I’m OK with them, and actually think they’re humorously attractive in some cases. When I was in college and lifeguarding – and we wore one- or two-piece suits on the beach in the sun all day – my Mom warned me and other girls who guarded with me about “high beams”.
“Don’t worry”, she said, “you’ll figure out what that means some night when you skinny dipping”.
Sure enough, sometime mid-summer, we had a lifeguard party the first year I worked. Beautiful evening, bonfire, partial moon – just enough light for bright or un-tanned objects to be seen easily.
Our tops cam off, and - lo and behold – bright white breasts bounding in the moonlight! It was actually fun to see and participate in the moonlight bounce parade.
Of course, guys don’t sunbathe nude too often, so there was a nice collection of bright white cocks to see bouncing around, too, even though it was more than just the cocks – pretty much everything covered by their suits was white. Amazing, bouncy, attractive and fun.
I have no problem with tan lines – I work inside too much to spend enough time outside topless to make that much of a difference. And I don’t do tanning booths.