My wonderful bf proposed today!
Congratulations. When is the happy day? Hope you're as happy after 40 years as my wife and I. Good luck!
May god Bless you and your husband to be ...may you find love stronger as eash day goes by and trust grow ...togather .....understanding...und compermize ...Congratulations!
lernen und einander lieben.
Congratulations! Wishes of many happy years to you both!
I presume that the fact that it's Mother's Day (in the U.S., at any rate) is merely a coincidence. He's one lucky dude!
This is brilliant, brilliant news, Jess. I'm absolutely thrilled for you. Can't wait to hear more details!! Congratulations!!
Congratulations! Remember to always communicate, remain honest, forgive easily, love deeply and laugh often. Life is short so always make each day the very best it can be. The absolute best advice I can give you as someone who's been there and learned a thing or two...never EVER take each other for granted. Good luck!
That's wonderful. Congratulations and best of luck!
Congratulations! I hope you will have a great life together.
My wife & I just recently celebrated our 2 year anniversary.
aww, congrats!! i'm a bit slow on the uptake and just saw this today!! i'm so happy for you - that's lovely news.
Too bad! Now we won't be able to get together as much!
Congratulations and good luck!
Congratulations! Best wishes!!
Thank you everyone! We've not set a date yet as we need to balance finding a venue, our photographer friend being available, etc etc. Very excited though!