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People who use different/fake avatars?

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What's all this caper?

There's no such thing as a fake avatar. The word "avatar" means an icon or figure representing a particular person.

Now my avatar is a cat wearing sunglasses. It's a representation of my persona because I'm a cool cat.

Except for when I'm making an idiot of myself, in which case I'm a cool twat. Unfortunately I can't find any pictures of cool twats.

If anyone finds a picture of a cool twat, please email it to me.
I hate those people who use cartoon images and try to pass it off as themselves... Typing with hooves is oft a challenge...

On a more serious note, (as many have said) I find a person's avatar is merely a representation of themselves - whether it's a pic of them or something else.

The av is not a make or break for me unless they are falsly claiming that it IS them in the pic. Lies only get you so far in life.
Quote by theantelope
I hate those people who use cartoon images and try to pass it off as themselves... Typing with hooves is oft a challenge...

On a more serious note, (as many have said) I find a person's avatar is merely a representation of themselves - whether it's a pic of them or something else.

The av is not a make or break for me unless they are falsly claiming that it IS them in the pic. Lies only get you so far in life.

A person's avatar can be absolutely anything. It's just an icon that represents us in the forum.

But, no, I will admit, if someone is lying and falsely claiming a pic is of themselves, that would be dishonest and deceitful. Do people really do that on here? I can't see what a person stands to gain from that. Any ideas?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BiMale73

Don't cry, I was referring to the ones that use the stock red/white avatar. Yours is red/white, but has some class.
The Bee's Knees
Quote by theantelope
I hate those people who use cartoon images and try to pass it off as themselves... Typing with hooves is oft a challenge...

On a more serious note, (as many have said) I find a person's avatar is merely a representation of themselves - whether it's a pic of them or something else.

The av is not a make or break for me unless they are falsly claiming that it IS them in the pic. Lies only get you so far in life.

having been taken by this charlatan, i MUST stress, as a disclaimer, this is NOT in fact a typing moose. he's not even an ANTELOPE! when will my faith in random internet chatters be restored?!

Say. Her. Name.

Quote by honeydipped

having been taken by this charlatan, i MUST stress, as a disclaimer, this is NOT in fact a typing moose. he's not even an ANTELOPE! when will my faith in random internet chatters be restored?!

I would like to point out that there has been no proof one way or the other that said typing moose (who has a name by the way), isn't actually a moose or even some other ungulate-esque creature.

Perhaps we should take a look at some of our "syrup soused" friends and see if they, too, are in fact just regular human beings masquerading behind their avatars like the rest of us.

I have heard, though, that there are a fabled few that have a tendency to be wonderfully awesome... But can be kinda in your face about it too...

I would suggest that your faith may be restored by accepting us all for who we are... And maybe talking with those that may have deceived you to discover their true sentient form :P
My pic is actually me.... I guess I have lost my mind and felt like living on the edge for a while. Not sure how long I will keep it posted, though.

This is me, however, no problems with people using whatever avatar they want. I may change mine soon, but for now this is it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Weavindreams
Actually, as opposed to SOME of the "real things" I've seen, I PREFER phony avatars that represent an idea, or a theme. There IS a huge difference between a phony avatar and a phony profile. Besides, with a great many of the avatars around here, it's pretty easy to tell that it ISN'T really the member themselves. And, SOME of the others tell you on their profile (like one VERY GOOD FRIEND of mine) THAT IS NOT REALLY ME! So, I don't see any problem where an avatar is concerned. This IS after all...THE INTERNET! AND, the site is? A FANTASY SITE. So to me at least it's a nonissue.c3sthn49jT2WVd27
Oh and some of us get BORED with "the same old thing" and change our avatar every so often. As long as we don't confuse our friends too badly no big deal .

Good point Sprite (my post was already "in the works" when you made yours.)

Agreed lol
Active Ink Slinger
I just changed mine for the first time since joining. And, I kinda like the self expression. My avatars haven't been me and I have no problem letting people know should they ask.
I have no problems with avatars, except when your celebrities...its sort of ego'ish.
Like or not. It is risky showing yourself online. Only my best friends see the real me.
Active Ink Slinger
Mine that I use are all real, the only reason I have a problem with a avator that is fake, is that it's very misleading, some of them could almost pass for real ones and who knows maybe I'm wrong and some of them are really real, but the person should be upfront with the one that your chatting with...
None of my avatars are me.. It also says it on my profile, that none are me, if I am asked I tell them it is not me... Why lie about it. My background and avatar are changed as my mood changes.. which is often, unless I find one I really like, then I may keep in a while longer... I find it a lot of fun changing your avatars and background.. Just me...
I change them just to attract different people, and my mood... if I want someone to know what I look like they will... but the world does not need to know
Active Ink Slinger
My avatar is a selfie taken years ago. I've changed a lot since then.
If you want to see the real me, you'll have to friend me!
Quote by chicamala
I change them just to attract different people, and my mood... if I want someone to know what I look like they will... but the world does not need to know
Advanced Wordsmith
WHAT?! Kiera is not actually Scarlett Johansson?!?!

That's it, I'm leaving this site.