I don't even know how to process this. By now, i am sure people have heard about the shootings at Pulse, an LGBT night club in Orlando Florida. at present, 53 people have been confirmed dead, and over 50 wounded. one gunman - the motive is still unclear, but his father came out to say that he thought it was a hate crime specifically targeting gays.
right now, we, the gay community could use a whole lot of love and support, so maybe, just reach out and let us know that you're with us, and if you're not, right now is not the time to open your mouth and please, don't turn this into a fight over guns control laws, not today, not for a while, please.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
I'm coming to believe we must view such acts much like we do other natural disasters. We can't let them change who we are or how we live. We can educate and continue to show that we have love in our hearts, but beyond that there is little we can do. Building walls or dropping bombs on others won't solve the hate. Someone, eventually must show that we can rise above it.
I'm terribly hurt this morning. My heart is heavy with pain and part of me wants revenge against those who support such beliefs, but one can't find vengeance against a storm or earthquake. One can only rise again and mourn our loss. Our most effective means of combating this is to not allow it to change who we are.
An illness of hate befalls of some individuals. We must hold fast to principles that made America great. Don't hate on all who are not of your beliefs. Just wear freedom, proudly, crying for those who are not among us today.
Is it hatred? Or do we believe that because to think that a person can be wired so wrongly from birth is incomprehensible to us? Just an absolutely horrendous act.
This is terrible. I just saw it on the BBC news website.
D x
I have been watching the news. What a horrible thing that has happened. I just heard they said Isis is to blame. We live in a crazy world.
I feel so bad for all the families who have lost loved ones. I especially feel sorry for people who have died and have not "Come Out" to their friends and family. I can imagine there has to be some stories like that.
My heart breaks for all involved.
Here is a prayer:
O God, we pray for those who have been murdered on the streets of our city. We commit to your loving care those who have died, beseeching you to receive their souls into the mercy of your love. Comfort their loved ones who mourn. Enable them to meet the lonely and painful days ahead in the strength of your love. Let the love that you have made known to us lead us to create safer streets for all to walk upon. Amen.
This is just heart breaking to watch, I can't even imagine how America must be feeling, how the gay community are feeling having been targeted like this.
I wanted to write something profound but I can't find any words that I feel would give any comfort. Nothing can comfort the mother I just watched on the news sobbing because no one could tell her what had happened to her son, if he was alive or dead. It made me cry just imagining how that must have felt had that been my son and over 50 mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands were given the news that they would never see their loved ones again and over 50 more are waiting and hoping that their loved ones survive.
There is nothing I can say, there is nothing anyone can say. We can just watch in stunned silence at the destruction such hatred has caused. My heart aches for the loved ones of those who have been lost and my thoughts and prayers are with them.
To my gay friends I want you to know how much I love you all, such small mindedness and discrimination is abhorrent to me and although this seems such a small thing it's all I can do.
My children do not hate, I won't let them even use the word. My children do not discriminate in any way, they know not to. They don't treat anybody differently for any reason because I have taught them not to. The kids and I were watching the news and they asked what had happened so I told them, they asked me why he had shot all those people and I said because they were gay and they said but why mum? I said because he is one of those people who hate gay people, he thinks being gay is wrong and they said but being gay isn't wrong mummy there is nothing wrong with it...actually what my daughter Giorgia actually said was "but that's not right mummy there is nothing wrong with being gay, Rachel (sprite) is gay and she is really nice" I had to smile at that.
My children are not racist either, they understand also that Islamic State although Muslim are a minority and that it is wrong to blame all Muslims for what IS are doing as many people are.
Parents are responsible for teaching their children right from wrong, discrimination is wrong my children know this I hope more parents teach their children this, unfortunately many parents don't even teach their children basic manners let alone anything else but I do, it's all I can do.
I am so sorry for you all, I can't even imagine how frightening it must be for you all right now and it shouldn't be that way, it just shouldn't.
it saddens me and breaks my heart to think anyone could do such a thing. my condolences got to the families of the dead and injured.
It is a horrible thing. My heart is with the wounded survivors and the families of those who were killed. My prayers are with them.
When are you guys going to wake up and do something ABOUT gun control.
I don't like either of your impending presidents but I would vote for the one that does something about reducing the number of guns in the publics hands.
Could we respect Rachel's request not to make this about gun control, folks? I thought she was pretty clear on that point.
Hate and violence against any group has to stop. I live by a faith that has as its first principle "respect for the inherent worth and dignity of every person" and I wish the world could live by that principle. This event should, I hope, put some extra energy into Pride festivals this year. I would love to see them turn into peace marches and protests against this kind of violent hate. I know many in the local gay community through my church and my heart goes out to them and to those in Orlando who are suffering injuries or losses.
simple request, really. sad that no one seems to have the common decency to honor it. locked by OP. thanks, guys.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.