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RUMPLATIONS: Awesome Honky Tonk and Cyber Bar How Y'all Are?

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Active Ink Slinger

I love the Summer theme y’all. I’m loving the long weekend but it’s going to be over too soon. The sun just came out from behind the clouds and it’s going to be a beautiful (hot) day. Thinking about bikinis already.

I can’t link a summer song like y’all do but I think I can at least do this.

Active Ink Slinger

Oh I can! Who knew!

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Quote by ebonysummer

Oh I can! Who knew!

Yep, it's fairly easy. Just get the YouTube share link and paste. The site converts it to embedded on the fly. 😋

How about a meditation on the beauty of nature and the nature of reality? My entry in the Beyond the Veil competition on Storiespace is up for your enjoyment.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Seeker4

Yep, it's fairly easy. Just get the YouTube share link and paste. The site converts it to embedded on the fly. 😋

I just assumed it was for paying members only and never tried. I didn’t bother reading the manual when I joined.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Quote by ebonysummer
I didn’t bother reading the manual when I joined.

Here, as an IT professional, I am supposed to chide you to RTFM (Read The Fucking/Freaking Manual). But we are as guilty as anyone for not doing so. 🙄😉

How about a meditation on the beauty of nature and the nature of reality? My entry in the Beyond the Veil competition on Storiespace is up for your enjoyment.


Good morning everybody and all the ships at sea!

FLASH! School starts today for many North American jurisdictions!

Hold the presses! Bear's 4-year-old starts French Immersion Junior Kindergarten tomorrow!

Children everywhere mourn the end of Summer!

Meanwhile, back at the bar, Bear tends.

And that's a wrap!

OK, so maybe I wasn't cut out to be an anchorbear. But I do make a mean cuppa…

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready to go. There are pots of Red Rose and Earl Grey teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned up and out, rinsed, and refilled, and is now ready as well.

Today we're using Gothrider Coffee – to kick start the morning with some extra strong coffee.

I've put out some really nice looking donuts, with Sara's sprinklies set aside with her sports section.

Back with more in a flasher.

Or rather flash…I think

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


Hey! Who let him out of Storeroom #4?

Oh well, back to the bar…

Some of Kimmi's (cinnamon) buns are available for your delectation (and that's my $10 word for today).

And some buttercream cuppy cakes, in hopes we can lure Kat back to the bar.

Hey Summer – anything you'd like us to stock to help start your mornings?

Let's start the music off with Pink Floyd … Another Brick in the Wall

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


And let's go with Queen … Another One Bits the Dust …

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


And for my final offering … The Runaways … Cherry Bomb …

OK, that's it for me for now.

Take care out there, 'K?

And remember – don't do anyone I wouldn't!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Is anyone else having problems posting on the forums? I have a recurrent issue where the site errors out and loses my post when I hit Submit. I've put in a ticket (which did work) but wondering if it is just me or if there's a site issue.

How about a meditation on the beauty of nature and the nature of reality? My entry in the Beyond the Veil competition on Storiespace is up for your enjoyment.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

And interestingly, that one worked, but repeated attempts to post in another thread failed. However, there is a lag between when I hit Submit and when the post appears so now I'm wondering if the error I get is some kind of timeout.

How about a meditation on the beauty of nature and the nature of reality? My entry in the Beyond the Veil competition on Storiespace is up for your enjoyment.


No, it's a site issue, Scott. I am having consistent errors posting. Sometimes I have to force the page to go back to the home page, then work my way back here. Otherwise I get a window, but no icons in the top left, and am unable to place the cursor in the window. I also cannot read PMs or notifications unless I do that.

Annoying. I reported it, but they said since I didn't follow up, they closed the ticket. Tempted to put in another ticket.

Meanwhile, back at the bar … it's Caffeination time!

Tea Kettle is refilled and steaming away. There are pots of Red Rose and Lasang salchow available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned, rinsed, and refilled, and is ready.

Today we're using La Guachoca beans from Pilot Coffee Roasters. Dark roast and aromatic! I know, because it says so here on the package.

I've put out donuts , with Sara's sprinklies set aside with her sports section.

Plus today we have some frosted crullers for y'all.

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


Meanwhile, let's start today off by Always Looking on the Bright Side of Life … Monty Python …

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘
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Quote by JamesLlewellyn
Annoying. I reported it, but they said since I didn't follow up, they closed the ticket. Tempted to put in another ticket.

John responded to my ticket that they are having network issues between their provider and CloudFlare. Which tallies with something that happened to me a few days ago. Hope they can get this sorted soon. All is well for me this morning so far.

I shall take some lapsang to wake meself up.

How about a meditation on the beauty of nature and the nature of reality? My entry in the Beyond the Veil competition on Storiespace is up for your enjoyment.


And from Mamma … Mia … Does Your Mother Know

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

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And end with Taron Egerton, pretending to be Elton John … I'm Still Standing …

I think that's all the damage I can do in this popsicle stand!

I'm gonna take a mug of tea and wander back to Kimmi's Korner and see if she's found any panties yet…

Take care out there, 'K?


An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Just a quick wave (and a Coke Zero) to let y’all know I haven't disappeared.

The wedding was amazing. And now we have already started planning the wedding for the youngest daughter who got engaged in early Aug. Looks like a fall 2025 event!

My brother-in-law passed away the same day as the wedding. (they didn't come as he was innthr hospital). I keep trying to remind myself that he is no longer suffering, but Fuck cancer!

My AC crapped out the night before last. Waiting to hear back from the repair guy on when the coil will be in stock (he said 2-3 weeks 🤪) Hubby got us a room AC unit. And I've closed the blinds to keep the heat from the sun at bay. It's always something!

Hugs to all y’all!

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

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Welcome back, Kat! Happy for your news, but I was sorry to hear about your BIL, and agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments on cancer. 🤬

The AC is one of life's little goodies. I had a bunch of those kinds of things yesterday – not a day I'd like to repeat.

But – today's a new day "with no mistakes in it", according to Anne Shirley. Let's make the most of it, shall we?

Tea Kettle is refilled and is ready and waiting. There are pots of Red Rose and Assam teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned out, rinsed, and refilled, and is now ready and willing – like most people 'round here.

Today we're brewing Folgers, in hopes that it will entice Lion out of his lair.

I've put out donuts for y'all, with Sara's sprinklies set aside with her sports section.

Plus I've got – no wait.

Écoute moi, Dirty Pierre! I told you to stay in Storeroom #4, and not strut around, waving your flag! Now, if you want some more Lushies to visit you in there, get your shapely ass back in there, and stop advertising! I'm sure Kimmi will find a way to sneak in for a taste!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


And now some more sweets – including a coffee cake!

And speaking of sweet … how about Billie Ellish … LUNCH

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


Next up, Ariana Grande … We Can't Be Friends

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


And I'm going to wrap up my small contribution today with Dua Lipa … Love Again

They say "Seize the day." Well, yesterday I think I seized the wrong day.

Let's run that play again, shall we?

Take care out there, folks!

And remember – Only YOU can prevent Forest …

Oh wait. That's another Bear's line, isn't it?


An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Simple Scribbler

What day is it, Rumpies?

It’s NFL kickoff day, baby! worship :worship:

Bear, can we have the big tv on the Chiefs, Ravens game tonight? Pretty pleeeease

And… many of your fav Rumps authors have submitted fab poems in the StoriesSpace comp. If interested, click link below to read.

Later, taters…
