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Is it cheating if you're married and having an online "sex" partner?

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What do you think?
oh ... these answers should be good .... I think I'll watch this thread closely!!

I think so because it isn't physical but it's a real person responding.
Maybe, maybe not, but it sure feels a bit like cheating.
We have very many threads on cheating and a general idea seem to be that if you have to do it behind your partners back, no matter what it is, then it's considered cheating.

If it's the same person that you have sex with over and over again, online, I'd say it's more cheating than if you change the sexual online partner. It doesn't make you as attatched to the person online and will lower the chance of getting emotionally involved with a different person than your partner.

Here are some links that already take up this subject that you might want to read.
I think it's important to share something like this. If you talk about it maybe he/she might like the idea and you could do something like that together.
If you're doing it behind someone's back and being all secretive then it makes it seem like cheating.
Thanks...going to read that post..I jsut thought this would be a interesting discussion
Really I don't think it IS cheating....

The wording of your post is interesting.... You say "an on-line sex partner..."

It's only cheating if there's a considerable degree of emotional involvement....

Otherwise it's just a like-minded person helping you to have a more interesting wank....

From The Land Of Joyce, O'Neill, Wilde, Bernard Shaw, Swift and Beckett....


Haven't had a sex partner online.
I do think that one has to be careful and not let it get to carried away.
I can also see where doing so could become very addictive.
I have a partner who has no desire to ever have sex again,
dont know what menopause did to her?
So I think by being online and having an affair, I would be being more fair to her
than acctually finding someone in real life to have an affair with.
I would think that if a woman or a man could differentiate between what is in the present and what is in cyberland and it was agreed apon to be ok with your spouse then it should be safe. with that being said if one were to take it too far and start meeting with the other person or become emotionally attached then maybe it should be cut off.
i tend to agree that the number one thing is whether or not your partner knows about it.
second would be whether you stick to one partner on-line and make some sort of emotional connection vs just being a slut or horn dog and having cyber with many partners.
Yes. It is cheating, in my opinion when it involves sex. Even if the two people are just serious about each other, and exclusively decide to be together, it is still cheating.
Quite simply, to me YES.

But it will depend on the dynamics in your particular relationship. But if you have to ask....
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I think so because you are spending emotional time with someone other then your spouse and I just wouldn't do it.
Believe in yourself and all things are possible
yes since your married like as your vow to be loyal and bond by love.

if you have online sex partner even though don't do physically but emotional and in you mind your cheating
i think it is. thats how ive always seen it anyway.
Yes, unless the husband/wife knows about it and is ok with it, but otherwise, yes its cheating
I'd say it is cheating, although you're not doing anything physical it can still hurt your partner. Better to either not do it, or check with your other half first to see if they're alright with it.
Well I'm not sure, let me send a email to cliton and see what he says.
we have an agreement lay on line but never go hook up, keeps it interesting
Not if you don't get a cyber S.T.D.5Jyc0nGQhQEZBkeX

Ok, so say you are married, and the husband as it turns out is very traditional and beyond vanilla. Also consider that the wife has talked to the husband about certain desires she has, things that really get her going. These things make the husband uncomfortable and he refuses to even try. So wife goes online and finds an outlet for her sexual frustration in the form of cyber sex. Is it still cheating?
Really, sex and laughter do go very well together, and I wondered - and I still do - which is more important.
In some cases yes and also depends on the situation like if the husband has checked out and in love with drinking and drugs
This is a tough question because can it be considered in court as infidelity an used as a reason for divorce. I think not so I would say from a legal stand point No. From a moral stand point if you are doing it behind your spouses back and deliberatley lying then Yes
mmmm well difficult one depends on your real partner how they would feel and how often you do it
This is a very tough question to answer...not. But i am a online sex is great.
yes its cheating but if you told your partner... its not... easy
i don't think so
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X