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RUMPLATIONS: Awesome Honky Tonk and Cyber Bar How Y'all Are?

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Whistling on my journey

Next more from Shocking Blue

Never Marry A Railroad Man

Shocking Blue

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Active Ink Slinger

2nd in, I suppose. Still early, here on the West Coast, but I am going out for an early morning run. I thought I would stop in and grab some carbs before I head out.

Fuzzy, that 4+ inches of rain is a tough one after everything else you have had, but I have learned life on the plains is feast or famine when it comes to rain.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day as a lot of us sneak up on an important holiday.


Easily amused

I already had coffee over at the blue site, but I'll grab a donut or two here. You guys have better pastry chefs than the blue site!

Anyway, Kimmie and a few others were pushing me in the comments section to enter my tiny little story in the comp, so I fleshed it it out and did. Don't let the pretentious title of Leviathan fool you. It's short and hopefully hot.

Sorry for only showing up when I want to pimp a story. That's rude, and I will try to do better. I'm just not around here much anymore.

Cheers everyone!

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Simple Scribbler
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Quote by Ensorceled

I already had coffee over at the blue site, but I'll grab a donut or two here. You guys have better pastry chefs than the blue site!

Anyway, Kimmie and a few others were pushing me in the comments section to enter my tiny little story in the comp, so I fleshed it it out and did. Don't let the pretentious title of Leviathan fool you. It's short and hopefully hot.

Sorry for only showing up when I want to pimp a story. That's rude, and I will try to do better. I'm just not around here much anymore.

Cheers everyone!

So glad you entered! 😊

Dirty Stop-out

Quote by Ensorceled

I already had coffee over at the blue site, but I'll grab a donut or two here. You guys have better pastry chefs than the blue site!

Anyway, Kimmie and a few others were pushing me in the comments section to enter my tiny little story in the comp, so I fleshed it it out and did. Don't let the pretentious title of Leviathan fool you. It's short and hopefully hot.

Sorry for only showing up when I want to pimp a story. That's rude, and I will try to do better. I'm just not around here much anymore.

Cheers everyone!

Yay.. glad you entered

2 competition winning stories, 1 Famous story, a smattering of Editor's Picks, a handful of Recommended Reads and one Clitorides award are scattered amongst my stories.

One of a handful of writers to get the Omnium badge for writing in every category

For a book club with a difference... try this lesbian romp

Dutchess Of Dancing

Have a most wonderful holiday everyone careful!!!

A secret isn't a secret if 2 know it🤐

Whistling on my journey
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Lights On

Big Beautiful Bertha filled

As the Copper Tea Kettle is whistling

Morning sweets place on the side bar

Yesterday morning we recieved another 4+ inches of added rain

Then again late as night storms returned leaving power outages.

Ah, the great plains are a beautiful, dangerous but a lively place to call home

Back shortly with tunes

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey

Love In The Elevator


My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey

Did da boys wake you up going DOWN?


Next up

Once Botten Twice Shy

Great White

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey


Mr Crowley

Ozzy Osbourne

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey
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To close on this eve of the 4th of July, I think back on our ancestors, all not native to this country, yes immigrants or sons and daughters that stood against the mighty Red Line of His Majesty and fired "the shot heard around the world."

The birth of our great nation. I have seen the beauty, the wonderful and the ugly warts of this great land. The one thought I have and shall hold is my coutry is a "beautiful patchwork of a mighty quilt of all peoples"

Lion Out

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Simple Scribbler
1 like

Morning, Fuzzy Lion! Lovely words! ❤️

Enjoy the 4th!

Love you all! kiss

Whistling on my journey

Lights On

Happy 4th of July

Big Beautiful Bertha filled

The Copper Tea Kettle is whistling

Morning sweets place on the side bar

Last night and thru this morning we've recieved another 2+ inches of added rain, and rain is still falling.

We are past worrying of flooding, all the "feeder streams" have left their banks.

Ah, the great plains are a beautiful, dangerous but a lively place to call home


My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey
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So now with my PSA

Shall we have some tunes, Shout Out to our Kimmi thank you!!

Free Fallin

Tom Petty

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey


Therefore I Am

Billie Eilish

Cuppycakes have showed up


My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey


Crazy Train

Ozzy Osbourne

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey

To close on our national holiday

Here is the movie version of Surrender at Yorktown

And to me a quite catchy tune

The World Turned Upside Down

I'm proud of our mud faced terrorists that stood against the might of King George finest, still makes my ancient Irish American heart proud

Lion Out


My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey

Good Morning All

Hope all that participated in bought and or home made fireworks didn't cause damage to themselves, property and animals yesterday.


Lights On

Big Beautiful Bertha filled

The Copper Tea Kettle is whistling

Morning sweets place on the side bar

I'll plug in our Jukebox

And play a few tunes shortly

But while I get my tunes together, here a interesting repost from History. I call what a year makes,

1775, July 5th

ContInental Congress adopts Olive Branch Petition.


On July 5, 1775, the Continental Congress adopts the Olive Branch Petition, written by John Dickinson, which appeals directly to King George III and expresses hope for reconciliation between the colonies and Great Britain. Dickinson, who hoped desperately to avoid a final break with Britain, phrased colonial opposition to British policy as follows: “Your Majesty’s Ministers, persevering in their measures, and proceeding to open hostilities for enforcing them, have compelled us to arm in our own defence, and have engaged us in a controversy so peculiarly abhorrent to the affections of your still faithful Colonists, that when we consider whom we must oppose in this contest, and if it continues, what may be the consequences, our own particular misfortunes are accounted by us only as parts of our distress.”

By phrasing their discontent this way, Congress attempted to notify the king that American colonists were unhappy with ministerial policy, not his own. They concluded their plea with a final statement of fidelity to the crown: “That your Majesty may enjoy long and prosperous reign, and that your descendants may govern your Dominions with honour to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere prayer.”

shifted. The militia that had fired upon Redcoats at Lexington and Concord had been angry with Parliament, not the king, who they still trusted to desire only good for all of his subjects around the globe.

This belief changed after King George refused to so much as receive the Olive Branch Petition. Patriots had hoped that Parliament had curtailed colonial rights without the kings full knowledge, and that the petition would cause him to come to his subjects’ defense. When George III refused to read the petition, Patriots realized that Parliament was acting with royal knowledge and support. Americans’ patriotic rage was intensified by the January 1776 publication by English-born radical Thomas Paine of Common Sense, an influential pamphlet that attacked the monarchy, which Paine claimed had allowed crowned ruffians to impoverish the nation and set it together by the years.


My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey

As promised

1st up

Happy Birthday America

Toby Keith

My America deserves more than One Day

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey

to spin into my next selection for TGIF

Crazy On You


Yeah, I'm still crazy on you America

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey

Next up

Heat Waves

Glass Animals

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey

And to close my trio

Cinnamon Girl

Neil Young & Crazy Horse. (1969)

May this song float to my love, in New Mexico.

My Cinnamon Girl.


Lion Out

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need