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Procrastinating: What should you be doing right now instead of being here?

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I should be writing, but I can't focus.

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

I should be doing homework lol, but this is much more entertaining
I should be getting ready for work!!!
Having a shower or getting some breakfast.
Should've been on half an hour ago, most likely waiting for him to be free. sad
Quote by adirtysecretboy
Looking for the lost sock the dryer ate....ahhh well i will do it tomorrow. smile

Find mine too please!! I will hold your spot
I should be writing tonight, but I can't focus on anything.
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
I should be doing some housework, but felt like getting on lush instead...
I should be doing some housework, but felt like getting on lush instead...
Should be cooking something for tomorrow...
I should be sleeping.
kisses, amy
I should be organising people to get more work done, but the sun is shining and I'm having a perusal and a sandwich smile
I should be sleeping right now but can't sleep
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
shit where shall i start lol..... i got the paint out to tidy the kitchen walls , and house work, i said i would wash the fllors after i did the walls.... ok I feel bad am going to get on with it.... just a quick read first xx
Sleeping but I couldn't sleep. So I am on computer surfing LUSH...checking pics and in Forum posting that:

I am watching "Ride The High Country" on tv. Came out in 1962 and I saw it at the movies then. It Starred Joel McCrea, Randolph Scott and Mariette Hartley. I was dating a girl that later became my first wife...and later my first divorce.
A determined person with perseverance can overcome many obstacles. They can, many times, perform better than those who are more intelligent, stronger and with better finances by determination and perseverance
I should be working on our monthly Financial report..Instead of Lushing...
Preparing my taxes.
I should be doing some wife.......... (Washing, Ironing, Fucking Etc) - sorry, it's my Chardonnay humour kicking in ?
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
Doing the work I brought home (I shouldn't bring work home in the first place, but as crazy as this week is being, it's the best chance I have to get it all done)

This is where I should be. Why else would I be here :P
I should be making dinner, tidying the house, doing laundry.......yet here I am!!
Don't tell on me
I should be sleeping. Oppps
Cooking my dinner
"Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love." Woody Allen

"I am willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong." Samuel Goldwyn
Sleeping but up on computer and watching Die Hard 2 on AMC tv channel.
A determined person with perseverance can overcome many obstacles. They can, many times, perform better than those who are more intelligent, stronger and with better finances by determination and perseverance