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Meaningful Song Lyrics

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I was just listening to Faithless, "I hope" and one of the lines got to me.

It was, "I hope you never bury your children."

It really moved me for some reason.

Post a line from a song that touches you in some way.
"But can you save me...from the ranks of the freaks who suspect they could never love anyone."

from "Save Me" by Aimee Mann

Without getting into why, there's always been this part of me that tried to reject love, and knew that despite the unbelievable joy, comfort, and security that real love offers, it's safer to pretend that I'm just not eligible for it. Over time, you build a wall and isolate yourself with cynicism and hardened sarcasm, taking comfort in this notion that somehow you're too damaged and too wise to "fall for it" again.

And then you meet somebody who shines a light right through that seemingly solid wall, giving you a reason to believe, and disabusing you of this notion that you're unlovable and incapable of love. This song- and this line in particular- always inspires in me a defiant belief in the power of love in a world of emotional zombies and vampires.
Any time I hear "I Hope You Dance" by Lee Ann Womack;

I'm good until I hear the line, "I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean." It just puts a picture in my mind of actually being there, at the shore, and feeling that feeling. I think about the many times I've been awed by the majesty of world around me. The grand and the intricate, the evil and the righteous... the holy and unholy. I think of my own little part still yet to play as things unfold. I think of my kids, my grandchildren, potential great-grandchildren. Heartstrings loosen inside me, and when she says, "If you get the choice to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance!"

I dunno. Something gets all knotted up inside me and I can't talk for a while.
We're flying high,
We're watching the world pass us by.
Never want to come down,
Never want to put my feet back down on the ground.

from "Never Let Me Down Again" by Depeche Mode

I never heard this song until recently, but that section, which gets repeated in the song, always prompts a very vivid montage in my head. It's a series of drunken and high times in clubs, at house parties belonging to total strangers late at night, riding in a car not knowing where it's going, in bed with men I barely know, etc.

This is fitting, given that the song is about drug use, and the "best friend" referenced in the song is clearly the drug (probably Heroin, based on the choice of images and words), but for me, substance use is only part of the meaning. For me, it's more about a (seemingly endless) string of careless party moments which were carefree and spontaneous, but strangely, the emotions tied to them aren't necessarily joyful. They aren't really negative, either, I guess it's complicated, but I think anyone that "parties" will identify with that very vacant, thoughtless state of being that comes with late night intoxication, especially if it's in escape of the real things that we deal with in life.

This song brings those memories to the fore.
Well isn't this just a freakin happy place?

Just kidding everyone. I think we all have a song or lyric that does that to us. I usually try to stay away from them because I've shed enough tears over myself and the shit that I was dealt in the past. I'm trying hard to stay positive about the future. 2012 here we come!
I just heard a lyric from a song called Child by Grinderman, it touched me in a funny way "She's sittin' in the bathtub, sucking her thumb, 'cause she's a child". It just really made me laugh. A lyric that strikes a chord within me is "The thistle is a prickly flower aye, but how it is sweetly worn" from Prickly Thorn, But Sweetly Worn by The White Stripes, dunno why, but that lyric just gets to me.
"If I needed somone to love, you're the one that I'd be thinking of." -George Harrison
Take my hand I give it you
Now you own me, all I am
You said you would never leave me
I believe you, I believe

All Around Me- Flyleaf

~ Coco
Si la visa universal se extiende el día en que nacemos
Y caduca en la muerte, ¿por qué te persiguen mojado
Si el cónsul de los cielos ya te dio permiso?

If the universal visa is extended to us the day that we're born and ends the day we die, why do they persecute you " " if the council of the heaves already gave you permission?
let it go,
let it roll right off your shoulder
don't you know
the hardest part is over
let it in,
let your clarity define you
in the end
we will only just remember how it feels

little wonders- rob thomas
Beautiful soul - Jesse McCartney

' I dont want another pretty face, i dont want just anyone to hold, i dont want my love to go to waste. I want you and your beautiful soul'
I've had the phrase "such a long long time to be gone, and a short time to be there" playing in my head recently from a grateful dead song, but I think that's just because I've been feeling rather mortal lately.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
"People are people, so why should it be, you and I should get along so awfully."

WMM, turn off the "dude" once in a while, and just be.
So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
Cause i'm just trying to be happy

leona lewis - happy xx
There are at least a dozen songs that has a lot of meaning for me.

But for now it has to be Kelis - Lil Star

There is nothing special about me
I am just a lil star
If it seems like I'm shining brightly
It's probably a reflection of something you already are
I forget about myself sometime
When there's so many other around

There is nothing special about me
I am just a lil star
If you try to reach out an touch me
you'll see I'm not really that far
I may not be the brightest nor am I the last one you'll see

It is pretty much exactly how I see myself, I am the person I am thanks to the people that have been a part of my life. I'm nothing special. Just another being.
"But all dead soldiers look the same..."
From the Kink's "Some Mother's Son", because no matter what the cause, in war, you are killing someone's child.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
Rob Thomas, Little Wonders

Let it slide, Let your troubles fall behind you
Let it shine, til you feel it all around you
And I dont mind, if its me you need to turn to
We'll get by, its the heart that really matters in the end

My wife went through a really rough patch a few years ago with depression and then the sudden death of her father. Thought this verse said everything about the way I felt for her and how I was always going to be there for her. It still touches a nerve when I hear it on the radio these days...
Read All About It - Professor Green

I just wish you woulda reached out,
I wish you woulda been round when I been down.
I wish that you could see me now,
Wherever you are I really hope you found peace.
But know that if I ever have kids,
Unlike you I'll never let them be without me.

Just says something to me personally
I've long since retired,
My son's moved away

I called him up just the other day.

I said I'd like to see you if you don't mind
He said I'd love to dad, if I could find the time
But the new jobs a hassle and the kids have the flu
But it's been sure nice talking to you dad.
It's been sure nice talking to you..

And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me
My boy, he's just like me
He's grown up just like me...
--Cats in the Cradle By Harry Chapin

Sometimes I am amazed that parents can forget that their kids will grow up one day. When they do they will remember all the little hurts of their childhood.
The Story
Songwriter: Phillip John Hanseroth

All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am

Oh but these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true, I was made for you
"What on earth is going on in my heart
Has it turned as cold as stone
Seems these days I don't feel anything
Less it cuts me right down to the bone"

My Oh My - David Gray

He write the most beautiful songs, I'm a huge fan, and his lyrics speak to the soul.
"Or has your heart now been captured like a picture entrapped in a frame?"

'Pictures Of James', The Candyshop

xx SF
"Don't make me sad, Don't make me cry.... sometimes love is not enough. the road get's tough I don't know why. Keep making me laugh, Let's go get high...the road is long but you and I we were born to die"
Lana Del Ray - born to die
xX The Captain Xx
"How can i help it if i think you're funny when you're mad.Trying hard not to smile though i feel bad. I'm the kind of guy that laughs at funerals.can't undertsnad what i mean well you soon will. I have a habit of taking my shirt off"
Bare Naked Ladies - one week
xX The Captain Xx
Just about anything written by Leonard Cohen is meaningful, but this line speaks to me ....

"Well my friends are gone and my hair is grey, I ache in the places where I used to play ......"

From Tower of Song - listen to it if you get the chance - awesome
Quote by eviotis
WMM, turn off the "dude" once in a while, and just be.

If You Could Read My Mind, ©1969 by Gordon Lightfoot

If you could read my mind, love,
What a tale my thoughts could tell.
Just like an old time movie,
'Bout a ghost from a wishing well.
In a castle dark or a fortress strong,
With chains upon my feet.
You know that ghost is me.
And I will never be set free
As long as I'm a ghost that you can't see.

If I could read your mind, love,
What a tale your thoughts could tell.
Just like a paperback novel,
The kind the drugstores sell.
Then you reached the part where the heartaches come,
The hero would be me.
But heroes often fail,
And you won't read that book again
Because the ending's just too hard to take!

I'd walk away like a movie star
Who gets burned in a three way script.
Enter number two:
A movie queen to play the scene
Of bringing all the good things out in me.
But for now, love, let's be real;
I never thought I could feel this way
And I've got to say that I just don't get it.
I don't know where we went wrong,
But the feeling's gone
And I just can't get it back.

If you could read my mind, love,
What a tale my thoughts could tell.
Just like an old time movie,
'Bout a ghost from a wishing well.
In a castle dark or a fortress strong.
With chains upon my feet.
But stories always end,
And if you read between the lines,
You'd know that I'm just tryin' to understand
The feelin's that you lack.
I never thought I could feel this way
And I've got to say that I just don't get it.
I don't know where we went wrong,
But the feelin's gone
And I just can't get it back!
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Ok, meaningful as in powerful i'm guessing. So I'm going to have to say "It's not what you got it's What You Give/ It ain't the love you choose, it's the life you live"
Or basically every line of "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong.
"Stairway to Heaven"- a lot of meanings to the words
The Wall album by Pink Floyd has a ton of meaning and purpose
Dogs of War- Pink Floyd
"We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl" - Wish You Were Here
"And if while in the course of my duties, i perform an unfortunate take,
Would you punish me so unbelievebly so,
Never again will I make that mistake"
Gilbert O'Sullivan------------"Nothing Rhymed"
I will be
that angel you love inside the fairytale
Spread up my hands
become the wings to protect you
You must believe
believe that we can be like that in the fairytale
prosperity and happiness is the ending

Let's write our ending together

Translation of Tong Hua (Fairy Tale ) by Guang Liang