1. I wish women still made men wait. *
*2. I wish car stereo volumes still only went up to slightly annoying. *
*3. I wish BB guns were still an OK gift to give to your son for his 10th birthday. *
*4. I wish young kids were sometimes seen but not heard. I don't think adult acting children are cute. *
*5. I wish Families still ate dinner at 6pm and together. *
*6. I wish you could still go skating on a Saturday night and not have to worry about getting robbed or killed. *
*7. I wish grandparents still acted like grand-parents and not friends or mid-life crisis sufferers. *
*8. I wish ten dollars was enough for a kid to grab a burger and a movie. *
*9. I wish divorce would go back to being the last option and not the first. *
*10. I wish Violence was still horrible to most people. *
#10 is the one I liked the best too.
I miss #5...when I was younger with my family......(sigh)
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Me too Z. When I was a little girl, dinner at 6 with the whole family. No TV on, just us talking and enjoying family time.
and all this being said, I believe from 3 women that don't have kids? LOL (to carry on the tradition)
Well at least we know how it should be. Or at least how we'd do it. LOL
It would be nice if ten dollars was enough to get anything today. Who would have thought that McDonalds would cost close to 10 dollars for one person.
Well Hello there Lephtie! And welcome to the forum!!
I know what you mean. Mine are both dead.
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
I agree with all 10 and would add an 11...
11. I wish that my hugs and kisses were still magical enough to make the hurts go away for my kids.
It sucks when you realize that those days are over...
OK - #11 added. Good point T.
But as they go older so must your Tech-nic.
The hurt is in seeing it. Make them focus on you, while you fix it.
Still works today - 23 and 17 yrs old.
Mom cuddles and Dad fixes
I miss #6 There are not enough roller skating places around anymore.
I still make my family eat together every day.
Gotta agree with the roller skating. The only roller skating rink we had was bulldozed down years ago and now is home to a housing development.
Tech, those kids still appreciate the hugs and kisses. They know no one else can make them as special as yours.
#12. I wish I could watch a movie and have the thrills provided by my own imagination.
I hated it at the time when I was a kid. But now I'm what is known as an "empty nester" - kids grown up and left home - I miss it from a Mum's point of view )-:
And as for 1. on this list - I still do! What can I say - still an old fashioned gal at heart!
I think we all are in a way Manxie.
BTW, I used to have a pair of boots just like those back in the day.
I don't really have a use for them anymore
I don't have the legs for them anymore!!!!!!