Aussies have a day?! I thought they had 365 just like the rest of us!
Seriously, I FUCKING LOVE Australia! I would move there in a heartbeat! But they are mean and keep the rest of us out by only being open one day a year!
Oh sorry, that's not what it's about. God...what is Australia day about? Is it like Canada day where everyone looks at a map and tries to figure out what Canada has ever done for the world?
Ok, I'm stopping now...but seriously...LOVE Australia. People are amazingly nice... even the woman who was really mean to me when I was there and tried to imitate the Croc hunter. (this was before he died). Here is what she said, "Oh, we all talk like we are from the country do we?" and then turned around and was all pissed. Ummmm...hello! I didn't even know there was a "country" accent in Australia! Fuck, I just flew 27 hours to fucking get to your country and you can't even recognize that I'm from the fucking country?!
I'll have a word with customs next time you're heading over this way.
The worst I've encountered is in New Zealand. The custom's people were blatantly rude, and then they force you to pay departure tax to leave the damn place. It's wonderful for a holiday destination if you love your geology / vast landscapes, but a lot of the people do seem to have quite a "chup" on their shoulders about something I can't fathom.