Hump-Day, eh?
Well, that's nothing a little caffeine can't help…
Lights are on, Lady Dryad has cleaned up and we’re about as good as we're going to get.
Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and Darjeeling teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.
Big Bertha has been cleaned, rinsed, and refilled, and is waiting to serve.
Today we're using Gothrider Gasoline Coffee – to "Ignite your soul!"
Whatever that means.
There are donuts.
Plus I've got some more bear claws (as in the pastry) for y'all
Take care out there, 'K?