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Perseid's Meteor Showers tonight, and tomorrow night

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I"m going to go out tonight and lay back looking at the stars. Taking the camera in case I can figure out how to take better night shots. Having lived in Southeast Alaska for the last twenty years, I've missed seeing them. The stars, the meteors, all that sky stuff. Where I lived up there, the sky was cloudy most of the time, and those nights when it wasn't, it never really got dark enough to see anything of note.

Tonight I'm going out into the dark desert and kicking back and enjoying the show. I have Monday's off (three day weekends working four-tens) so this will be a good night. New moon, lots of sky, and the beauty of nature giving us a show.

Just a FYI.yaEXHbdWy1Ltc8eq
Sounds like a wonderful idea. I worked out how to get better shots with my digicam - there's a slow synchro option which is for night shots, plus standing it on a tripod.

You have a fancy SLR job don't you? A friend has just bought a Canon EOS 400 - takes incredible photos - telephoto lens as well. I might treat myself to something similar one of these days my ship comes in.

Have fun, take care - don't get abducted by aliens
Hope you get some great photos to share
The shower was great. I didn't have my tripod with me though, so I never took any pictures. I gave it a shot trying to catch one or so at a time, but that didn't work out at all. *sigh*

Oh well, maybe next year I'll remember 'everything' damn it.

It was great though. Stayed up until four AM watching then drove home. The wife and son slept as I drove and I was able to think about the whole night and the power of the universe in all it's splendid beauty.

yep. Good night for me.
Sounds like a great evening. Lovely to get out in the wilds and just stare at the stars occasionally. Makes you realise just how insignificant we are in the larger scheme of things.

Here's a few shots I found so people can see how beautiful it probably looked!:

Apparently 123 meteors were counted, but the poor british had a sky full of clouds and couldn't see squat