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Name Sounds That Scare You

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What are some sounds that scare you?

For me, one that always scares me is the phone ringing at 3AM. Almost never a good thing!
Screeching tires when I am crossing through an intersection on my motorcycle.
A shotgun being racked or the click of a 9mm
The sound of the "death rattle" in someones throat. Because then I know someone is going to be hurt. Not the person that just died but, those that are left.
The sound of the phone in the early hours scares me too. It's never a sound of good news. Also, the screeching of tires when I'm driving. It usually means someone's done something wrong somewhere.
Quote by ElChupacabras
The sound of the phone in the early hours scares me too. It's never a sound of good news. Also, the screeching of tires when I'm driving. It usually means someone's done something wrong somewhere.

Texting or on the phone usually here in Florida anyway.
The sound of footsteps at night. Do not sneak up on me please it scares the shit out of me and I start throwing sharp objects over my shoulder.
Anything you think is sweet, I'm a little more than that.
when people drive while texting and driving
Fireworks haha I've got like dog hearing...or the freaking toaster popping. Almost piss my pants no matter how prepared I am for it lmao
I was fishing the other evening. Standing next to a brush pile on the bank which appeared to have been built by beavers.

As I was reeling in a cast that I'd made along the shore in the opposite direction from this crag of tree limbs and crap, some asshat fired off a malfunctioning skyrocket, over a hill a quarter mile away...on a quiet Sunday evening.

It sounded like an angry snarling spitting about ready to pounce, I dunno... territorial Monster Beaver in heat.

I almost shit in my Wranglers, til I heard the report & looked skyward. By that time I was already 30 feet away from the brush pile, cursing the scofflaw who'd launched the fireworks.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale
I was fishing the other evening. Standing next to a brush pile on the bank which appeared to have been built by beavers.

As I was reeling in a cast that I'd made along the shore in the opposite direction from this crag of tree limbs and crap, some asshat fired off a malfunctioning skyrocket, over a hill a quarter mile away...on a quiet Sunday evening.

It sounded like an angry snarling spitting about ready to pounce, I dunno... territorial Monster Beaver in heat.

I almost shit in my Wranglers, til I heard the report & looked skyward. By that time I was already 30 feet away from the brush pile, cursing the scofflaw who'd launched the fireworks.

Damn Dude, those beavers will bite your nipple off!

fire engines still freak me out a little. but the SMELL of wood smoke about does me in! i get clammy and shaky.
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Hearing"Oh Shit The Condom Broke" LOL

Or my daughters saying "Mom, Can We Talk"!
'Is it in yet?'
"I'm late...."

xx Steph
"We need to talk"

Whatever else you can come up with, hearing someone say that is waaaaaaaaay scarier. Especially if it's your other half or parent/kid. Makes me feel like I'm about to be trialed for manslaughter...
Phone call in the middle of the night...... never good news!

Or the fire alarm.. makes me cringe.......
My mom's special ringtone on my phone.

Shuffling under my bed at 3am.

falling sounds from inside my closet.

Someone knocking on my door after midnight.
The much feared backflushing and backflooding of a toilet - and you initiated the sequence
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Thunder (you never know how long inbetween you'll here the next crash, it makes me jumpy)
m80 fireworks (every 4th of July, they sound like they are outside of my window)
The music in horror films (It's never going to end well when the music comes in, someone's a goner)
Right so mine'll sound funny, but that first moment when you hear the ice cream truck because a lot of horror movies I've watched play kids songs. Freaks me the hell out. And after-midnight calls... and certain people's voices.

Before meeting the guy I'm currently with- so did the L word.
"Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States, Mitt Romney.". That will scare the hell out of me!
the sound of a bullet whistle by in combat
Site unseen, The sound of glass breaking. It always makes my eyes widen along with a duck and cringe.
Silence scares me.. the sounds you don't hear in the baby monitor so you keep getting up all night to check.. the waiting up straining to hear the car pull into the driveway so you know they are home safe.. or the laughter you don't hear when you know it's over.. I hate silence..
I would have to agree with the phone call at early hours. Usually is not good news.
Quote by Nikki703
Hearing"Oh Shit The Condom Broke" LOL

Or my daughters saying "Mom, Can We Talk"!

The first one is very funny!! Thanks for the laugh beautiful!

The second one: Yes, that scares me but I can't show it, you just have to "be there" for them.

How about the sound of your car alarm going off and you never set it, and don't know how to stop it!
I feel like the whole world is laughing at me (which they aren't---they want to kill me! LOL)
(from girlfriend) "I think I'm pregnant" -now that's scary!
noises without apparent origin scare me, like if you're trying to sleep and you hear a scratching sound, you go to investigate it, but it's gone and comes back when you give up looking/listening for it.

High pitched noises of a certain frequency give me the wig and make me feel anxious and very antsy, like I need to move around. They also make me feel physically sick. Given enough exposure to such a frequency, I'd likely soil myself and go actually bonkers, to the point where I'd need psychological or psychiatric help.