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The Rage Cage

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Simple Scribbler
Quote by vanessa26
I really hate you and if you touch me again I'll knock your teeth out.

Lemme know, V, as I've got my 2 black cats ready to attack whoever ... claws are OUT!

Easily amused
Quote by vanessa26
I really hate you and if you touch me again I'll knock your teeth out.

I've got a black cat, a tortie, and AN ENTIRE SPIDER ARMY drawn from Colorado's high desert to smite your enemies!

Seriously. We'll fuck them up. Just say the word.


Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Active Ink Slinger
To all you writers of erotica, much as I love your stories and I wish I had your abilities, I wish that you would stop all your characters shuttering when they climax, they cannot shutter unless they are outside afixing the damn things to the side of a house, shuddering they can do as is an involuntary shaking of the body, I hope that God almighty takes the next author who uses this phrase when their characters are climaxing and throw them into the deepest level of help that can be found, you all know who you are.
Active Ink Slinger
Next rage, fucking grammar checkers, I hate them with a vengeance, as if a fucking program thinks it knows better than me exactly what I wish to write, take the two instances bad language used, the program came up with two totally different words to replace them, it ever tried to change bad language to had language.
Now I don't mind if suggesting alternative words when my spelling is atrocious, which is often as I get older and cannot think of the words I wish to use anymore, but when it changes perfectly good grammar to something that has nothing to do with what has already been written, then show me the off button.
Active Ink Slinger
I have just noticed that in my first rage grammar checker has changed what was written as hell and spelt correctly to help, this just goes to show that grammar checkers should be scrapped, and the outraged concept of changing bad language to something placid without the authors consent removed from the programs.

Rise up writers of the world and demand your due rights in freedom from unwarranted interference by grammar checkers.
Active Ink Slinger
Fuck it I give up, take me to the mortuary, the grammar checker has bludgeoned me to death, I cannot win every time I change things it waits until I have passed to a different sentence then changes what is written to garbage.
Three times now I have placed a comma between up and take, will it leave it be, who knows.
Quote by vanessa26

the codeword is Spaghetti when i aay that attack

Ahhh My sweet vanessa. It took me awhile but I've mustered some forces. On the word Spaghetti I shall release my buddy Cthulhu.

Active Ink Slinger
Just stop it you .......
Carey’d away.
1 like
To the random men that sometimes like to be disgusting in my inbox,

What part of "I'm a lesbian; therefore, I'm not interested" do you not understand? Now, go away and try somebody else.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Easily amused
1 like
OMG. Just fucking shoot me now.

I am readying my GIANT SPIDER ARMY here in the high desert. Don't make me use it.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Quote by vanessa26
Arggggghhhhhhhhhhh raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

Jesus fucking t rex Christ i need xanax and weed

.... I have two out of three of those?


Seriously - WTF is the point in having two ridiculously adorable and annoying rescue cats who seriously needed a home if they can't KILL A FUCKING SPIDER!?

The feral one ran away. ACTUALLY RAN AWAY. From the spider.

Predators my arse.
Her Royal Spriteness
I'd like to have 2 good days in a row. simple as that. not as much a rage as a 'i'm just really tired of this'.

ok, a bit of a rage.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

living dead girl
Quote by AppleByBoom

.... I have two out of three of those?


Seriously - WTF is the point in having two ridiculously adorable and annoying rescue cats who seriously needed a home if they can't KILL A FUCKING SPIDER!?

The feral one ran away. ACTUALLY RAN AWAY. From the spider.

Predators my arse.

So you do or don't have a jesus christ t-rex? I really don't need him I just need to know..

I think the point of having two rescue cats is that you got to rescue them and now get to watch them absolutely ridiculous about stuff
One of my cat's LOVES bugs especially spiders and crickets they are his friends but he drown mice in his water dish if one gets in or rip its throat out.
I'm sorry - I do not have a Jesus Christ T-Rex!

Yes - that's very true. I do love the wee arseholes - I just wish they would get the spiders. When we had mice in the house, the pair of them hid in the top of our wardrobe ??‍♀️ zero hunting instincts.
living dead girl
Quote by AppleByBoom
I'm sorry - I do not have a Jesus Christ T-Rex!

Yes - that's very true. I do love the wee arseholes - I just wish they would get the spiders. When we had mice in the house, the pair of them hid in the top of our wardrobe ??‍♀️ zero hunting instincts.

So that means you have xanax and weed lol

Rage of the day. I actually can't have weed because of job interview stuff and stupid drug testing
Luckily i did whip up a xanax gabapentin cocktail they make each other stronger
I'm not ragey but I'm frustrated with the ethics of certain ppl
I'm also frustrated with not feeling like i can really trust most ppl
Its becoming an old worn out song that I'm very tired of.. Can ppl just be honest and nice?!
Quote by vanessa26

So that means you have xanax and weed lol

Rage of the day. I actually can't have weed because of job interview stuff and stupid drug testing
Luckily i did whip up a xanax gabapentin cocktail they make each other stronger
I'm not ragey but I'm frustrated with the ethics of certain ppl
I'm also frustrated with not feeling like i can really trust most ppl
Its becoming an old worn out song that I'm very tired of.. Can ppl just be honest and nice?!

I guess you kinda tricked me into confirming that... the weed is not legal here. Well, weeds are legal, weed isn't.


Seriously. They've survived bleach (an accident this time) and everything. Grow anywhere you like - just not in my nice flower bed that I'm desperately trying to keep alive and pretty just to prove that I can keep things alive.


Also, I give up on my strawberry plant - now plants - since instead of giving me strawberries it - they - keep just spawning. Somehow, one has randomly rooted in my grass. Because gardening isn't complicated enough.
True Blue Aussie
1 like
I am so PEEVED OFF. Lockdown 6.0 for us here in Victoria, Australia. 7 days now stuck at home, starting only a couple of hours after it was announced. Tuesday & Wednesday ZERO new cases of covid. Thursday 6 new cases, with 2 of those not knowing where they contracted the virus. This, being in and out of lockdown is getting beyond a joke.
living dead girl
Take your stupid fucking games and weird personas shove them deep inside your ass.

Take your stupid fucking dick pics that you like to harass women with and shove those up your ass also

I've seen a dick.. EVERYONE has seen a dick.. Yours isn't special the only thing special about you was the fact that I thought you were different but you aren' all.

ALSO if someone tells you they don't want to send you nudes fucking accept it don't keep asking them..

I need to punch someone but I'll just take a Xanax
Primus Omnium
1 like
Why do assholes keep ruining and destroying all that is good and true and lovely in this world?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by vanessa26
Take your stupid fucking games and weird personas shove them deep inside your ass.

Take your stupid fucking dick pics that you like to harass women with and shove those up your ass also

I've seen a dick.. EVERYONE has seen a dick.. Yours isn't special the only thing special about you was the fact that I thought you were different but you aren' all.

ALSO if someone tells you they don't want to send you nudes fucking accept it don't keep asking them..

I need to punch someone but I'll just take a Xanax

Sell those pictures on a sexsite or Ebay or Amazon if they accept and share profits with me lushie wife Don't waste your time and energy on brainless people! . Sandwiches and coffee packed for us sweetie, zombies hunting time smile
Voyeur @ f/64
I try so hard in my little niche. It's all I've got right now, but feel nothing but the air being sucked out around me and with it all the fun and joy. I am so disappointed in myself. I thought I could build sand castles, but all I seem to do is make mud bricks. They are well-formed and solid and sturdy enough, but in the end, they are simply bricks. On the plus side, I'll soon have enough to build a rough shanty, a new place to hide away.
Kinky Quill
Quote by kistinspencil
I try so hard in my little niche. It's all I've got right now, but feel nothing but the air being sucked out around me and with it all the fun and joy. I am so disappointed in myself. I thought I could build sand castles, but all I seem to do is make mud bricks. They are well-formed and solid and sturdy enough, but in the end, they are simply bricks. On the plus side, I'll soon have enough to build a rough shanty, a new place to hide away.

A shanty allows you the freedom to escape the rat race and take time out of the drudgery.
A castle or a cottage why should we care,
we are building a palace of dreams that we share
I am glad that a flutter can mean so much, and be oh so powerful! Whilst I bring my own kind of chaos to those I choose to know everywhere, I do believe in Chaos theory, and I am glad that it is suggested that the fluttering wings of a butterfly can be felt the other side of the globe, it gives me hope that I can caress your soul.