavioural needs. Currently printing off the discrimatory laws, and their own ethos stating to not discriminate and make reasonable adjustments. I've got enough problems dealing with inaccessible housing (no wet room) and little space for an actual hoist, on top of rising food and utility costs the general public deal with... We've been saving for a deposit to buy a property the past 6 years, but our prices have shot up with londoners moving to our area to commute. If giving up was an option, I'd be taking it cause I'm so damn tired, and 6 year old is still waiting for his surgery which is supposedly booked in for next week, but has been cancelled 6 times already.


Quote by utterchaos

My 13 year old stopped walking entirely 6 days ago. Cannot bear weight at all, and doesn't have arm strength either. I've been physically lifting him for transitions, and he needs full assistance in the bathroom. He hasn't been to school since, while they "explore options." It's an SEN school, new build with wheelchair accessibility. Today they've told me he may need to move school, so it turns out the "accessibility" part is just a tick to meet building criteria without any desire to actually be accessible. At an SEN school! I've got OT and physio going in on Thursday with me, and I'm gonna need to kick some butts because I'm not moving him away from his friends to the only other SEN school in our area which is aimed at children with behavioural needs. Currently printing off the discrimatory laws, and their own ethos stating to not discriminate and make reasonable adjustments. I've got enough problems dealing with inaccessible housing (no wet room) and little space for an actual hoist, on top of rising food and utility costs the general public deal with... We've been saving for a deposit to buy a property the past 6 years, but our prices have shot up with londoners moving to our area to commute. If giving up was an option, I'd be taking it cause I'm so damn tired, and 6 year old is still waiting for his surgery which is supposedly booked in for next week, but has been cancelled 6 times already.



I wrote something that was extravagant in its length and utter nonsense in its content…I lost it. It just disappeared. If anyone sees it let it know I looked to no avail.

Her Royal Spriteness
1 like

Quote by Icarus4

I wrote something that was extravagant in its length and utter nonsense in its content…I lost it. It just disappeared. If anyone sees it let it know I looked to no avail.

Alice has it. Sorry. I'll have a talk with her.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by sprite

Alice has it. Sorry. I'll have a talk with her.

Can you not keep Alice under control going around losing her panties and flashing everyone but me and I'm bloody jealous

Her Royal Spriteness

Quote by youngsarge

Can you not keep Alice under control going around losing her panties and flashing everyone but me and I'm bloody jealous

hell, i can't even keep my cats under control and Alice is... well... Alice. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger

My feelings for my ex have gone. I figured out he has been talking to my older sister and telling her very personal things about me that I wanted to be kept secret. Whatever last strained of feelings I had for him have vanished.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess
1 like

I’m guessing I’m that friend who’s just an option. Time to follow my own advice and stop making time for this shit.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Voyeur @ f/64
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Quote by techgoddess

I’m guessing I’m that friend who’s just an option. Time to follow my own advice and stop making time for this shit.

The same. Very the same.