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should i get pierced?

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am thinking of getting my cock pierced what do you think? my pictures number 3 if you need a referance.
It wouldn't be my idea of fun but go for it
To each there own, but i cant imagine that being a fun experience.
Go ahead and report to us later. Ouch!

Wouldn't the fact that a pecker constantly changes sizes be a problem?
I really wouldn't fancy getting something sharp slammed (skillfully) into my Jap's eye, so I tend to come down on the side of no. Also if you're active, in the non sexual exercising sense, you could end up tearing the piercing out, which may require an operation to get repaired. Not a fun situation. Also, imagine the practical implications, wouldn't you wind up spraying pish all over the place when... pishing? And wouldn't sex be a bit awkward? I'd say no. Just the thought of something sharp going into my cock *shudders* but if you're gung-ho, I say go for it, just be aware of the dangers first.
i don't have a problem with piercing... but my question is what do you hope to gain from getting your cock pierced? and you might want to see how long you have to wait for sexual activity... it could be a pretty long time, depending on the kind of piercing you get....
I guess the big question would be why would you want to do this in the 1st place. If you're doing it for yourself, then that's okay. But if you're doing it for or to appease someone else, then I would recommend holding off.
If I was a boy, I wouldn't get my meat pierced and as a girl, I don't find it aesthetically pleasing. Although, a friend informs me that it makes the whole experience more pleasurable for both parties... once you're fully healed of course.
Quite simply, if you want it because YOU want it then I say crack on and enjoy, but I wouldn't advise doing it because you want to please someone else. The risk of infection, scar tissue, the time you have to wait before having sex etc... well, I don't think it would be a worthwhile endeavour unless it was you personally who stood to gain from it.
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I put this in roughly the same category as getting my clit pierced. And I would just never do that. too much chance for infections, especially while it was healing. and too much risk of ripping it out accidentally. Plus it has to hurt like hell!