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Keeping Your Mouth Shut or Speaking what is on your mind.

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Active Ink Slinger
most of the time I just keep my mouth shut
Active Ink Slinger
Professionally - I have to keep my mouth shut in many areas of my job, oh man would I love to really open my mouth to my CEO once. Personal - I always speak my mind which many people do not like and have caused some issues, but I refuse to be fake and anything but genuine and honest.
Brown Sugar
While my mind is constantly observing, processing, analyzing, and over-analyzing, I've found it wise to keep my mouth closed on many issues. I speak up when I'm passionate about an issue or simply when something needs to be said.

It really isn't necessary to chime in all the time. Silence, in and of itself, speaks volumes.
Active Ink Slinger
I used to keep my mouth shut, but about two years ago, I had a very close call medically. It really changed my perspective on putting up with BS.
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I speak my thoughts when I see or hear idiocy warble what is pure nonsense...common sense a rule of thumb to me.
Active Ink Slinger
I usually keep things bottled up til they reach the boiling point, and with that you better watch out...
I usually keep my mouth shut but push the right buttons and will go off with it...
if i can't say something nice will usually keep my mouth shut but if you piss me off watch out
Advanced Wordsmith
Over the years I've had a tendency to speak my mind. It always seems like a good idea at the time, but....
Active Ink Slinger
I've always been one to speak my mind, although it usually gets me in trouble. Just recently I did that and I wish I had shut my big yap. Sometimes it's for the best to just let things go. It's not worth causing problems or losing friends over. I guess the old axiom "Look before you leap" should apply whenever I think I need to speak my mind. It would save me a lot of heartache.
It is humorous that the main greeting in the USA is "how are you doin." It's humorous because people ask it but don't really want to know. If some one actually tells you then you brand them as weirdo. What I'm saying is that socially there is a time to be honest and a time to shut your mouth.

I knew this girl that was stunning to look at with the body of a goddess, but when she opened her mouth she was caustic and whiny to a point she was unattractive. It made you want to stuff your cock in her mouth to just shut her up. I know guys the same way. Self absorbed assholes. I think there are times all of us regret opening our mouths.

I remember there was a couple that I knew were trying to gave a baby and I had not seen them in a few months. I invited them over for a BBQ and greeted them at the door. She had a big belly and was wearing a a loose pregnacy top. I said congratulations! When are you do? ... She glared at me and said "I'm not pregnant." Handed me the wine they brought and ran out to the car crying.
Active Ink Slinger
Depends on the situation, but most of the time I speak what's on my mind.

Some times, I know when to use some discretion...

Active Ink Slinger
I usually make an effort to be diplomatic but sometimes... well you know how it goes.

One problem is sometimes people ask you a question when they really just want you to agree with them. Also, I would much rather deal with a person who speaks their mind, even if they are offensive or ill informed, than someone who is passive aggressive.
Active Ink Slinger
That was my problem all my life, saying what I was thinking. Cost me a lot of jobs and friends. sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut. Now I'm to old to give a shit, so say what I want to.
Active Ink Slinger
I was in public education for 18 years and often found it politically correct to keep my mouth shut. However, I often found that to be impossible and subsequently paid the price for it a few times. That being said, if you disagree with something or someone, and it's important to you, then stand the fuck up and tell it like you see it! Otherwise, sit there, keep your mouth shut and don't bitch about the outcome.
Active Ink Slinger
I was in public education for 18 years and often found it politically correct to keep my mouth shut. However, I often found that to be impossible and subsequently paid the price for it a few times. That being said, if you disagree with something or someone, and it's important to you, then stand the fuck up and tell it like you see it! Otherwise, sit there, keep your mouth shut and don't bitch about the outcome.
Depends on who I am with.
Active Ink Slinger
There is a time and a place for both.
In business meetings I adopt the latter. I don't always make a lot of friends but I do get a chance to put down people who treat me as a female bimbo. They soon learn this girl has balls (at times) and a brain. They will never see any other of my female attribute I can assure you.
Advanced Wordsmith
It's not a good thing to keep things bottled up. You really need an outlet for that.

It may have shocked whoever it was because you've never spoken up before, but we all have our breaking points.

Always speak your mind, but always try your best to be tactful about it. Be smart, think things through. Don't let your mouth write a check that you can't cash. But always speak your mind.
Active Ink Slinger
Somewhere in my adulthood I became a plainspoken witch (You know). I don't for sure when it happened, or why it happened. But I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut about things, especially stupid things. Oh, I can bite my tongue when it is necessary (tho there were times when i had to make myself leave the room). But if someone comes into my home and starts going on and on about something insanely stupid, my mouth opens and words fly out before I even realize what I was thinking. I'm not really a witch, and I am considerate of what others think and feel. But when a person starts talking about how the gov. has cameras in there cable box and spies on them, well that sort of thing sets me off and my mouth opens. Most of the time, I speak what is on my mind.
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Everything has a time and place................... however, to believe in something and stand behind ur words is most important
I speak what is on my mind. Keeping your mouth shut does not do yourself any good.
Active Ink Slinger
It depends on the situation. Although typically when I speak my mind, I speak the truth even when it's hard to hear. Common sense and logic is lost on a lot of people, so I end up wishing I had just kept my mouth shut.
Problem is that people who routinely bottle everything up have a higher incidence of mental illness, cancer and suicide.... so it can be harmful. An alternative stress relieving technique would be helpful for people who have that natural disposition.
Some people have absolutely no insight as to the effect they have on others. In my experience it is usually best to confront such people by patiently and politely reflecting back the effect they are having. Of course hierarchy can sometimes prevent that from happening.
Diplomacy is always better than a full scale fight, but quiet firm determination is a force to be reckoned with for most people.
Lastly, I will always confront political correctness with wit or gentle sarcasm because it is one of the worst forms of tyranny.
Story Verifier
Wisdom is knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
The Bee's Knees
entirely depends on the situation! sometimes you need to know when to keep your trap shut

Say. Her. Name.

I quite often hold one conversation out loud and a completely different one in my head. I've learned that voicing my true opinion is not always appropriate.
Active Ink Slinger
i am what i call bruettly honest i say what i feel or think
I hesitate, bite my lip and don't jump to any conclusions at first. Just me and experience.