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Tan Lines

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Does anyone else find this unattractive?

Yep. I tan naked--on the occasion that I do tan--to avoid this!
I prefer the even tone all over look myself, but still don't consider that unattractive. Many exotic dancers do the tan line look because they feel it is popular with customers, especially older men, who tip them a lot of money.

However, getting tans like that in general can easily lead to skin cancer and leathering of the skin in years to come. People who get dark tans especially are prone to get basil cell skin cancer (rough dry patches that must be surgically removed). They also stand a greater chance of getting melanoma, one of the deadliest cancers.
It's no so much about the tan lines as the fact that she's way over-tanned. A light sun-kissed tan is attractive and faint tan-lines are fine - but going from ivory white skin to shoe-polish bronze is not sexy, nor is it very healthy.

Maybe she just overdid it on a beach vacay, but maintaining that... ouch.
I'm actually ambivalent regarding tan lines, but how in the hell could that woman's body be a turn off for anyone? Very sexy. Whether or not it is healthy is another question, but that is a decision she needs to make herself. However, if she had this same tan and got it sunbathing nude then there would be some very tender spots that would have the same health risk

Tan lines are horribly unattractive.

😋 see more tan lines in my gallery

I’m OK with them, and actually think they’re humorously attractive in some cases.  When I was in college and lifeguarding – and we wore one- or two-piece suits on the beach in the sun all day – my Mom warned me and other girls who guarded with me about “high beams”.

“Don’t worry”, she said, “you’ll figure out what that means some night when you skinny dipping”.

Sure enough, sometime mid-summer, we had a lifeguard party the first year I worked.  Beautiful evening, bonfire, partial moon – just enough light for bright or un-tanned objects to be seen easily.

Our tops cam off, and - lo and behold – bright white breasts bounding in the moonlight!  It was actually fun to see and participate in the moonlight bounce parade.

Of course, guys don’t sunbathe nude too often, so there was a nice collection of bright white cocks to see bouncing around, too, even though it was more than just the cocks – pretty much everything covered by their suits was white.  Amazing, bouncy, attractive and fun.

I have no problem with tan lines – I work inside too much to spend enough time outside topless to make that much of a difference.  And I don’t do tanning booths.

They seem to all have faded out