I'm only just waking up. Today has the potential to go a few ways, but I am expecting it to be rather meh. Meh is better than crappy and worse than okay. When I have woken up more, I shall know which it is.
I hope your meh dissolves into "I am having an awesome day because I am in it and I am awesome", kinky_girl.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.
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I'm meant to be cleaning.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.
********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
I've spent the day reading serious stuff... On the one hand it's made me feel a bit 'meh', but on the other, I've learned things which I hope will be helpful to me in the future...
Deadlines whooshing by...
I need my arse kicking....
Don't think I've ever felt so meh in my life as I do today.
I'm away with 7 other people at the moment. It was meant to be a nice relaxing break, just for three nights, at the end of our placements and before exams. We came up here yesterday and we go home Monday. I split up with my fiancé on Thursday and he's ill and isn't allowed to drink for eight weeks... So, having to come away with him on a drinking holiday isn't ideal to say the least. Add to that having to share a double bed with him and you have a weekend from hell.
So, yes, feeling incredibly meh and then he woke me up after I'd had like 4 hours sleep to ask me if I'd pulled last night while I was out... So now I'm tired too.
Luckily, I'm heading off out again tonight and I intend to get annihilated... Again. I hope it helps relieve my meh.
Sends over a massive baileys milkshake to shylass..sorry but I ate the chips hehe.
I have been meh for several days, and I hate it when I am meh and someone tells me to cheer up. Well if I could cheer up I wouldn't be meh would I? But now I dropped in here and all your meh seems to have absorbed my meh and I feel no mo meh and feel silly again. Except I have used your meh to help myself, without permission I may add, and that is making me all meh again. poo! Meh is back.
If you ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it.................Frank Lloyd Wright
I always practice obedience, when it's in my best interest.
i just want you all to know that reading all your MEH has me rolling on the floor laughing.....
that trumps ALL MEH!!!!!!!