How am I perceived? Guess you should ask the people who have had any type of interaction with me instead... My opinion of myself really isn't important to anyone else...
Oversexed - and over here.
In real life you'd think I'm extremely modest , the perfect wife and mother who would never do the things I do on Lush.
I think it's hard for some people to understand how we can sort of get lost in our sexual appetites and occasionally spend way too much time on here.(but there's so much cool stuff). For me i consider it a hobby or an escape from reality. Quite often Lush is a needed break from real life's daily challenges. Is it any worse or better than the dude that plays 18 holes of golf 4-5 times a week? I don't pay any mind to what anybody thinks about it. Over the years maybe 3 people have tried it at my suggestion and only one i know of still cums around. We aren't doing any damage to society.
I think it's hard for some people to understand how we can sort of get lost in our sexual appetites and occasionally spend way too much time on here.(but there's so much cool stuff). For me i consider it a hobby or an escape from reality. Quite often Lush is a needed break from real life's daily challenges. Is it any worse or better than the dude that plays 18 holes of golf 4-5 times a week? I don't pay any mind to what anybody thinks about it. Over the years maybe 3 people have tried it at my suggestion and only one i know of still cums around. We aren't doing any damage to society.
I think it's hard for some people to understand how we can sort of get lost in our sexual appetites and occasionally spend way too much time on here.(but there's so much cool stuff). For me i consider it a hobby or an escape from reality. Quite often Lush is a needed break from real life's daily challenges. Is it any worse or better than the dude that plays 18 holes of golf 4-5 times a week? I don't pay any mind to what anybody thinks about it. Over the years maybe 3 people have tried it at my suggestion and only one i know of still cums around. We aren't doing any damage to society.
Gold hearted fun loving Aussie Angel
I don't know how I am perceived here, but I think of lush as an escape.. i have made a few good friends that I am close too and most I think would say I am pretty much who I am here are the same in rl. Im just as quiet here as I am in rl until I get to know them.
I think I am perceived by some as dark. But that is the opposite of who I am. I write about things that create shadows and I write about flowers in meadows. I am just a lucky guy with family and wife. Self employed and owner of a small bookshop.
I believe I am perceived to be a lousy Lush friend because most of the people that I send friend requests to, just ignore them and/or don't accept the friendship.
In real life, I am a take charge, go getter and on the go (Thanks to my job) but on Lush, I am more sensual, sexual and prefers others to take charge.
Sometimes, I wish my Lush side would be me in real life.
To some, I may be perceived as arrogant, but those are the people who cant stand truth. I let my writing expose my personality and people can decide for themselves.
i am very passionate in everything that i do, weather i'm at work, at home or kissing the dog, lol. Here i am stress free,unlike work but very lucky to love what i do. In real life i love to tease women in a nice and respectful way, it is so much more satisfying to be nice to the people around you. I think that with the people i have connected with here, they can easily feel that right away.
OMG, Lush has ruined my perception of reality lol
Judging from the feedback I get (and don't get), the membership perceives me positively, the mods negatively.