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How did you first discover you liked reading sex stories?

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started when i was very young (preteen) reading penthouse stories. found lush by accident while doing a search for erotic stories.
Bouncing is what Tiggers do best!!!!! So can i make you bounce?
Before the internet there was Penthouse magazine. They began publishing erotic stories in their "Letters to the Editor" section, and quickly discovered they were popular, and thus spun off Forum and Penthouse Variations magazines. I found those letters reading the magazine, and found the stories, at least the good ones far hotter then the pictures simply because the good ones took me inside th head of someone having actual sex.

Which wasn't doing back then. Dammit.
I agree, penthouse, plus the photography was much more sensual,
I'd read the stories in porn mags and like them but it was really when a good female friend of mine wrote down the dreams she's been having about us that I really got into them
When I was 18 I discoverd a wonderful place (no longer there) called Charlie's News Stand in Winter Haven, Florida. It had adult magazines in the back, and as with any new and "forbidden" thing you suddenly have access to I blew the majority of a couple of pay checks there, getting magazines of every size, description and fetish to "try on for size". I ended up buying about four "Letters" magazines on My first visit, and right away I was hooked. I would go to My best friend's house and sit around with the TV volume low as Myself and whoever else happened to be there took turns reading the stories out loud. Some were hot, and some were funny, and every chance I had I added to My collection, making "Charlie" a very happy magazine vendor.

It was not until I discovered online stories that I found anything to match the joy and fun of those old letter magazines. Most novels in adult book stores were senseless and not very well written, although there was always the erotica section of most book stores but sometimes those are pretentious and boring. My series of Watching April stories has been heavily influenced by the format of those "Dirty Letter" magazines, and I still occasionally pick one up when I find one.

-Master Vyle
I was 14 and found a book of erotic stories in my mothers dresser. I use to take it into the bathroom and sit on the side of the tub and touch myself. I learned allot about self satisfaction over the years.
Great forum question! And speaking of forum.....when I was young....10 maybe 11....I built a fort in the garage only to find one OD the cardboard boxes was dilled with my dad's penthouse forum magazines ......I would read them and remember being really excited, but didn't masturbate until 12 yrs old when I found erotic books in my moms drawer ......I remember the main character was Christina those got me going! It was a whole series with many books! Man do I miss them!
"Sometimes you have to believe in someone else's belief in you before the belief in yourself kicks in" ~Les Brown
my mom had magazines called True Confessions. i used to read them when she wasn't home and now that the web is available i look for erotic stories to read when i'm alone
Discovered my older sisters magazines - they were True Confessions for black women. And she also had some books with graphic sex in them. I loved reading them.

During the whole of my 20s I was very religious and I would feel guilty about the stories I wanted to write because they had sex. A big part of myself was stifled. I would sneak and read erotic stories online, and have intense, detailed sex dreams. It's years later and I indulge very much in porn and erotica, as well as create my own stories.
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when i was found sexy adult dating partner for fun at this site, this site through find some erotic adult dating story, i was read it. i think this type of story for some fun and excitement.
i started reading playboy when i was real young, 8 or 10, loved the stories and the pistures, been reading ever since
When I got out on my own, had a job, I subscribed to Playboy. Enjoyed the pics but there were very few really erotic stories. Then I discovered Forum magazine, which had "letters to the editor" -- all terribly dirty erotic stories. They drove me nucking futz! I would read each issue until I wore the pages out. I was in the process of leaving "church" and those stories gave me such a wonderful sense of being sinful.
You've been a bad girl! Now take your pajamas off and go to my room!
I was 11 or 12, home sick from school. I've always been an avid reader, and Mom had a romance novel next to the sofa. I started reading out of boredom, then suddenly I found the sexy parts! Next thing I knew I was rubbing up against the cushions of the sofa...and that led to my first orgasm! After that, I found anything I could read that might even hint of sex! The high school library had a book called The Tin Drum that I checked out a few times. Then of course, I found a Penthouse in the woods. In college, I would buy Penthouse Forum. Then I started writing my own stories. The best sex is in the mind.
When I was 14 I found my moms romance novels, now not all of them had detailed erotic love scenes and the first ones I read were those few.... but by the time I turned 15 I read one where it was so explicit so intense I stopped reading it for a few days. I was so confused... but eventually I picked it back up hehe you knew I would.... and that was my first time touching myself... anyways... I started reading books to find the love scenes I ended up reading 532 books that year I turned 15.... I havnt read an erotic story since I turned 16 1/2. But last month my co worker introduced me to lush stories.... and my addiction has bloomed anew.... nothing gets me hotter than reading and picturing what is happening on paper ......
I would say about 13-14, pic up my first one from a drug store, have been reading them ever since. But Lust is the tops in story telling.
My parents had a collection of Harold Robbins paperbacks; "The Pirate", "The Carpetbaggers", etc. They also had "The Sensuous Woman", "The Story of O" and a couple of other racy novels of the 70's. I spent time reading the "good parts" of these books when I was 11 or 12, and I was a fan of erotic writing ever since. A friend had some Beeline Publication books which were very poorly written VERY crude stroke books, but 13 year old Syd was a big fan. Looking back, my mom and Dad were pretty cool...
I read a porn paperback as a kid and it really excited me, even though I didn't really know the deal. After that, I liked them. Discovered them online again a few years ago and really enjoyed them.
One of my friends left a porn magazine at my house because she couldn't keep it at her house. I was bored one day so i started flipping through the pages. Then I figured might as well just go on the internet, there's probably plenty of free stories there, and now i'm here
I found a bunch of Penthouse magazines with stores in them when I was a younger. I loved reading them and the way it made me feel.
I found a book as a little girl in my fathers nightstand...i'll never forget the first page i read.a woman was spreading peanut-butter on her clit for her dog to lap it off-although this is not my thing i don't think i've ever been so aroused. I do believe this was the first time i got myself off! Haven't been able to get enuff of erotic stories or the pleasure of gettin my self off ever since!
I would sneak my older brother's Penthouse magazines out from under his bed and I always found the fourm stories as interesting as the naked women.
My dad had a collection of Playboys years ago, I used to read them from cover to cover (covertly of course) I was about 13. That's when I also discovered I loved to gaze beautiful women and let my imagination wander
when my aunt gave me a book of sex story. and read it for cover to cover that was when i found out reading about it turned me on as much or more then seeing it.
Ive always loved reading. Bout five years ago my sister-in-law handed me my first Mills & Boons book and had been reading them since. Though as time pass, I was finding the stories were missing something for me personally lol Im happy to say, two years ago I found Mills & Boons erotica story online and have been reading them until just recently. It was Jan 2011 that I will decide to branch out and explore what was out there. Lush was one of five sites I will visit to get my fill of erotic stories. Over the previous months Ive begun to visit Lush more than the others. Bout a month ago I noticed the forum icon on site but never did anything bout it. Well as you can see I have entered to world of Lush. To do it justice I had decided on entering the chatroom and go from there. Three weeks and a bit I registered and bout a week ago I private messaged. As of yesterday, Ive fallen in love with forum lol that's about it for my story lol thats all folks, e

'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

Used to be a book dealer and occasionally stocked erotica, but found most of it absolute crap. However, bought a load of Laurell K. Hamilton's books at a charity shop and got hooked. I found her writing a real turn on and ended up keeping the books rather than adding them to our stock. Years later I joined a UK based site and started writing stories for the forums and reading other peoples. Then I started looking to improve my style and discovered this site.
reading stories in porn mags, started looking online and found here
Years ago a friend gave me a copy of "A Man with a Maid"--that Victorian classic about seduction and lesbian . That did it! After that, I was really into Penthouse letters. Still later, I discovered (somehow), M.S.Valentine's Celia series. But now that there is Lush, what could anyone want besides? The repertory seems endless, enticing, yet I always want more and more.
I was so young but i found some porn of my brothers in our bathroom and flipped through it and stopped to read a story about a housewife who liked to tease her neighbor by not wearing panties under her sundresses so when she would go outside to hang up laundry to dry she would bend over and give him a great view of her "tight little c**t". I'm genuinely shocked how much i remember its been at least ten years!

If your knees feel weak, then my work here is done
I was so young but i found some porn of my brothers in our bathroom and flipped through it and stopped to read a story about a housewife who liked to tease her neighbor by not wearing panties under her sundresses so when she would go outside to hang up laundry to dry she would bend over and give him a great view of her "tight little c**t". I'm genuinely shocked how much i remember its been at least ten years!

If your knees feel weak, then my work here is done
Got into an adult store when i was a little under age. Bought a very dirty novel and the rest is history. The written word is still very powerful, and good jerk off material.