Now there's a woman after my own heart! lol
OMG, what the actual fuck?! So he only escaped when she fell asleep?! VERY NEARLY INSATIABLE!
"A nymphomatic who forced a man to have sex with her eight times has struck again." = Funny story
A man who forced a woman to have sex with him eight times has struck again. = Felony sexual assault.
Yea, I know. I'm a total killjoy.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates weird. just saw something like that on a lawyer show other day. she was giving them Viagra and drugs. no one would believe the guys when they came forward ... so it's that age old double standard again
To be fair, it's quite difficult to actually class this as when the guy was perfectly willing to go back to her house and shag her the first few's difficult for an outsider to tell where the line is. Unless there was mental or physical force involved then all he's suffered is a sore cock. I can't imagine how a 'normal' woman would manage to force a guy to have sex with her (here I mean without physical force or any kind of threats), maybe the daft guys just need to learn to say 'no', how to put on their trousers and get out the door quicker!
Who knows, but I don't think it's necessary to jump on this with 'double standards' comments surely? The idea was just to get a giggle out of the appalling journalism and unusual story. Whoever wrote this piece, by the way, should be hanged.
Hmm, a report in the Daily Mail?
That's a clear warning sign not to trust the story in all its details.
Actually, it would seem the story functions to uphold existing stereotypes, but that's a whole bloody lecture, and no-one wants to read that, do they?
I must be the only one who didn't complain or press charges.D9nsV4ZJc38MJy9z
OK...LittleBambi has rightly pointed out that the article was posted for a giggle and it has turned into some other sort of thread.
Now I gotta admit/confess to a lack of knowledge...personal experience or educational in just "how" the little blue pills work. Can you "force" an erection if the rest of the body says "NO...IT ain't gonna happen!". Unless there is/was some sort of chemistry/drugs/pills used, I just don't believe this story. to re-read the story again to see if I missed something
What again, is her home street address...and does she require assistance making bail?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
as much as I love making love to a woman that bitch would kill me but what a way to go
I once came 13 times in one day. My girlfriend at the time was insatiable. It wasn't torture in any way shape or form. I was 24 and I will remember that day for the next 50 years! Mind blowing sex all day.