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Low Story Scoring

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Dear All

I have been getting a couple of low scores recently, I appreciate that my story is not to everyones taste, or possibly completely crap which is a tad upsetting. However, what is even MOREEEEEEEE upsetting is:

This is an ADULT site, by that virtue one would assume the readers/members were also adults. Adults come in various forms:
- The insecure adult: Who believes that they have no purpose in life and thus kick others down so they feel superioer
- The scared adult: Who has an opinion but doesnt believe others care, possibly re-enforced by some playground misery
- The balanced adult: One who wishes to compliment where due and criticise when it is necessary to help others, but if has nothing nice to say stays silent

It is obvious that by the amount of low scores given which are not followed by constructive feedback, that we have a few insecure and scared members amongst us. Or maybe some, who wish to exert their anger that I made them shoot their load so hard, it stained their carpet!

Please see this post as criticism that is necessary to help insecure and scared people become balanced

Personally, I think those that score 1-2 should be forced to make a comment or be unable to submit.
UK Born Pakistani Sex Stories Author. Writes about Reluctance/Manipulation.

So you only write for rankings? Why is it that you people need to fight over every single person liking your story. This isn't the eighth grade, there isn't some big conspiracy out to get you, write to write and you will get better. There are plenty of people out there who will offer criticism where it is warranted, granted most will not when you have to start a new crying post everytime you get a bad story review.

Plus I can't remember how many great authors when being interviewed for their new book say, " I wrote it cause the money was good." Instead of "I wrote it because I love to write."
People ARE forced to comment when a score of 1 is given.
yeah and now that isn't good enough she thinks they should need to do it for the 1 and 2 scores. As in fashion 2 is the new 1. If it needs to be changed why not just change the scoring method to only have the option of voting 5 points just to cut to the chase when the score of 3 or 4 isn't good enough without feedback.
Quote by OrionTat
So you only write for rankings? Why is it that you people need to fight over every single person liking your story. This isn't the eighth grade, there isn't some big conspiracy out to get you, write to write and you will get better. There are plenty of people out there who will offer criticism where it is warranted, granted most will not when you have to start a new crying post everytime you get a bad story review.

Plus I can't remember how many great authors when being interviewed for their new book say, " I wrote it cause the money was good." Instead of "I wrote it because I love to write."

How do you propose people will "get better" if what they are not given feedback on what they needing to improve on

No, I dont write for rankings, I write as I want people to enjoy, when they havent enjoyed I would like to know why. I do write becuase I enjoy, but i PUBLISH to gain feedback and adult views on my content, if i just did it for solely needing to type, I would save it on my USB stick and leave it private

If people dont feel criticism is warranted than dont score, but to score lowly without having the guts to back that action with a comment to me is gutless.

I hope you werent implying that I have made a habit of "crying" as I dont believe I have raised this point before. So whoever you are referring to as "you people" cant be me. As for the conspiracy..... WTF was that about?
UK Born Pakistani Sex Stories Author. Writes about Reluctance/Manipulation.

Yes it is a rule now. And besides...I just took a look at your stories and you rarely get scored lower than a 3. You have good comments and praises....Look at that, not the one or two low votes you actually did get a while back. You have a lot of high scores. Forget about the finicky few or it will drive you crazy.

Your average story score is 4+ on most of them...Not something I would be complaining about.
Quote by OrionTat
As in fashion 2 is the new 1. If it needs to be changed why not just change the scoring method to only have the option of voting 5 points just to cut to the chase when the score of 3 or 4 isn't good enough without feedback.

Is this Lush's version of grade inflation?
Quote by Lil_Birdie
Yes it is a rule now. And besides...I just took a look at your stories and you rarely get scored lower than a 3. You have good comments and praises....Look at that, not the one or two low votes you actually did get a while back. You have a lot of high scores. Forget about the finicky few or it will drive you crazy.

Thank you - thats really sweet

I am not a professional writer, I actually find it fairly hard to write consisely as I miss words and my grammar... huh whats grammar? As for the content, it is pure fantasy, thoughts that I am way too inhibited to share with anyone in real life. Writing it in a story allows it to be unleashed and having people enjoy but also not judge makes you feel less guilty for thinking it - infact I get a buzz when I get good feedback as the guilt turns to acceptance

I guess I am over-sensitive when I get the "occassional" bad score, however the "balanced adults" have the decency to PM me or chat on the Lush Chat about what it was that didnt work for them. When I wrote chapter 4 of my current story I included alot of the feedback I got from two LushFriends who were... blunt but honest.

There was one female who chatted to me, not liking the theme - but when I told her to not read reluctance stories if it offends her, she was ok. I hate the thought of , infact it infurates me so.... I dont read it. If I am getting low scores becuase I am politically offending people, then they shouldnt read.
UK Born Pakistani Sex Stories Author. Writes about Reluctance/Manipulation.

You're welcome. You just need to remember that you can't win everyone. Everyone gets a buzz when they get high scores...I think that is just a given.
Quote by Lil_Birdie
You're welcome. You just need to remember that you can't win everyone. Everyone gets a buzz when they get high scores...I think that is just a given.

I agree. I've had great scores and I've had not great scores. You can't please everyone and you shouldn't bother trying.
Here is an alternate approach to people who vote a two. Imagine them sitting there reading your story. When they get to the end they say to themselves, "OMG! This is one twisted woman!!", and they score a two because they are afraid to admit that what they just read made them jizz all over themselves.
Quote by Lil_Birdie
Here is an alternate approach to people who vote a two. Imagine them sitting there reading your story. When they get to the end they say to themselves, "OMG! This is one twisted woman!!", and they score a two because they are afraid to admit that what they just read made them jizz all over themselves.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Awww fankooo for making me feel better!
UK Born Pakistani Sex Stories Author. Writes about Reluctance/Manipulation.

I have nothing to add over Lil_Birdie's comments.

Other than nice boots
I'm thinking we should take the vote feature out all together. Would keep people from getting their panties in a twist when someone doesn't like their writing and would stop all the complaining. We had someone else go on about the voting a short while back. (don't remember who)
Could just leave # of views as in story threads. Leave comments so that if someone wanted to say something about the story they could. Then the author could see how many people stopped on the story either to read or comment on it and then leave it at that.
Well said Birdie.....
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Are you assuming only the people in the forum are voting on your stories, FD?
The majority of people on this site would probably be readers rather than authors. I'd guess they're mostly here for their own enjoyment, not necessarily to help writers improve their craft. If they're expecting to be turned on by a story and they feel the writer didn't achieve that goal, they score accordingly. Rather than giving a detailed critique, they just move on to the next story.

Although, I think there's something to your theory that some people score a story low because they enjoyed it TOO much!
What? People rate stories? *heehee*

Actually, I do think your "ads" on each one of your posts kinda scream (give me ratings, read my stories) but then I could be just reading them wrong. Honestly I write just because I love writing. Seriously. No really...damn it, I'm being honest here...Ok fine...I'm a rating whore but still, I think if you write for ratings or reviews or popularity you are on a one way ticket to failure. Rejection letters WILL come in by the score, you'll put up paintings in galleries and watch not a single one sell, it's just part of being a creative. The question is, will you get better?

Honestly I LOVE this site and all the really cool people here. I haven't had the chance to get thrown down in the gutter yet but my latest story is bombing pretty hard and I thought it was pretty dang good. I do think ya always have to keep in mind the audience. I think there are a few people here that like stories, good stories and if you make a few friends, meet a few cool people and share some good times, isn't that what life is really about?

I'll read your story...hell I haveta, you've got that big HUGE ad over, and over, and over, and over, and....
Lol @ satyr

Got your comment, hmmm maybe you are right with that chapter, not good at writing romantic characters!!
I have just read some of your stuff, you reallllllllllly described the characters, where i possibly over describe the situation

Have tried to incorporate in part 6
UK Born Pakistani Sex Stories Author. Writes about Reluctance/Manipulation.

Quote by xXxFuckDollxXx

How do you propose people will "get better" if what they are not given feedback on what they needing to improve on?

I do see criticism made in a comment,
which you chose to ignore and/or just keep repeating.
Quote by xXxFuckDollxXx
Quote by Lil_Birdie
People ARE forced to comment when a score of 1 is given.

Is it? I didnt realise as I have never scored anyone a 1 or a 2!

Really? Let's think about this for a moment. The range is 1-5; 3 is an average story. Are you seriously telling me that you have never read a below average story on this site? Cause if that's the case, we're clearly not reading the same stories! Maybe before you bitched that the people rating you a two are gutless, you should have given some thought to the fact that you don't have the stones to tell someone that something they wrote just wasn't all that good.

I don't recall ever reading any of your stories, but if and when I do, I'll make sure to give you some honest feedback.
I havent scored people low as I take into account the effort they make and their taboos

Where i have scored a 3, it is because the story made sense but done nothing sexually for me. However, the reason i dont score low is unlike some, i dont read romantic/ and then score low as it did nothing for me, as i know romance and wouldnt tingle me to begin with.

For clarity, I didnt "bitch" as bitching is done behind peoples backs, i made a statement openly as i have the "stones" to do so and I stick by that statement, even though birdie made me realise that you cant please everyone!
UK Born Pakistani Sex Stories Author. Writes about Reluctance/Manipulation.

Actually, to bitch, as a verb, simply means to complain - usually understood to be excessively or without just cause. It has nothing to do with being behind people's backs. Unwarranted complaining, such as:

"It is obvious that by the amount of low scores given which are not followed by constructive feedback, that we have a few insecure and scared members amongst us."

A bitch of a comment followed by Birdie's response that

"you rarely get scored lower than a 3. You have good comments and praises....Look at that, not the one or two low votes you actually did get a while back. You have a lot of high scores. Forget about the finicky few or it will drive you crazy. Your average story score is 4+ on most of them...Not something I would be complaining about."

Seems fair to call what you did bitching. Whining. Griping. Pick your synonym, if you have some oposition to the word bitch. Ooh, that would have been a good place for a comma; I could have said "if you have some opposition to the word, bitch." Wouldn't that have been funny? Isn't grammar awesome? Perhaps you can offer me some constructive criticism now on how to play nice on the playground. Or score my comment a 3 because it didn't tingle you.

To everyone else... apologies for being so abrasive, but this bitching about the scores is obnoxious, and a further symptom of our absurd societal obsession with making sure that no one gets their feelings hurt, and that everyone does well at whatever they want to do.
Quote by xXxFuckDollxXx
If u found it "obnoxious" why read?

How was I supposed to know it was obnoxious before I read it? I don't consult a psychic before each new thread that I click on. And obnoxious comments sometimes deserve responses too, you know.

Nic, you are great!